Surg Anes Flashcards
Which muscles relaxant block muscarinic receptors? Which is most potent?
Succinylcholine D-Tubocurarine Metacurarine Pancuronium Galamine Atracurium Mivacurium
Galamine ++
Formula for length
length = (age/12) + 12
A Grade 3 score under Cormack and Lehane classification anticipates that intubation is:
a. not difficult
b. fairly severe
c. slightly difficult
d. impossible by direct laryngoscopy only
b. fairly severe
Mivacurium is a short actin benzylquinolinium compound that is hydrolyzed by plasma cholinesterase
is the is only non-depolarizer that is hydrolyzed by cholinesterase
the activity of B12 dependent enzyme METHIONINE SYNTHETASE AND THYMIDYLATE SYNTHETASE > irreversible oxidation of the cobalt atom of Vitamin B12
Correct sequent of evolutions of anesthetic techniques:
Local and Regional
Neuromuscular blocking agents
Inhalations > Local and Regional > Intravenous > Neuromuscular blocking agents
methods of elimination of inhaled anesthetics
. Alveolus (most important)
. Biotransformation
. Transcutaneous loss
Mallampati Classification and which are easy or difficult
I - soft palate, fauces in front, uvula, pillars
II - soft palate, fauces in front, uvula (no pillars)
III - soft palate, base of uvula
IV - hard palate only
IV requires special equipment
Vasoconstrictors mixed with local anesthetics:
a. will form precipitates
b. will produce hypotension
c. vasoconstrict surrounding blood vessels
d. hasten absoroption
d. maximize toxicity
d. hasten absoroption
Lung sounds are heard after intubation only over the right lung of an adult patient. The ET tube is at 27 cm at the teeth. The most likely explanation for the finding is:
a. occlusion of the endotracheal tube
b. left-sided pneumothorax
c. right mainstream intubation
d. right-sided hypertympany
c. right mainstream intubation
Which of th sedative/hypnotic drugs is 2 to 3 times as potent as the standard drug with a rapid onset but shorting acting can be used as an inducing agent:
a. diazepam
b. lorazepam
c. midazolam
d. pentobarbital
a. midalzolam
Block / Stimulate / No Effect
Nicotine Receptors
Cardinal Muscarinic Receptors
Histamine Release
Nicotine Receptors NONE
Cardinal Muscarinic Receptors NONE
Histamine Release +
What is the glottis location in newborns?
C3 to C4
Which non-polariser has laudinine as a metabolite?
Sellick”s maneuver is:
a. application of gentle pressure on the cricoid cartilage
b. occlusion of the esophagus and trachea
c. prevents aspiratioin of gastric contents
d. A and C only
e. all of the above
e. all of the above
An active metabolite of pipecuronium is laudanosine which is a CNS stimulant
An active metabolite of ANTRACURIUM is laudanosine which is a CNS stimulant
A 54 years old ASA 1, male is for thyriodectomy, the following should be requested EXCEPT:
a. CBC
b. FBS
c. ECG
d. CXR
d. CXR
Mivacurium is contraindicated in
a. renal disease
b. status asthmaticus
c. burn patients
d. ischemic heart disease
e. liver disease
d. ischemic heart disease
Anesthetic plan is based on
a. current status of pertinent known medical problems
b. cardiac status
c. functional status
d. B and C
e. aota
e. all of the above
Cholingeric is
minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) decreased by
. NO . Premedication . Age . Acute alcohol intoxication . Hypothermia . Hypotension . Hypercarbia . Sympathetic decrease
Most nephrotixic of inhaled anesthetics
Most common complication seen immediately after extubation
a. coughing
b. sore throat
c. laryngospasm
d. accidental tooth extraction
c. laryngospasm
What is the most potent of the inhalation anesthetics
What are the laboratory exam validity of the following
. hematocrit . serum glucose/creatinine/BUN . Liver function test . ECG . CXR . Coagulation studies
. Hematocrit (1mo) . serum glucose/creatinine/BUN (1 mo) . Liver function test (1 mo) . ECG (6 months) . CXR (6 months) . Coagulation studies (1 week)
factors affecting inspiratory concentration
. Fresh gas flow rate
. Breathing circuit volume
. Circuit absorption
The following statement regarding Macintosh blade is true:
a. a straight blade with curve tip
b. less need for a stylet
c. greater exposure of glottis opening
d. less trauma to the teeth
d. less trauma to the teeth
Duration of Mivscurium vs Atracurium/Vecurium
1/3 of A/V
ASA IV patients have a mortality rate of
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 50%
d. 40%
b. 20%
A 51 years old, male uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, his perioperative risk for cardian complication based on patient-related preditors will be
a. Major
b. Intermediate
c. Moderate
d. MInor
b. Intermediate
What is the net effect of volatile anesthetics on cerebral blood flow
balance betweebetween a reduction in Cerebral Blood Flow caused by Cerebral Metabolic Rate suppression and augmentation of Cerebral Blood Flow caused by the direct cerebral vasodilation.
Succinylcholine acts at the presynaptic sites blocking the Na channels therefore impairing the release of acetylcholine
Syccinylcholine is a depolarizer. It mimics the action of Ach and there is persistent depolarization due to open channels. This prevent propogation of action potential.
Halothane, the 1st halogenated hydrocarbon inhalation anesthetic is associated with:
a. Van Poznok and Artusia
b. Shykys and Krants
c. Barash
d. Suckling
d. Suckling
Technique of airway management where a plastic catheter is inserted at the cricothyroid membrane and serves as a guide for the ETT:
a. Fiberoptic technique
b. transtracheal ventilation
c. rapid sequence intubation
d. retrograde intubation
d. retrograde intubation
Most common methods of confirming ETT placement EXCEPT:
a. visualization of the ETT entering the larynx
b. auscultation of the chest for breath sounds
c. chest motion during ventilation
d. chest x-ray
d. chest xray
A 69 years old male will undergo thyroidectomy, the anesthetic plan will consist of:
a. Cormack Lehane Class II
b. general anesthesia
c. regional anesthesia
d. sedation
b. general anesthesia
Persistent depolarization of succinylcholine is associated with leakage of potassium ions from the activation
The “first anesthesiologist”:
a. Snow
b. Wells
c. Long
d. Davy
a. Snow
The patient who will not require preoperative evaluation
a. 72 yo male for cataract extraction under local anesthesia
b. 26 yo female with uncontrolled hypertension for breast cyst exicision under sedation
c. 6 yo male for explore lap under general anesthesia
d. 33 year old male for appendectomy under spinal anesthesia
a. 72 yo male for cataract extraction under local anesthesia
The following are the advantages when using anticholinergic agent EXCEPT:
a. lessen airway secretion
b. vagolytic action
c. pyrexia
c. pyrexia
A 72 years old male is considered moderate risk for perioperative cardiac complication based on the surgical procedure if he will undergo:
a. appendectomy for ruptured appendix
b. carotid endarterectomy
c. explore lap for complete gut obstruction
d. reopen surgery due to massive bleeding after a thyroidectomy
b. carotid endarterectomy
A 33 years old make is scheduled for hemorrhoidectomy is classified as:
a. ASA II if he has labile hypertension
b. ASA IE if he is a normal healthy patient
c. ASA III if he is a diabetic and can only walk three meters
d. ASA IV if he has a good control of his hypertension
c. ASA III if he is a diabetic and can only walk three meters
Short neck may result in difficult intubation.
a. the laryngeal axis will not align with the pharyngeal axis
b. the pharyngeal axis will not align with the oral axis
c. the pharyngeal and laryngeal axes will not align with the oral axis
d. the laryngeal and oral axes will not align with the pharyngeal axis
a. the laryngeal axis will not align with the pharyngeal axis
The term “anesthesia” as narcotic-like effect was first described by:
a. Dioscorides
b. Holmes
c. Long
d. Morton
a. Dioscorides
Place in order rapid sequence induction
. assistant administers medication
. non-depolarizing MR may be administered
. patient is intubated and cuff is inflated
. pre-oxygenation for 3-5 min
. respiration is not assisted until the airway is secure
. pre-oxygenation for 3-5 min > . respiration is not assisted until the airway is secure > . non-depolarizing MR may be administered > . assistant administers medication > . patient is intubated and cuff is inflated
Liver function test is valid for:
a. 1 month
b. 2 months
c. 3 months
d. 6 months
e. 12 months
a. 1 month
Block / Stimulate / No Effect
Nicotine Receptors
Cardinal Muscarinic Receptors
Histamine Release
Nicotine Receptors NONE
Cardinal Muscarinic Receptors NONE
Histamine Release
Pipercuronium is safely given in patients with ischemic heart disease
Replacement for Pancuronium where increased in HR has to be avoided
Ischemic Heart disease
Long term mechanical ventilation
Inidication for endotracheal intubation includes:
a. risk of pulmonary aspirations
b. intracranial or intrathoracic surgery
c. prolonged positive pressure ventilation
d. all are correct
d. all are correct
A 79 years old patient who will undergo phaco surgery for cataract.
A. take midazolam PO before leaving the house if he is anxious
b. requires no premedication
c. can drink coffee with milk up to 2 hours prior to the procedure
d. can take diphenhydramine if he has history of allergy
b. requires no premedication
Which muscles relaxant has histamine release?Which is most potent?
Succinylcholine D-Tubocurarine Metacurarine Pancuronium Galamine Atracurium Mivacurium
D-Tubocurarine +++
Anatomic differences of children from adults:
a. newborn head is large
b. larynx is more caudal
c. glottic opening is the narrowest point in the larynx
d. glottis is located at C5 level
a. newborn head is large
. larynx is more cephalad
. cricoid cartilage is the narrowest point in the larynx (adults - vocal cords)
. Glottis is C3 level
Block / Stimulate / No Effect
Nicotine Receptors
Cardinal Muscarinic Receptors
Histamine Release
Nicotine Receptors BLOCKS ++
Cardinal Muscarinic Receptors NONE
Histamine Release +++
The cardiovascular effects of pancuronium are attributed to the selective cardiac vagal blockage and activation of the sympathethis nervous system
An important element in successful intubation is to adjust the table so that the patients’s face is at the level of the anesthesiologist’s:
a. clavicle
b. breast
c. xiphoid
d. umbilicus
e. iliac crest
c. xiphoid
Factors predisposing to aspiration
Emergency SX Inadequate anesthesia Abdominal pathology Obesity Opioid medication Neurologic deficit Lithotomy Difficult intubation/airway Reflux Hiatal hernia
Block / Stimulate / No Effect
Nicotine Receptors
Cardinal Muscarinic Receptors
Histamine Release
Nicotine Receptors STIM
Cardinal Muscarinic Receptors STIM
Histamine Release RARE
Dissociative anesthetic:
a. ketamine HCl
b. NO
c. halothane
a. ketamine HCl
NMB interferes with the physiological sequence of neuromuscular transmission. They are also considered anesthetics.
interferes with physiological sequence of neuromuscular transmission
Not anesthetics
factor affecting alveolar concentration
. Solubility in the blood
. alveolar blood flow
. Partial pressure difference between alveolar gas and venous blood
A 69 years old male will undergo thyroidectomy. What laboratory exam must be done?
A. PT time
b. CXR
c. CBC
d. Urinalysis
e. ECG
c. CBC
Inflation of the ETT cuff is verified by
a. equal breath sounds
b. inflated pilot balloon
c. presence of waveform in capnograph
d. adequate oxygenation
b. inflated pilot balloon
Indication for ETT
. pulonary aspiration . head and neck . prone, sitting, lateral during surgery . airway abnormalities . intracranial, intrathoracic, intra abdominal
Prolonged exposure of sevoflurane in human will cause (3)
proteinuria, enzymuria, glycosuria
The following are the determinants of the what type of pre-medication and dosage to be given to patients EXCEPT:
a. patient’s age and weight
b. ASA physical status classification
c. marital status
d. level of anxiety
c. marital status