Surface Anatomy Flashcards
Suprasternal notch … where is it and what is another name for it?
Jugular notch
Superior margin of the manubrium stni
Sternal angle : What is another name for it?
Where is it located?
What does it lie inbetween?
Angle between manubrium and sternal body
Lies opposite of the IV disc of C4-C5
2nd costal cartilage of 2nd rib
Xiphisternal joint
Joint between xiphoid and body of sternum
Subcostal angle
Inferior end of sternum, between sternal attachments of 7th costal cartilage
Costal margin
Lower boundary of thorax
Part of the anterior chest wall, can be easily palpated
Ribs… specifically about the first rib… where is it? can it be palpated?
First rib is deep to the clavicle, CANNOT BE PALPATED
Central tendon lies directly behind xiphisternal joint
Where are they located?
What can you do here?
4th intercostal space
Apex beat of the heart (PMI)
What does PMI mean?
Where is it?
Point of Maximum Impulse
Lower portion of the left ventricle
5th intercostal space
Midclavicular line
Anterior axillary fold
Lower border of the pectoralis major muscle
Posterior axillary fold
Tendon of the latissimus dorsi muscle as it passes around the lower border of the teres major muscle
Spinous processes
Can be palpated in the midline posteriorly
Vertebra prominens
Ligamentum nuchae
Scapula… what are the three parts of the scapula?
- Superior angle
- Spine of the scapula
- Inferior angle
Where is the Superior Angle of the Scapula?
Opposite of spine of 2nd thoracic vertebrae
Where is the Spine of the scapula?
Subcutaneous, root of the spine lies on a level with the spine of T3
Location of Interior Angle of scapula
Level with spine of T7
What is the purpose of the lines of orientation?
Used to describe surface locations on the anterior/Posterior chest wall
Midsternal line
Medial plane over sternum
Midclavicular line
Vertically downward from the midpoint of the clavicle
Anterior axillary line
Runs vertically downward from the anterior axillary fold
Posterior axillary line
Vertically downward from posterior axillary fold
Midaxillary line
Vertically downward from a point situated midway between the anterior and posterior axillary folds
Trachea location
From lower border of the cricoid cartilage
Lung apex
Projects INTO neck
Anterior border of R Lung
- Behind sternoclavicular joint
- Runs downward… almost reaching the midline behind the sternal angle
- Continues downward until reaches xiphisternal joint
Anterior border of L lung
Similar course as R lung….
At the level of the 4th costal cartilage, it deviates LATERALLY and extends for a variable distance beyond the LATERAL MARGIN of the STERNUM to form the CARDIAC NOTCH
Cardiac notch
Produced by the heart displacing the left lung to the left
Location of Lower border of Left Lung
at 6th, 8th, and 10th ribs
How many lobes does the right lung have
Right AND left lungs!!
RIGHT LUNG ONLY!! (6th rib)