Surah Ambiyah Flashcards
The reckoning of the people has drawn near to them, while they are in negligence, turning away (from its signs)
- refers to Day of Judgement, it comes closer.
- people don’t live a Life that is pleasing to Allah swt.
- Disbelievers don’t care about Revelation.
No fresh message of advice comes to them from their Lord, but they listen to it as if they were playing
• They ignore all the warnings and signs and it’s a Game for them.
Lesson: when Allah swt sends guidance we should listen.
their hearts paying no heed. And the wrongdoers whisper in secret, .This one is nothing but a mortal like you. Would you then go along with sorcery while you can see (the reality)?
- Disbelievers don’t understand the impact of Nabi saw on people and say that he is a magician.
- His enemies became his closest friends and followers.
He (the prophet) said, .My Lord knows all that is spoken in the heavens and the earth, and He is the All-Hearing, the All- Knowing..
Further they said, .(The Qur‘an is) a mixture of jumble dreams. Rather, he (the prophet) has fabricated it. Rather, he is a poet. So, let him bring a sign to us, as the earlier ones were sent with..
- people said that Quran would be written by Muhammad saw but that’s not possible because he was illiterate.
- Allah swt challenges the disbelievers to come up with an Ayat like this.
- He has sent down so many signs and miracles, like moon splitting but the disbelievers didn’t care
Not a single town from those whom We destroyed came to believe before them. So, will they believe?
So many communities refused to believe and were then destroyed.
And We did not send before you messengers except men whom We inspired with revelation. So, ask the people (having the knowledge) of the Message, if you do not know.
All prophets sent were humans.
Many prophets were sent the first was Adam as
Prophets were sent to guide people to Islam
If we don’t know something we should ask the people of remembrance.
Questions should be asked to: Right manner Right Time Right subject Right Person
We did not make them such bodies as ate no food, nor were they immortal.
Then We caused the promise to come true for them, so We saved them and those whom We willed, and destroyed the transgressors.
Surely, We have sent down to you (O people of Arabia) a book having a good counsel for you. So, do you not understand?
These people argue that why Allah swt sent humans as prophets.
He says that He always sends humans.
Lesson: change life according to Quranic lessons
How many a town, that were unjust, have We crushed and raised up after them another people!
We should think about disbelievers and how they were punished for rejecting Quran and being unjust to others.
So, as soon as they sensed Our punishment (approaching them), they started fleeing from it.
As soon as they knew that they were about to get punished they tried to run away.
It was said to them,) .Do not flee, and go back to the luxuries you were made to enjoy, and to your dwellings. May be you are asked questions..
They were proud about their luxuries
They said, .Alas for us! We were wrongdoers indeed..
They realized too late that they were oppressors
Then, this continued to be their cry till We turned them into stubble, totally extinguished.
The nations were destroyed.
Lesson: everyone will be held accountable for their deeds by Allah swt.
We did not create the heavens and the earth and what lies between them for play.
Had We intended to have a pastime, We would have had it from Our own, if We were ever to do so.
Instead, We launch the truth against falsehood, which gets it smashed, and in no time it is gone. Alas to you for what you describe!
Allah swt hasn’t created the world to enjoy luxuries but to test each and everyone and make them prepare for their akhira. Allah swt sees our deeds.
19: To Him belong all those in the heavens and the earth. And those who are near to Him are not arrogant against His worship, nor are they sluggish.
Angels always worship Allah swt and don’t stop. Allah swt doesn’t need our worship but we need Him. Atheists don’t believe and think everything they have comes out of nowhere to them - what a frustrating life!
Allah swt is closer to us than our jugular vein, so we should constantly remember Him.
NOTE: mention 57:4, 9:111 and 50:1 in exam.
They proclaim His purity night and day, never slackening.
Or have they adopted gods from the earth, who raise the dead?
Angels worship Allah swt 24/7
Ayah wants us to realize that Allah swt is the only one God.
Had there been gods beside Allah, in the heavens and the earth, both of them would have fallen in disorder. So pure is Allah, the Lord of the Throne, from what they describe.
If there where any other gods than Allah swt than world would be destroyed
He is not questioned of what He does, and they are questioned.
Allah swt will not be questioned on the day of judgement but creation will.
Is it that they have adopted gods besides Him? Say, .Bring your proof.. Here is the (book carrying) advice for those with me, and the (books carrying) advice for those before me. Yet most of them do not know the truth, and therefore they are averse.
Allah swt challenges disbelievers to bring a verse like those in Quran.
We did not send before you any messenger but We revealed to him that there is no god but I, so worship Me..
Revelation was sent to us and the communities before us. We must submit to Allah swt.
They said, .The Rahman (the All-Merciful, Allah) has taken children for Himself.. Pure is He (from having children). They are but (His) honored servants.
Christians believe is shirk as they attribute children to Allah swt and disbelievers say that angels are His Daughters, we should stay away from misguided people. Angels are honorable servants of Allah swt.
They do not precede Him in speech, and only under His command they act.
Angels don’t have a Free will and can only speak when He allows it.
He knows what is in front of them and what is behind them, and they make recommendation for none but for whom He likes, and in awe of Him they are fearful.
Allah swt knows what’s in front and behind angels. Prophets and angels can only intercede with His allowance on day of Judgement. Angels tremble in awe of Allah swt.
Should any one of them say, .I am god besides Him., We will recompense him with Jahannam (Hell). This is how We recompense the transgressors.
If an angel would say that they should be worshipped they would be destroyed. Lesson: Christians do shirk, stay away from all types of shirk.
Did the disbelievers not observe that the heavens and the earth were closed, then We opened them? And We created from water every living thing. Would they still not believe?
And We created mountains on the earth, lest it should shake with them, and We have made therein paths and ways, so that they are guided.
We made the sky a protected roof; and they are averse to its signs.
Allah swt created moon/heavens/earth. Everything testifies oneness of Allah swt. Mountains have pathways and heavens is ceiling
We did not assign immortality to any human (even) before you. So, if you die, will they live for ever?
Disbelievers say that Allah swt should have sent angels or other non human beings as prophets. Allah swt clarified that this isn’t possible
Every one has to taste death, and We test you through bad and good (situations) with a trial, and to Us you are to be returned.
Dead is real and we don’t know when we die, it could happen any moment. We need to prepare for dead and do good deeds.
Everything will be gone except our deeds
Allah swt tests us with trials and blessings.
When disbelievers see you, they do nothing but take you in jest (saying to one another,) .Is this the one who talks of your gods?. _ while they themselves reject even talking of the Rahman (All-Merciful).
Man is made of haste. I shall show you My signs, so do not seek haste from Me.
Polytheists want to come day of Judgement just now.
People want to rush everything. Day of Judgement will come when it is time for it.
And they say, “When will this promise come true, if you are truthful?”
لَْویَْعلَُما َّلِذیَن َكَفُروا ِحیَن َلایَُك ُّفوَن َعْن ُوُجوِهِهُمال َّناَر َوَلا َعْن ُظُهوِرِهْم َوَلا ُهْمیُنْ َصُروَن39
If those who disbelieve only knew, when they cannot keep the fire off their faces and off their backs, and they will not be helped.
بَْلتَأْتِیِهْمبَْغتًَةَفتَبَْهتُُهْمَفَلایَْستَِطیُعوَن َر َّدَها َوَلا ُهْمیُنَْظُروَن40
In fact, it will come upon them suddenly, and bewilder them. They will not be able to repel it, and they will not be reprieved.
● The Day of Judgement is being described
Messengers before you were also ridiculed, but those who jeered were surrounded by what they had ridiculed.
● All of the Messengers were mocked by their communities
● The disbelievers sins will encircle them on the Day of Judgement
★ Allah SWT is inviting us to ponder over His greatness and over His creation
ُقْل َمْنیَْكلَُؤُكْمبِال َّلیِْل َوال َّنَهاِر ِمَنال َّرْحَمِٰنۗبَْل ُهْم َعْن ِذْكِر َر ِّبِهْم ُمْعِر ُضوَن42
Say, “Who guards you against the Merciful by night and by day?” But they turn away from the mention of their Lord.
● No one can protect us from the punishment of Allah SWT
● The Disbelievers are being referred to, they disbelieve because Allah SWT granted them comfort in this world.
Or do they have gods who can defend them against Us? They cannot help themselves, nor will they be protected from Us.
ْ ََََْ ََُْْ ََْْ بَل َم َّتْعنَا َهُٰؤَلاِء َوآبَاَءُهْم َح َّتٰىطال َعلیِْهُمالُعُمُرۗأَفَلایََرْوَنأ َّنانَأتِيالأْر َضنَنْق ُصَها ِمْنأطَراِفَهاۚأَفُهُمالَغالِبُوَن44
We have given these enjoyments, and their ancestors, until time grew long upon them. Do they not see how We gradually reduce the land from its extremities? Are they then the victors?
● As the generations passed by, they were living in comfort and pursuing the desires of
this world
● They did not want to follow the commands of Allah SWT
● The disbelievers became heedless and they failed to listen to the guidance that Allah
SWT sent
Until a long period of time passed by them, they were engrossed in their lives and , َح َّتٰى ● they did not respond to the teachings of the Prophet PBUH
● They indulged in impermissible things, they are used to the life of ease so they do not want anything to do with the revelation
Allah SWT is gradually allowing the Muslims/Sahaba to gain control of, نَنُْق ُص َها ِم ْن أَ ْط َراِف َها ● this world
● In the context of revelation, the disbelievers realised that Islam was growing
● In Makkah people were entering the Deen because of the truth of Islam
مَتَعْنَا also means that they were granted ease as well as their forefathers
Say, “I am warning you through inspiration.” But the deaf cannot hear the call when they are being warned.
َولَئِْن َم َّستُْهْمنَْفَحٌة ِمْن َعَذاِب َر ِّبَكلَیَُقولُ َّنیَا َویْلَنَاإِ َّنا ُك َّنا َظالِِمیَن46
And when a breath of your Lord’s punishment touches them, they say, “Woe to us, we were truly wicked.”
َونََضُعالَْمَواِزیَنالِْقْسَطلِیَْوِمالِْقیَاَمِةَفَلاتُْظلَُمنَْفٌس َشیْئًاَۖوإِْنَكاَنِمثَْقاَل َح َّبٍةِمْن َخْرَدٍلأَتَیْنَابَِهاَۗوَكَفٰىبِنَا َحاِسبِیَن47
We will set up the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so that no soul will suffer the least injustice. And even if it be the weight of a mustard-seed, We will bring it up. Sufficient
are We as Reckoners.
Lesson: We should seek refuge in Allah SWT lest we close our eyes and ears to revelation
The scales are going to be used twice on the Day of Judgement
)میزان( the single form of scales is ,)الَْمَواِزیَن( Allah SWT used the plural verb which is scales ●
● Mizan means scales
● This word الَْمَواِزیَن is plural in this ayah, some scholars mention there might be several
● Majority of Scholars say there will be one scale, which will be set up twice
1. The first time the scale will be set up, it will be set up to distinguish the believers from disbelievers
2. The second time the scale will be set up, it will sift the believers from among the believers, some believers will go Heaven directly and some believers will go to Hell for purification and then admitted to Jannah
● Firstly, our deeds will be brought on the Day of Judgement even if the deed is as small as an atom
● A good deed/sin might be small in our eyes but it might be huge in the eyes of Allah SWT
How will our deeds be weighed?
How will our deeds be weighted:
● Allah SWT will weight our deed according to the sincerity, if you pray 2 nafl with khushoo, it will hold a lot of weight
● If you pray multiple nafal but do not remember Allah SWT, that Salah will not hold a lot of weight
َََّ َََُّ َََََّْ ََْ إننِيأناااللهلاإٰلَهإلاأنافاْعبُدنِي َوأِقمال َّصلاةلِِذكري-20:14
Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish .prayer for My remembrance (Quran 20:!4
● If our Salah is void of remembrance of Allah SWT, then it will not carry weight compared to that Salah in which we remember Allah SWT
➔ Once the Prophet PBUH addressed the Sahaba and said:’ Shall I tell you something that is light on the body and heavy on the scales’.
➔ The Sahaba said:’ Yes Ya RasoolAllah’
➔ The Prophet PBUH responded: ‘Good character’ (Hadith)
● This is easy for us to do in our life Any type of deed that is done silently:
● The Prophet PBUH said that’ When someone remember Allah SWT in their heart and no one knows, it is a type of zikr that Angels will be unable to weight the quality of that deed and Allah SWT will put that deed on the scale on the Day of Judgement’
● You might be going through a painful time and you are remembering Allah SWT and no one else knows
● You are in a state of deep remembrance and you turn to your Creator
Our Imaan will carry a lot of weight:
● On the Day of Judgement, Allah SWT will gatherer all bears of knowledge- those who strove to acquire knowledge and serve the deen with knowledge, Allah SWT will measure their deeds
● Everyone will see that their deeds will fall short, our deeds can not guarantee us that we will go to Jannah directly
● A cloud will come and place something heavy on the scale, the scale will become heavy and the good deeds will outweigh the sin, people will ask: ‘What happened?’
● Allah SWT will say: ‘This is the knowledge that these people taught/learnt and I will forgive them because of the barakah of this ilm’
● Allah SWT will address the bearers of knowledge and say:’ I did not place the noor of this knowledge in your heart to punish you, I placed this knowledge in your heart to forgive you’
● This is how Allah SWT will forgive the bearers of knowledge
so that no soul will suffer the least injustice
● Comforting thought, this is how a believer garners strength
● No matter how much oppression we suffer, on the Day of judgement, not a soul will be
● These ayahs are comforting because all Strength/Power belongs to Allah SWT and there
is no power in this world except with Allah SWT
We gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion, and illumination, and a reminder for the righteous.
● Allah SWT was talking about the scales and how no one can be protected from the punishment,
● Now Allah SWT is talking about the Torah
● The link between ayah 48 and previous ayah, is that Prophet PBUH is being comforted
● Prophet PBUH was tasked with a immense responsibility, in the same way previous Prophets were given this responsibility
● The people of the book are being addressed who lived at the time of Prophet PBUH
● Allah SWT is testifying to the truth of Musa AS,
● The people of the book believed in the Torah, so they should believe in the Quran
because it is the last book sent by Allah SWT
ا َّلِذیَنیَْخَشْوَن َر َّبُهْمبِ
Those who fear their Lord in private, and are apprehensive of the Hour.
َوَٰهَذا ِذْكٌر ُمبَاَرٌكأَنَْزلْنَاُهۚأََفأَنْتُْملَُه ُمنِْكُروَن50
This too is a blessed message that We revealed. Are you going to deny it?
َولََقْدآتَیْنَاإِبَْراِهیَم ُرْشَدُه ِمْنَقبُْل َوُك َّنابِِه َعالِِمیَن51
We gave Abraham his integrity formerly, and We knew him well.
● The God fearing are those who have true fear in Allah SWT in their heart
● They are fearful of their accountability, they know that they have to answer to Allah
● Allah SWT sent more Prophets
how Allah SWT inspired Ibrahim AS with wisdom/correct course of action , ُر ْشَدُه ●
● Allah SWT was well aware of Ibrahim AS
● Allah SWT will tell us how Ibrahim AS called his people to Tawhid, broke their idols and
was casted into the fire
● Allah SWT mentions Prophets in this surah, first the story of Ibrahim AS is mentioned
ََََْ َُّ َََُّْ ُ إِذقال ِلأبِیِه َوقْوِمِه َما َهِٰذِهالتَماثِیلالتِيأنتْملَها َعاِكفوَن52
When he said to his father and his people, “What are these statues to which you are devoted?”
● Ibrahim AS is saying: ‘What are these idols that you continuously worship?’
They said, “We found our parents worshiping them.”
َقاَللََقْدُكنْتُْمأَنْتُْمَوآبَاُؤُكْمِفي َضَلاٍلُمبِیٍن54
He said, “You and your parents are in evident error.”
َقالُواأَِجئْتَنَابِالَْح ِّقأَْمأَنَْت ِمَنال َّلاِعبِیَن55
They said, “Are you telling us the truth, or are you just playing?”
● The people are saying:’Are you kidding’, are you telling us that the gods our forefathers have been worshipping do not mean anything
ََُْ َْ َّ َ َََُ َّ قالبَل َر ُّبكْم َر ُّبال َّسَماَواِت َوالأْر ِضالِذيَفطَرُه َّن َوأنَا َعلٰىذٰلِكْم ِمَنالشاِهِدیَن56
He said, “Your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the One who created them, and I bear witness to that.
● ●
َ َََّ َ ُ َُ ُّ َوتااللهِلأِكیَد َّنأ ْصنَاَمكْمبَْعَدأْنتَولوا ُمْدبِِریَن57
By God, I will have a plan for your statues after you have gone away.”
َفَجَعلَُهْم ُجَذاًذاإِ َّلا َكبِیًرالَُهْملََع َّلُهْمإِلَیِْهیَْرِجُعوَن58
So he reduced them into pieces, except for their biggest, that they may return to it.
● ●
َ َََّ َ ُ َُ ُّ َوتااللهِلأِكیَد َّنأ ْصنَاَمكْمبَْعَدأْنتَولوا ُمْدبِِریَن57
By God, I will have a plan for your statues after you have gone away.”
َفَجَعلَُهْم ُجَذاًذاإِ َّلا َكبِیًرالَُهْملََع َّلُهْمإِلَیِْهیَْرِجُعوَن58
So he reduced them into pieces, except for their biggest, that they may return to it.
When Ibrahim AS believed in Allah SWT, he proclaimed his belief, and did not keep it a secret
He did not leave his community to their own vices, he propagated to them and tried to make them realise what they were doing is foolish and it will not bring them benefit
★ Lesson: Make effort in our community, do not allow people to continue sins
● Everyone can make their own choices but the Ummah has been tasked with the
responsibility of commanding towards good and preventing sin, this is a great responsibility on our shoulder
★ Lesson: When you preach it must be done with wisdom, the best way to do that is through your actions because actions speak louder than words
● Sometimes someone can bring someone closer to Allah SWT because of their character/compassion
اْدُعإِلَٰى َسبِیِل َر ِّبَكبِالِْحْكَمِة َوالَْمْوِعَظِةالَْحَسنَِةۖ َوَجاِدلُْهمبِا َّلتِي ِهَيأَْحَسُنۚإِ َّن َر َّبَك ُهَوأَْعلَُمبَِمن َض َّل َعن َسبِیلِِهۖ َوُهَوأَْعلَُم بِالُْمْهتَِدیَن - 16:125
Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed
.from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided (Quran 16:125
● Sometimes in the guise of preaching to our family, we lose wisdom -then that preaching is counter productive
● We push people away from Allah SWT instead of bring them closer
● Observe those who have more knowledge/experience and submit our thinking to their
● Understand that when you wish to learn something, even in the dunya, you can always
benefit from a mentor
● It is beneficial to learn from those who are more learned then us
● We need to learn how to do dawah, we do not have the licence to correct people 24/7
● Dawah is done with love just like the Prophet PBUH won over the Sahaba/people in
● Ibrahim AS is reaching out to his community, he challenged them
● These people had a festival out of town every year and they would come back and prostate to the idol
● One time Ibrahim AS broke the idol when the people were gone
● Ibrahim AS remained behind, even though his father told him to come
● When the people returned, they saw their idols were broken expect the biggest one
They said, “Who did this to our gods? He is certainly one of the wrongdoers.”
َقالُوا َسِمْعنَاَفتًىیَْذُكُرُهْمیَُقاُللَُهإِبَْراِهیُم60
They said, “We heard a youth mentioning them. He is called Abraham.”
● Ibrahim AS did not fear the backlash, he was the only believer in his community
● Allah SWT is teaching us the importance of willpower, we need to take a stand for what
we believes in
★ Lesson: Ibrahim AS was alone- against his own community but he did not shy away from proclaiming the truth and showing them the folly of their ways
● ●
Strength of Imaan is being taught and it is imperative to have strong Imaan, if we wish to follow the deen
People will slander you for following the deen,but have the strength to do the right thing and stand up for your beliefs
They said, “Bring him before the eyes of the people, so that they may witness.”
They said, “Are you the one who did this to our gods, O Abraham?”
They knew it was Ibrahim but they wanted a confession of guilty.
He said, “But it was this biggest of them that did it. Ask them, if they can speak.”
Ibrahim AS was intelligent, and said that the big one is alive, ask him who smashed the idols
Then they turned to one another, and said, “You yourselves are the wrongdoers.”
They were aware that their gods are man made and can not speak
But they reverted to their old ideas: “You certainly know that these do not speak.”
َقاَلأََفتَْعبُُدوَن ِمْن ُدوِنا َّاللهِ َما َلایَنَْفُعُكْم َشیْئًا َوَلایَ ُض ُّرُكْم66
He said, “Do you worship, instead of God, what can neither benefit you in anything, nor harm you?
أُ ٍّفلَُكْم َولَِماتَْعبُُدوَن ِمْن ُدوِنا َّاللهِۖأََفَلاتَْعِقلُوَن67
Fie on you, and on what you worship instead of God. Do you not understand?”
● Ibrahim AS knows that his people know it is foolish to worship idols but they still carry o ★ Lesson: We are people of Imaan which is a blessing from Allah SWT
● We do not worship structures made of clay but we have spiritual idols in our heart
● We have spiritual idols of material wealth, everything in our life surrounds money and
we want to increase in our material wealth, we have made the pursuit of wealth the
purpose of our life
● We are willing to sacrifice everything to acquire more wealth
● These people slaughter the shariah that Allah SWT gave and they are indulging in
acquiring more wealth
● Love for humans is so powerful, it is an idol in our heart and in order to fulfill our desires, we slaughter the shariah of Allah SWT
● We invest more in these things then our relationship with Allah SWT
● Do not depend on things and stay away from these things
● Everything in dunya should remain a need not a purpose
● The purpose of why we are here is to worship Allah SWT and to lead a life that is
pleasing to Allah SWT
They said, “Burn him and support your gods, if you are going to act.”
● When Ibrahim AS spoke the truth, he was immediately punished and the people wanted to burn him and slaughter him in his tracks
We said, “O fire, be coolness and safety upon Abraham.”
● The king of the time (Namrut), announced that this huge fire should be made, the people stoked the fire for a week, animals passing by the fire died because it was so hot
● The people did everything they could to make the fire intense
● The people built a catapult and they cast Ibrahim AS in the fire and Ibrahim AS was
thrown in
● Allah SWT sent Angels who were in charge of the rain and they told Ibrahim AS: ‘If you wish Allah SWT can extinguish the fire and we can shower rains’
● Ibrahim AS asked: ‘Does Allah SWT know my condition’
● The Angels said: ‘Yes’
● Ibrahim AS said: ‘If Allah SWT knows my condition then I do not need help’ and he
refused the assistance
● Then, Allah SWT sent Angels in charge of wind,
● They told Ibrahim AS: ‘If you wish Allah SWT can send wind and we can use the wind to put out of the fire
● Ibrahim AS asked: ‘Does Allah SWT know my condition’
● The Angels said: ‘Yes’
● Ibrahim AS said: ‘If Allah SWT knows my condition then I do not need help’ and he
refused the assistance
● Ibrahim AS then said::’ حسبنا االله ونعم الوكیل’(Quran 3:173)
● Hasbunallah wa ni’mal-Wakil- “Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.”
● Then Allah SWT sent Jibreel AS
● Jibreel AS said:’ Is there anything you need’
● Ibrahim AS asked: ‘Does Allah SWT know my condition’
● Jibreel AS said: ‘Yes’
● Ibrahim AS said: ‘If Allah SWT knows my condition then I do not need help’ and he
refused the assistance
● Ibrahim AS then said::’ حسبنا االله ونعم الوكیل’(Quran 3:173)
● Hasbunallah wa ni’mal-Wakil- “Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.”
● Before Ibrahim AS landed in the fire, because he rejected the help of all types of
creation, Allah SWT directly addressed the fire
● Ibrahim AS knew Allah SWT would help him
● Ibrahim AS stayed for 7 days in the fire without being hurt/burnt and he then emerged
★ Lesson: Allah SWT lies above this system of cause and effect
● Allah SWT set a system in place, if you want to eat you have to make something yourself
and you have to feed yourself
● Allah SWT set certain rules/systems, there are systems of cause and effect- we are
bound by this system
● If you want to satiate your hunger- you have to eat
● Realise that Allah SWT created this system and He lies above this system, even if we are
bound by this system we need to keep our eyes fixed on Allah SWT
● We work to make our ends meet, so we exert effort but the result of the effort is from
Allah SWT
● Sometimes our effort is small/big and sometimes Allah SWT gives us a lot of barakah or a little bit
ُُْ ََُ َ ََّْ ََّ ُ َََََُّ َُُّ ََِّ َویَْرزقه ِمْن َحیْثلایَْحتِسُبۚ َوَمنیَتَوكل َعلىااللهِفُهَو َحْسبُهۚإِ َّنااللهبَالِغأْمِرِهۚقْد َجَعلااللهلِكلشْيٍءقْدًرا-65:3
And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose.
.Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent (Quran 65:3 ● We need to have tawakkul and dependency on Allah SWT alone
★ Lesson: Scholars measured that recite ayat 69 if your are suffering from intense fever- it is very beneficial
★ Lesson: Greatest lesson to take from the story is the significance of tawakkul
They planned to harm him, but We made them the worst losers.
● When Allah SWT is on your side, no matter what people are trying to do no one can harm us
And We delivered him, and Lot, to the land that We blessed for all people.
● Lut AS was the cousin of Ibrahim AS(Lut AS was the son of Ibrahim AS paternal uncle)
● Both Ibrahim AS and Lut AS left their home lands and migrated to Palestine
● Palestine is filled with blessings
And We granted him Isaac and Jacob as a gift; and each We made righteous.
● Isaac AS was Ibrahim AS son and Yaqub AS was Ibrahim AS grandson
َوَجَعلْنَاُهْمأَئِ َّمًةیَْهُدوَنبِأَْمِرنَاَوأَْوَحیْنَاإِلَیِْهْمِفْعَلالَْخیَْراِتَوإَِقاَمال َّصَلاِةَوإِیتَاَءال َّزَكاِةَۖوَكانُوالَنَاَعابِِدیَن73
AndWemade them leaders, guiding by Our command; and We inspired them to do good works, and to observe the prayer, and to give out charity. They were devoted servants to Us
َولُوًطاآتَیْنَاُه ُحْكًما َوِعلًْما َونَ َّجیْنَاُه ِمَنالَْقْریَِةا َّلتِي َكانَ ْتتَْعَمُلالَْخبَائِ َثۗإِ َّنُهْم َكانُوا َقْوَم َسْوٍء َفاِسِقیَن74
d Lot—We gave him judgment and knowledge, and We delivered him from the town that practiced the abominations. They were wicked and perverted people.
● When Lut AS migrated from his own country, Allah SWT granted Lut AS Prophethood
● Lut AS was sent to certain towns near jordan
● The people were guilty of homosexuality
َوأَْدَخلْنَاُهِفي َرْحَمتِنَاۖإِ َّنُهِمَنال َّصالِِحیَن75
And We admitted him into Our mercy; for He was one of the righteous.
● Lut AS and the believers were saved from the punishment