Suprarenal Glands Flashcards
Where are the suprarenal or adrenal glands found
Upper pole of each kidney
Where are the suprarenal or adrenal glands found
Upper pole of each kidney
Are the suprarenal glands peritonised
Each suprarenal gland has two parts what are they called
Outer Cortex and inner medulla
Mesodermal epithelium gives rise to
Neuroectoderm gives rise to
Suprarenal blood supply
Suprarenal arteries
Suprarenal arteries arise from
Inferior Phrenic Arteries, Aorta and Renal Arteries
How many pairs of suprarenal arteries
Superior Suprarenal arteries from
Inferior Phrenic
Middle suprarenal arteries arise from
Inferior Suprarenal arteries arise from
Renal arteries
Right Suprarenal vein drains into
Left Suprarenal vein drains into
Left Renal Vein
Thyroid and Parathyroid level
Where is isthmus found
2nd-4th Tracheal Rings
The superior thyroid artery is a branch of
External Carotid Artery
The inferior thyroid artery is a branch of
The Superior Thyroid Vein drains to
The middle thyroid vein drains to
The inferior thyroid vein drains to
How many suprarenal veins
Into which vein does suprarenal vein drain on right
Inferior Phrenic Artery
Into which vein does suprarenal vein drain into on left
Renal arteries
The cortex can be divided into 3 zones what are they
Outer Zona Glomerulosa
Middle Zona Fasiculata
Inner Zona Reticularis
Aldosterone is secreted from
Zona Glomerulosa
Cortisol is secreted from
Zona Fasiculata
Progesterone, Oestrogen Precursors and Androgens are secreted by
Zona Reticularis