Supportive Diagnostics in Fluid Therapy Flashcards
Indications for blood testing in patients receiving fluid therapy.
How often?
Warranted for any patient sick enough to be hospitalised and receive fluid therapy.
Every 24-48hrs, but sooner if clinical signs of complications. Tailored to patient and underlying disease process.
Lab tests to monitor fluid therapy.
How do these help?
PCV, total solids
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Creatinine.
(Acid-base status)
Helps for diagnosis and identifying issues that may be caused by fluid therapy.
- What constraints may there be on tests performed?
- What other methods could be used to monitor a patient undergoing fluid therapy?
- Owner finances
- PE, bwt, urine output.
- Common electrolytes measured in practice?
- Electrolyte most common to see derangements in?
- Potassium, sodium, chloride
- Potassium
- Term for potassium too high
- ” “ too low
- Why is it important to be vigilant with potassium?
- Hyperkalaemia
- Hypokalaemia
- Needs to be maintained in a very narrow range and patients do not tolerate deviations out of this range very well.
Why is hyperkalaemia such a problem?
Symptoms and PE findings?
Causes of hyperkalaemia?
Life threatening effects upon myocardial conduction and therefore effective contraction.
Bradycardia, ECG abnormalities (large T wave), heart standstill
Urethral obstruction, uroabdomen, hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s), anuric/oliguric renal failure, GI disease, body cavity effusion.
Management of hyperkalaemia.
Stabilisation and treatment priority.
- IVFT – isotonic crystalloid.
- Calcium gluconate (may need diluting)– Makes myocytes in heart more resistant to effects of hyperkalaemia.
- Glucose +/- soluble insulin (stims own endogenous insulin production, causing glucose to be transported from EC space to IC space, taking potassium with it) (soluble insulin for critical patients that cannot mount a response).
Continuous monitoring – ECG
Diagnosis and treatment of underlying cause.
- What type of patient is hypokalaemia most common in?
- How life threatening is hypokalaemia?
- Clinical signs? – In severe cases?
- Common causes of hypokalaemia?
- Critically ill patients – often inappetant and on long term IVFT.
- Less immediately life threatening.
- Non-specific – Weakness, lethargy, ileus, anorexia. – Resp muscle weakness and hypoventilation if severe.
- GI tract losses e.g. v+d, urinary tract losses e.g. CKD, post-obstructive diuresis, some diuretics, mineralocorticoid excess, Insulin/glucose containing fluids, inappetence/anorexia, long-term IVFT with low potassium conc.
Management of hypokalaemia.
Address underlying cause.
Potassium supplementation.
(IV)- Potassium chloride added to saline or Hartmann’s
- Never bolus!
Oral supplementation available for patients with chronic disease and hypokalaemia e.g. CKD.
Common adjuncts/supplements to fluid therapy.
From common to rare.
Glucose and some medications e.g. Metaclopramide.
Sodium bicarbonate. – rare.
- Define acidaemia.
- Define alkalaemia.
- What is a ‘base’?
- Give examples of buffers.
- Blood pH of <7.35.
- Blood pH of >7.45
- Alkali chemicals that react with acids to form salts. Can act as ‘buffers’, accepting H+ when there is a surplus and donating H+ when there is a shortage.
- Bicarbonate
Some plasma proteins.
Measuring acid-base.
Need IN-HOUSE blood gas machine.
– Results affected by storage of blood so cannot e sent away.
Most commonly found in SA hospitals and equine hospitals.
Rarely found in primary care practices.
Samples needed for blood gas analysis?
Blood from arteries and veins.
‘Normal’ ranges for arterial and venous blood samples are different. (Must make machine aware where the sample came from).
Only blood from arteries can be used to assess resp function.
4 main types of acid-base disturbance.
Which are common (and in what patients?) and which are uncommon?
Metabolic acidosis – most common in in unwell patients.
Metabolic alkalosis – uncommon.
Respiratory acidosis – most common in anaesthetised patients.
Respiratory alkalosis – uncommon,
How does metabolic acidosis happen?
- Loss of base – e.g. bicarbonate with severe d+.
- Failure to excrete acid – e.g. H+ ions in some patients with renal failure.
- An accumulation of acid e.g. lactic acid in patients with shock.