supply side policys Flashcards
econ meaures aimed to increase productive capacity and efficenyc of an econ , to stimualte long term econ growth
tarnsfer of assets from publiv sector to privat e sectorb
eg royal mail
when a gov takes over a priv setor company so that the business is majority state woned
labour marker spps
increase qual and quant of lanour mareket
encourage ppl to enter workforce
income tax abd incentive to work
benefiys and siscentive and to work
increased spemding on edu and training
trade union reforms
improve incetives to wokr, invest in hbuman capital, increase labour and capital productiviry, increase invst, stimualte innovation, encourage startups and expansioms, improve price competitiveness, improive trend rate of growth of real gsp to help supoort improved livong standards and better regional econ balance
market based non interventionist
policies to increase competitiveness and free market efficetky eg privatisation and deregulation
low income tax rates and reduced power of trade unuons and dreguation of markets
involve gov intervention to overcome market failure eg higher gov spendimg on transpprt educationa nd communication
eg building more social housing and fundimgs dor early atage research
improve incetives in free market
tax cuts
deregulation: can lower costs and make it easier for firms to operate expand and innovate can lead to more firms entering the mrkert
trade libersliatsion: reducing trade tarriufs can stumualte internial trade and invest in exporters
improve comepetition
competitioj policy: aithorty can break uo monolpies and precvent mergers that might craete dom9nant players
deregukation: easier for frims to enter markets
marjet access: faciliate acces to markets and reduce market entry costs
reform labpur markets
deregulation: easier to hire and fire workers absed on productivity
reducing tarde union powerr: limits influmces of unions leads to more flexible labour negoatioatsions and lower cost for employers
immigration reforms: creating a ore flexible imkigration system that atttrcats higher skilled workers, increasing prod capacitry
gender diversity imclusion
migrationa nd labour supllu
dependant on net inflow from workers over sea
agricuture, healtha nd socail care, hspitailty, tourism
labour market dynamics can chan ge over time due to factors lie changed=s in ommgrations policys eg brexit
500.000 work visas grabted in 2020
cristiscms of market based
income inequlity: tax cuts are regressive on lower icnome , wider wealthn gap
reduced safetky social net: dregualtion can lead to incrteased redunadancy
underinvestment in oiublic goods: eg helthcare and edu
market failure: free ,marjetrs not perfectr can lead to mf externa,itrys
finacial instability: dereg and lack of oversight in fimacial markets can comtribute evidnet in 2008 finacial crisis
state intervention
commitment to min wage to imprive work incentive amd prod
managemgt of exh rate to improve export comp
higher taxes on wealthy to fund pg
reduced uncebtive: higher tax / extesive regulation
crowding out public sector
ineeffcetive redistribution; hifgjer levels of tax lead to tax invasion, undermining intended redistributiom
unepmplyney in spring 23 was 3.9%
8.7 mill inactive