supplies Flashcards
Chemicals that inactivate saprophytic bacteria, render unsuitable for nutrition the media upon which such bacteria thrive and which will arrest decomposition by altering the enzymes of the body as well as converting the decomposable tissues into a form much less susceptible to decomposition
Preservative Embalming Chemicals
include a Chemical Water Conditioner and pH Activator, an accessory (co-injection) chemical for increased fluid action and sanitation, and a Non-Lanolin Hydrated Cellulose Polymer Humectant.
Accessory Chemicals
mixture of these chemicals is known as embalming fluid, and is used to preserve deceased individuals, sometimes only until the funeral, other times indefinitely
Supplemental Fluids
The compound used to provide a barrier or seal against any type of leakage of fluid or blood
Sealing Agent
supply that is used for cotton swabs, as a padding material, etc.
A thin plastic dome-shaped disk used to restore contour just beneath the eyelids; an aid in eye closure.
A plastic threaded screw-like device for sealing punctures and trocar openings.
Trocar Button
A plastic feature-setting device placed in the mouth to add shape and contour to the integumentary lips/mucous membranes; generally used when there are no dentures available
Mouth Former
used to cover particular areas of the body to collect any leakage that may occur
Plastic Goods/undergarments
item used with suturing needles to suture cuts and incisions
A device used as a means of fastening the calvarium after a cranial autopsy
Calvarium Clamps