Supervisor Book Flashcards
Police departments must be responsive to
Democratic control
Define politics
Pg 8- process of acquiring and maintaining control over a government, including its politics, administration, and operations.
Public policy’s is expressed in ______, ________, ________, ________, and ________ taken or not taken by a governmental agency. Pg. 9
Laws, regulations, operating procedures, decisions and actions
Public policy
Where politics and administration intersect, the method by which agency’s are guided and controlled. Pg.9
Word that in Latin pro (forth) and fateri (confess), meaning to announce a belief.
Specialized work, an emphasis on both line inspections of officers and staff inspections of functions, written policies and procedures, enhanced training, increased accountability, and widespread adoption of the bureaucratic form of organization. Pg 14
Military model
Comprehensive study recommending support for civil service protection for the police and enhance training and education
Wickersham Commission
International association of Chief’s of police
Formed in 1934 pg 17
The kidnapping and murder of the infant son of Lucky Lindy Lindbergh led to
Federal Kidnapping act which gave FBI jurisdiction on kidnapping cases. Pg 17
________ tainted police race relations across generations, creating a hostility toward, and an abiding suspicion of the police, often manifested by lack of co-operation
Lynchings pg19
Civil rights act of 1964
Invalidated Jim Crow laws
Forbids discrimination in hiring, promoting, and firing on bases of sex, race, color, religion and national origin
Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964
Peace officers standards and training commission (POST)
Created in 1959 California pg 23
Professional licensing that could revoke officers certificates
was seen as a means of improving community relations, which were generally poor before the urban riots and also contributed to their advent, and of reducing police violence, promoting more judicious use of police discretionary decision making, countering corruption as a competing model and redefining the role of policing in society
Poplar in 1960 “we against them” propelled what? Pg 25
Is the development of police strategies and programs in partnership with communities in order to deliver custom tailored police services and solutions to problems, as well as a renewed focus on crime prevention rather than crime detection
COP- community-oriented policing
Is based on data analysis of a constellation of sources, including intelligence, agency records, and scientific research.
EBP- evidence-based policing
Based on premise that when small infractions of law are ignored, it creates a climate conductive to more serious crimes being committed
ZTP- zero tolerance policing
Larry Sherman pioneered notion by analyzing crime date. He concluded that a relatively few places produced roughly half all crimes by concentrating on those locations crime could be reduced
Hot spots
If police elsewhere have to resort to force, it might create trigger riots there too.
Ferguson Effect pg 29
“I don’t want to end up in prison, so I’ll respond to the calls from dispatch, but other than that, I’m just going to ride around and not get involved”
Baltimore Effect
January 16, 2016, the police executive research forum.
PERF pg 30
The laissez-faire leader whoever takes a passive _____ posture
Hands off
Maslow: The needs Hierarchy- self actualization:
Testing one’s self, gaining sense of mastery
The average human has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible. Most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, and threatened with punishment to get them to put forth edequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives. The average human prefers to be directs, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security above all
McGregors Theory X
Supervisory practices, policies and administration, working conditions, interpersonal relationships with subordinates, peers, and superiors, STATUS, effect of the job on personal life, job security, money. Motivators: Achievement, Recognition for accomplishments, challenging work, increased responsibility, advancement possibilities, opportunities for personal growth and development
Herzberg Motivation and Hygiene Factors
This model rests on the adversarial process of the legal profession and is usually applied to help the weak and disadvantaged against powerful interests, for example, government and business. I’m doing so, advocacy implicitly incorporates a more political view of planning. Paul Davidoff coined the term advocacy planning in 1965
Instead of relying on broad, law related concepts, such as robbery, burglary and auto thrifts, officers are encouraged to group individual, related incidents that come to their attention as problems and define these problems in more precise and useful terms. For attention as problems and define these problems in more precise and useful terms. For example, an incident that typically would be classified simply as robbery might be seems as part of a pattern of prostitution related robbery’s commuted in center city hotels. In essence officers are expected to look for possible problems and accurately define them as part of their daily responsibilities
SARA- Scanning
These three stages are as follows; alarm, resistance, exhaustion (not the correct answer, incensory?)
GAS- The general adaptation syndrome
Can be considered desires Le because it gives management insight into employees attitudes, provides a safety valve for employees emotions, and helps spread useful informations. Dysfunctional traits include its tendencies to spread rumors and untruths, it’s lack of responsibility to any group or person, and it’s uncontrollability. Attributes to the _______ its speed and influences- May work either to the good or to the detriment of the organization.
The grapevine
Communication used by managements to send orders, directives, goals, policies, and so on to employees at lower levels of the organization.
Downward communication
An organized body of theoretical knowledge, advanced study is needed to master knowledge, a code of conduct guided action, prestige, standards of admission, etc
Criteria making up a profession
The single most important human relations skill
A policing philosophy that focuses on general neighborhood problems as a source of crime; community policing is preventive, proactive, and information based
Community Orient Policing
A style of policing using the best available research to guide, manage, and evaluate police operations within a community. Or intelligence led policing
Evidence based policing
Crime Analysis
Officers, like all people get into their comfort zones. Before change can occur they have to be _______ from the perceptions and behaviors that are presently part of who they are and how they approach their jobs. Often, this is accomplished by creating a sense of urgency that the produce better results more efficiently. This tactic is known as disconfirmation because to some degree it invalidates what is presently being done. The heart of ________ is making people be receptive to change.
Unfrozen, Unfreezing
The three branches of stems of traditional organizational theory are _____ _______c the bureaucratic model and administrative or management theory. Taylor’s scientific management is also a theory of motivation in its belief that employees will be guided in their actions by what is in their economic self interest
Scientific management
Negligence Tort
Vehicle pursuit.