Supervision Points to Remember Flashcards


1.If an officer makes a questionable decision that you gave him responsibility to make should you support him?

  1. If an officer comes to you frustrated about his inability to achieve a work goal, determine if _______.
  2. Uniformity in training and procedures makes ______ easier.
  3. ________ = when work assignments are made by assigning a varied set of tasks to a group of employees and allowing the group to decide how the work should be done.
  4. Workers mainly resist change because it creates ________.
  1. Yes
  2. there is a barrier you can remove
  3. transfers
  4. Job Enlargement
  5. psychological and social anxiety
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  1. A supervisor should require his subordinates keep him apprised. This is especially true with which of the following?

a. Delinquency control programs
b. employee accident and safety campaigns
c. public relations programs
d. Vice and Narcotics Enforcement


D. Vice and Narcotics Enforcement

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  1. In a Line/Staff organization the line supervisor must remember that he obtains ______ from the staff specialist, not ______.
  2. Should you take notes when counseling a problem drinker?
  3. The more effective objective standards a superior officer establishes, the more he can avoid many _______ with his subordinates.
  1. advice, commands
  2. No. It will make him apprehensive and defensive
  3. time consuming relationships
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  1. At the scene of a barricaded person with hostages, do which of the following (if any)?

a. Request as many officers as are available respond immediately
b. provide security for any evacuated premise
c. if possible communicate with subject by phone, not loudspeaker

  1. In evaluating an officer you should give the greatest weight to which of the following?

a. ability to establish good relationships
b. decisions made by officer in previous work situations

  1. B and C
  2. B
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  1. The best way to supervise members of specialized units is by frequent ______ of the subordinates, and continuing _______ of the work they produce.
  2. What is the biggest drawback of a wholly quantitative rating system?
  3. Probation period = part of the _____ process.
  4. Use of radio code signals isn’t advised because A) it introduces opportunity for transmission error, or B) unable to reduce the time necessary to transmit?
  5. Speed enforcement radar units eliminate ________ and lessen the possibility of _______.
  1. personal observation, evaluations
  2. it does not show specific defects which officer should strive to correct
  3. selection
  4. A
  5. high speed chases, error in speed determination
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  1. Compare crime in which of the following?

a. same community in previous years
b. other communities in same geographical area
c. county as a whole
d. other communities with similar age/sex and age distributions

  1. The reason for informing the defendant of the reason for arrest as soon as possible after they are arrested is which of the following?

a. it will prevent resistance to arrest
b. their fear of assault/robbery will be allayed
c. good public relations policy dictates need for full communication
d. it will reduce possible complaints of improper police conduct

  1. A
  2. A
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  1. Following a robbery arrest the suspect is routinely questioned about narcotics so that…….
    a. background of suspect can be determined
    b. basis for more questioning of intent and commission of crime
    narcotics squad can enter the situation and ascertain source
  2. Specialists are almost always required for which of the following?
    a. preliminary investigation
    b. traffic direction
    c. planning
    d. supervision
  1. B
  2. C - planning (and also inspection of records)
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  1. The first stage in transformation of group into mobs = _______.
  2. The most serious drawback of mail in tickets is _________.
  3. Should metal covered grenades be immersed in oil?
  4. What is the reason you should not allow prisoners certain ball point fountain pens?
  5. Excessive _____ tends to create uncontrolled independent units.
  1. occurrence of some exciting event (final precipitating incident)
  2. deterrent of facing a judge is lost
  3. No
  4. brass tube fillers can be used as handcuff keys
  5. specialization
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  1. The reason for police official stating that the initial effect of an improved accident reporting system will be making city safety record look worse is
    a. unfamiliarity of personnel with the new system/forms
    b. street supervision of investigation and reporting of accidents
    c. newspaper publicity leading to increased public awareness
    d. overzealous enforcement of minor traffic regulations
  2. Discipline is best utilized to
    a. ensure compliance with Dept policies and procedures or
    b. as a supervisory tool
  3. Ideas/decisions from supervisor are more readily transmitted into effective action when communication is
    a. given in patience and understanding
    b. part of a total communication system
    c. deliberate and related to unit procedures and work habits
    d. related to emotional needs and environment
  1. B
  2. A (gets the job done)
  3. C
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*****Patrol officers should be distributed in proportion to ______.


The need for services

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**1. How often should a PD revise/reassess their patrol function?

  1. Chronological distribution of patrol need of service is determined by hour of day and day of week analysis. How often?
  2. Should geographical beats represent an equal share of miles covered?
  3. If questioned about the need for additional officers in a high crime area tell them it is because _______.
  4. The most important principal in patrol force distribution is ________.
  1. Annually
  2. Quarterly
  3. No, equal share of workload
  4. of the amount of crime there
  5. that each section of the community by provided police service in proportion to the need for protection
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*****Frequent rotating shifts creates a physical ______ and makes ______ difficult.


hardship, proportional scheduling

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  1. Although the system of 8 hour shifts is generally used by PD’s, it would be more suitable to provide for overlapping shifts when: A) an average workload for one shift is substantially less than the others, B) An hourly workload on one shift fluctuates wildly from the average of other shifts, C) the average workload for one shift is substantially greater than the others, or D) the hourly work load for each shift is the same?
  2. Is overlapping shifts more efficient at meeting the demand at certain hours of the day?
  1. C
  2. No, it may enable you to meet the demand, but is not more efficient
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*****An overlapping shift may be good to address the greater need at peak times but should be concerned about _______.


Post/Sector Responsibility

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  1. What should you do if new area (ex: shopping mall) is built that requires additional policing?
  2. In general where should patrol zones meet?
  3. ______ = good tool for cross jurisdictional crime problems/patterns, but ultimately creates issues for ________.
  4. Will an increase in patrol force automatically reduce crime?
  5. What crimes are more responsive to patrol activities? Which are not?
  6. In general, do not move a command post unless ________.
  1. change a patrol zone boundary to run through it
  2. at major thorough fares
  3. task forces, unity of command
  4. No
  5. Robbery, Burglary, Theft from persons and autos, assaults

Not= Narcotics trafficking, domestic violence, homicides

  1. in a radio dead zone
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  1. At strikes police should be face ______. Is it ok to use hand signals to direct traffic in and out of building?
  2. Large unruly crowd - before taking any action determine if ________. Advise officers to safeguard ______.
  3. When assigning tasks consider ______ of the officer.

***4. _________ encourages initiative and resourcefulness.

**5. If POs hesitate to make decisions let them know ________.

  1. A good leader has ________ in his subordinates
  2. If placing a subordinate in temporary position to replace you choose one with ________.
  1. Picketers, No - Looks like favoritism
  2. you have enough officers, their firearms
  3. skills
  4. A Broad assignment of work
  5. You have confidence in them
  6. confidence
  7. leadership ability
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  1. _______ are guides which are applicable most of the time.
  2. The most important factor in determining the organization structure is __________.
  3. In organizational structure the number of subordinates reporting directly to a boss should be lower or higher at top?
  4. What to do when organizational structure becomes unmanageable because authority for the same program is divided among various departments?
  5. ______________ organization might be appropriate when the work of a department can readily be separated into specialized activities.
  6. When decision making authority is vested in/delegated to the level of execution ______ is taking place.
  7. If community based store front precincts are created _________ is taking place.
  1. Principles of Organization
  2. the objectives of the department
  3. Lower
  4. change the organizational structure
  5. Functional Basis
  6. Decentralization
  7. Decentralization
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  1. When a high ranking line boss retires some ______ will most likely need to be realigned.
  2. A)Organizing, B)Policy and C)Controlling:

**Can involve distributing work and providing a work environment = _____.
As a process, involves inspection of work, formal reports, and assignments = ______.
Is most reflective of the philosophy of management = ______.

  1. Patrol distribution should be based on ________.
  2. Before _______ consider need, abilities, attitudes, and size of the agency
  3. When trying to determine the number of officers needed for a program, find out ______ and ______.
  1. Line functions
  2. Organizing, Controlling and Policy
  3. Average hourly need
  4. Specializing
  5. What tasks are involved and how much time it will take
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True or False

  1. People in an organization should know where they fit in the lines of authority.
  2. The basic objectives of LE agencies are the same, regardless of size.
  3. Temporarily assigning officers from one functional unit to another promotes communication and understanding of job functions.
  4. The public will comply with a regulation if they understand why it was instituted.
  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. True
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** Defined lines of _____ and ______ may avoid neglect and duplication, and are also important for effective decision making.


Authority and Responsibility

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  1. If need to determine how many officers are needed for patrol force, first determine how many are required to handle _____ posts.
  2. Will centralizing managerial decision making provide for consistency or inconsistency of actions in the organization?
  3. When staffing an investigative unit for first time consider the number of new ___, number of active ____, and the _____ to complete each one.
  4. A _______ organization is appropriate when the work can be readily separated into specialized activities. However, coordination of effort can become difficult as subordinates may be subject to the functional director of several persons. This violated the principal of _________.
  1. fixed
  2. Consistency

3, Cases, cases, time

  1. Functional, Unity of Command
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  1. What is the purpose of civilian employees in PD?
  2. What should boss do if support of staff is needed for solution to a problem: Form a committee or make a personal decision?
  3. Chiefs must confer with _____ and set aside time regularly to answer their questions. They must also train them to raise issues (except in emergencies)
  4. If a member of a staff unit needs info from a line officer for a study, can they bypass the chain of command to get it?
  5. At higher levels of authority the work becomes more _____ and the number of people who can be effectively supervised ______.
  6. The MOST important step in making crisis intervention a successful tool is establishing a working relation between _____ and ______.
  1. To free sworn officers to do police work.
  2. Form a committee
  3. Their CO’s
  4. Yes
  5. Divers, Lessens
  6. Police and other agencies
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  1. ________ only adds temporary job satisfaction.
  2. Define Index of Enforcement
  3. Work periodically with subordinates who have frequent public contacts to find out how the public reacts to _______.
  4. When are control steps in an organization justified?
  5. Must a newly appointed administrator gain knowledge of agency objectives?

6 ______ has the greatest impact on work environment.

  1. ______ goals can be modified as conditions change.
  2. Which is more efficient? A steady post or rotating assignment?
  1. Physical working conditions (recognition, job enrichment, and decision making create longer satisfaction)
  2. The specific application at a given location of enforcement action against an identified violation that is causing accidents. (Sounds just like selective enforcement)
  3. Policies and procedures.
  4. When they save more money/effort than they cost
  5. Yes
  6. First line supervisor
  7. long range
  8. Steady Post
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  1. Should you implement a suggestion if everyone agrees it is good but there is one hold out?
  2. What is the MOST important step in internal public relations program?
  3. When planning for patrol which is more important: Square miles or Street miles?
  4. When management recognizes labor unions, a big problem is the unions may challenge _____ decisions.
  5. When a key secretarial staff wants a 4-6 week sabbatical notify _______.
  6. The most important factor in external development of a PR Program is relations with _______. What is the 1st thing to consider when developing a PR program?
  1. Yes
  2. Training of Officers
  3. Street Miles
  4. Personnel
  5. Human Resources
  6. News Media, Objectives
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***2. An INTANGABLE reason for patrol staffing is ___________.

  1. What to do if experience supervisor is against a new procedure?
  2. Should the top boss be engaged in negotiations with Union?
  3. Residents are upset about college “hanky-panky”. Which of the following would be INCORRECT response: A) increase Patrols, B) Increase enforcement, C) issue a press release, or D) Meet with college officials?

****6. A budget must be _________. If expenditure has increased explain why.

  1. Crime prevention (cannot be accurately measured)
  2. Implement it on a trial basis
  3. No, send representative because it may become hostile
  4. C, Don’t issue a press release
  5. justified
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  1. What factor contributes the MOST to shaping public opinion about the department?

**2. The appropriate ________ of subordinates will contribute to department efficiency.

  1. The attitude and conduct of individuals officers on patrol
  2. Placement (Job Match)
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***** If notice an increase in a particular issue (ex: officer involved MVAs, UOF incidents), your first step should be _______.


Analyze reports to determine the cause
(important to get the facts first)

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***** Before starting a new program or unit in your department (ex: community relations program, juvenile unit) make sure you have the necessary ______ and ______ to get the job done.


Resources and Authority (Sometimes just one or the other)

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***Sgt Jones is on probation and cant seem to supervise the squad he was promoted from. Should he be promoted or transferred?

****What to do if individual is promoted to Sgt but appears unable to handle the position despite your repeated attempts to help him?


Transferred (assuming either can be done)

(Two Options) Advise you will have to discipline him if he does not improve, or encourage him to go pack to a position he can handle

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**When a supervisor encourages subordinates to become involved in decision making process, subordinates will have and increased feeling of responsibility and their commitment to organization goals will increase. But which is MOST important?


increased commitment to goals of the organization

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  1. Can Line organizations (PBA) and their contact with supervisors help achieve the goals of the organization?
  2. Consider the ______ being served when determining the proper structure of the department.
  3. Your department’s organizational structure is appropriate if objectives are met with _________ and _________. (Two E’s)
  4. What may it mean if work output of a good unit falls after computers are put in?
  5. _______ keeping is a tool to help accomplish objectives.
  6. Before implementing a new detail in your agency make sure _________ is there to accomplish it.
  7. Officer assigned to _____ beats gain intimate knowledge of the conditions of the beat.
  8. Is establishing community goals a function of the patrol force?
  9. What type of plan gives guidance and direction to personnel in the performance of normal police activities?
  1. Yes
  2. Clientele
  3. Effectiveness and efficiency
  4. The system may be no good
  5. Record keeping
  6. the resources
  7. Permanent
  8. No
  9. Operational Plans
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  1. Is it ok to ask a more experienced supervisor for help when selecting new members for a special team?
  2. Improper street action occurs because ______ is weak.
  3. Before making assignments to a COMMUNITY RELATIONS UNIT find out if members _________.
  4. What is the most important administrative function of an administrator?
  5. When you request $5K to fund a project but are only given $3K what should you do?
  6. What is the purpose of selective enforcement?
  7. What is a good reason to assign police officers to the same department vehicle?
  8. When overlapping shifts are used during peak activity _______ may be difficult to maintain.
  1. Yes
  2. Supervision
  3. want the job
  4. The selection of personnel
  5. Make due with the $3k
  6. Reduce Accidents (One test said reduction of serious accidents resulting in serious injury or death)
  7. To adhere to the maintenance schedule
  8. Beat responsibility
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  1. What is the most serious department problem cause by a sergeant’s open door policy?
  2. What should you do if you want to establish a new unit. What should a sergeant do if he has a great idea to improve efficiency but department procedures have to be changed?
  3. Business owners complain about PROSTITUTION ring (other questions say Neighborhood condition), but investigation doesn’t support this. _______ with the owners about the investigation and determine ______.
  4. If your department is experiencing high turnover, more ___ and ____ may be required _____ new officers. Is turnover a bad thing?
  5. The concept of unity of command requires ___________.
  6. What should you do if your department receives complaints about the driving habits of Federal Officers?
  7. What should you do if the PBA fails to bring agenda to meeting with the chief and this has never happened before?
  8. What should you consider to determine vacation scheduling?
  1. Subordinates from other units come to him for advice, subordinates from other units complain that their boss doesn’t have this policy, and lower ranking bosses can be left out of the loop
  2. Go to your boss (Answer for both)
  3. Consult, goals
  4. Time and Money, train. Not always (It may provide an opportunity for others).
  5. ONE boss is in charge of any situation and subordinates receive orders from only one boss
  6. Notify the federal agency and ask for cooperation.
  7. Conduct the meeting, but caution them about future meetings.
  8. available manpower
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  1. The problem with negotiating a labor contract can be the _______ of the contract leading to differing interpretations.
  2. Good things to include in a prisoner property procedure are a ______ receipt and a detailed property description from ______ (how many) officers.
  3. As a chief or police manager what is your primary budget responsibility? (Two possible answers).
  4. Who should the budgeting process begin with?

**5. The most critical element in the development of DIRECTED PATROL TACTICS is _________ and _________ analysis.

  1. If a subordinate boss is new to a unit, thinks the unit’s performance is poor, and comes to you for advice, what should you do?
  2. What is the first step in measuring the effectiveness of a new procedure?
  3. _________ is the development of public understanding and respect for an organization and its work.
  1. Vagueness
  2. signed, two
  3. Make sure expenditures don’t exceed the budget, and Monitor the attainment of program objectives/goals to make sure they are achieved during the budget period.
  4. The first line supervisor
  5. Crime and Problem
  6. determine if there are defined performance standards for the unit
  7. Determine the performance standard that will be used
  8. Public relations
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  1. **What type of plan deals with the deployment and distribution of personnel?
  2. Is a guide for searching lost persons or suspects an example of an operational plan?
  3. What is the most important reason to have LONG RANGE plans?
  4. For administrative planning to be successful plans should be based on __________.
  5. An _______________ should plan and plan and delegate.
  6. When planning to start a new program, and considering how the work will be distributed, you should provide for the most _________ use of personnel.
  7. Planning involves research, interpretation, and development. Establishing good _______ is a function of execution.

8 A planning unit should involve members of ________ in the planning process.

  1. In order to obtain community policing objectives, ________ must be involved with the police in the development of public safety plans.
  1. Operational Plan (Also gives guidance to personnel in performance of normal police activities)**
  2. Yes
  3. To define the overall department objectives. (Remember its important that these plans be flexible if the need for change arises).
  4. clearly defined objectives
  5. Administrator
  6. efficient
  7. Supervision
  8. affected operating units
  9. local citizens
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  1. How can you reduce resistance to a change in work procedures?
  2. What is MOST likely to cause excessive employee resistance to a change in work methods?
  3. When introducing a new work procedure try to relate it to __________. Go from ______ to _____ or from ______ to _______.
  4. What should you do if employees interpret you policy differently?
  5. Periodic review of operating procedures can help prevent procedures from becoming ____________.
  6. What is the basic purpose for establishing policies?
  7. Is it ok to delegate policy making?
  8. Policies should come from on high and should be ________. Doing this will increase efficiency and reduce misunderstanding. However, written policies can be _______ in that they do not contemplate exceptional cases.
  9. Should policies be broad or narrow/specific?
  1. EXPLAIN and introduce the change GRADUALLY
  2. The manner in which the change is introduced
  3. what the group already knows. known to unknown or simple to complex
  4. Have a meeting to discuss it. Discuss the meaning and application of the policy.
  5. Overly Complex
  6. To provide consistency in decision making
  7. No, it is usually not appropriate.
  8. Written, restrictive
  9. Broad
  1. The most important requirement in establishing and developing a department policy is that the policy ______ officers actions and CLEARLY set forth what the department expects.
  2. ______ defined functions and policies are important to successful coordination. When policies are _________ and _____ this will aid in supervisory effectiveness.
  3. When developing new programs, ______ from subordinates could be important. It is positive to ______ recommended changes with those who will be affected by them. This includes subordinate supervisors.
  4. When considering a new procedure you want to implement consider how it will effect __________.
  5. What should you do if you know your boss’s plan will cause problems, but he wont change, even after you discuss it with him?

**6. When a newly enacted policy is adversely effecting the morale of your subordinates, _______ and _______ the policy with them.

  1. A police agency is best described by its _______.
  2. Policy is a statement of management ______.
  3. Policies assist in providing _______ in decision making in given situations.
  4. What should you do if your chief gives you the task of determining the feasibility of making a change in department policy?
  1. guide
  2. Clearly, comprehensive and clear
  3. relevant feedback, Discuss
  4. Existing procedures
  5. Prepare for the expected difficulties
  6. Discuss and explain the reasons for the policy (You should always EXPLAIN the reason for a new policy)
  7. Policies
  8. Intent
  9. Consistency
  10. Discuss the changes with those who will be effected by them and submit recommendation to the chief.

(Policies: broad, written, function as a guide, should be clear, should get feedback before enacting, explain the reason for them)

  1. _________ give participants an opportunity to share ideas and experiences in a learning environment.
  2. _________ an order given by a chief can lead to rumors.
    _________ kills rumors. Giving the correct information to your first line supervisors will prevent rumors.
  3. ________ are a useful means of passing on new information to subordinates, such as a new law and discussing its impacts.
  4. How should important information be passed on from one tour to the next?
  5. What should you do if your boss tells you something in confidence and you later hear your subordinates discussing it? What if you are chief and it is something the Mayor told you?
  6. What is the best indication of efficient communication within a department?
  7. ________ is important in written communications. (if its too late its no good).
  8. What should be the opening statement in a citizen’s request that must be denied?
  1. Group discussions
  2. filtering, facts
  3. Staff Meetings
  4. IN PERSON/FACE to FACE from the off going boss to the oncoming boss (at shift changing time)
  5. Tell your boss. Same answer.
  6. Each employee knows what they should do and how to do it.
  7. Timing
  8. That you have given the matter careful consideration
  1. Is it ok to let officers discuss problems at a staff meeting?
  2. What should you do if a subordinate insists on doing a task the wrong way?
  3. What should you do if one of your cops is giving bad information top others?
  4. What is the single most important skill of a supervisor??

4a. ________ and _______ skills are most important to good supervision.

  1. What should you do if one of your subordinates constantly misinterprets orders?
  2. __________ gives participants an opportunity to share ideas and experiences in a learning situation.

***7. Should you submit report to you boss all information reported to you?

  1. Yes. Subordinates will then better understand.
  2. Stay calm and explain the correct way
  3. Shut him up
  4. Communication. (more important than the ability to motivate)

4a. Interpersonal communication skills and human relation skills

  1. Have him repeat them to you
  2. group discussions
  3. No, only relevant and important info
  1. _______ reporting procedures facilitates getting info from FIELD to Headquarters.
  2. _________ communication may not be accurate. It is not a good way to issue orders.
  3. What should you tell an employee who disagrees with your ideas and says they are a waste of time?
  4. You are asking one of your subordinates for information and he seems to get visibly upset. Should you ask him why or explain why you need the info??
  5. What should you do if subordinates filter information to you?
  6. When submitting a report, should you open with an explanation of why you are making the report?
  7. What should you do if a subordinate always makes negative comments about a new procedure?
  8. Coordination of effort, that is difficult in a task force setting, can best be achieved through ____ and _____ communication.
  1. standardized
  2. Informal
  3. Tell him to explain his opposition.
  5. Review your manner of communication. Your communication may be at fault
  6. No
  7. Privately tell him to stop
  8. regular and direct
  1. To assure that your written communications are effective you should logically ______ information and write in a _____ style.
  2. What should you do if reporters press you for info on a recent prisoner stabbing??
  3. What may happen if someone in the chain of command is by-passed by an order? Or a supervisor bypasses the formal channels of communication?
  4. Will discussing something confusing at a staff meeting help subordinates understand it?
  5. What should do if your boss tells you that your officers should not speak to the press?
  6. How can you encourage your subordinates to follow rules and regulations?
  7. For coordination to be effective it must occur at all organizational levels to prevent disharmony. The essential activity of COORDINATION can best be accomplished by ________.
  8. If your communications with subordinates are open and accurate, ______ will be higher.
  1. organize, simple
  2. tell them the matter is being investigated
  3. A person who should have the information may not have it
  4. Yes
  5. Tell them not to speak to the press.
  6. Explain the reason for the rules/regulations to them
  7. Direct communication
  8. Morale
  1. What is the most commonly abused drug??
  2. Are problem drinker’s problems noticed at early stages? Alcoholic officers should be identified, and asked to ________.
  3. What should you do if a female officer informs you that her partner’s wife is annoyed over the fact that her husband has a female partner?
  4. A “loner” police officer can become a team player if there are _______. What should you do if you have a “loner” working for you?
  5. What should you do if you have an officer on temporary assignment working for you?
  6. Use _____ leaders to get the job done. If their status does not undermine yours, let them assist you in getting results.
  7. What will happen if boss demands blind obedience from subordinates?
  8. Is it ok for subordinates to disagree about how to solve a problem?
  1. Alcohol
  2. No. Seek treatment
  3. tell her to act professionally
  4. Common goals, minimize his impact on the unit and continue to encourage his efforts
  5. minimize his impact on the unit and continue to encourage his efforts (same answer for “loner” officer)
  6. Informal
  7. He wont get feedback to make proper decisions
  8. Yes
  1. What is the most important objective of a supervisor?
  2. What should you do if several supervisors report that a cop is acting neurotic?
  3. What should you do if cops are taking meals together outside of their jurisdiction?
  4. What should you do when your subordinates scores better than you on a promotional exam?
  5. What is the first step in solving a problem?
  6. What is the most important reason to keep personal equipment in good condition?
  7. What should happen if one supervisors decision causes an issue for another supervisor of the same rank?
  8. _______ processes include personal inspections, reviewing reports and employee performance evaluations.
  1. Achieve Department Goals
  2. Send the cop to the department physician
  3. Tell them to stop. (When possible and practical a warning comes before formal discipline)
  4. Treat him like everyone else and use his expertise
  5. Analyze the facts (A-DIME)
  6. So that it is ready to use for its intended purpose
  7. They should meet to discuss and propose a solution to their boss
  8. Control
  1. What should you do if you have two workers who are not friendly with other members of the unit?
  2. What should you do if you hear officers complain that you show favoritism?
  3. What should you do if a news reporter telephones to get a statement regarding a news article and you have not received an official report on the substance of the article?
  4. If a resident complains about wild teen-age parties, one of your first actions should be ______________.
  5. A boss should set aside a regular period of time for answering ________ questions of his subordinates.
  6. What should a LT do if PO complains that co-workers keep calling her a “Bitch” and her sergeant will not listen to her?
  7. As a supervisor you will need to use you _____ skills to change the ideas of the unit.
  8. Reports should be inspected in a _______ fashion.
  1. Nothing, unless it poses a problem
  2. Determine the possible reason for these feelings
  3. Tell the reporter you do not have sufficient information to make a comment
  4. interview the resident.
  5. non-emergency
  6. The LT should speak with the Sergeant
  7. interpersonal skills
  8. timely
  1. Overfamiliarity between you and a subordinate may result in the appearance of _______.
  2. Supervise closely when a _______ job is involved.
  3. Some psychological ailments can be dealt with through the process of ________.
  4. Tor F: Troops will comply more readily if you are positive rather than negative?
  5. You know you are a good boss if subordinates _________.
  6. What is the most important qualification of a supervisor? He must be able to supervise effectively.
  7. What should you do if an employee makes a suggestion you know will not work? If an employee makes a suggestion should you show respect and consideration for it, even if its not valuable?
  8. What should you do if one of your long time subordinate supervisors is retiring and seems to be “coasting”?
  1. favoritism
  2. Dangerous
  3. Catharsis (talking things out in a permissive atmosphere)
  4. True
  5. come to you for advice as the need arises
  6. The ability to get the job done
  7. Praise his effort but reject the suggestion. Yes.
  8. Talk to him about it
  1. What should you do if your in command and see the DO is gone and desk is unattended?
  2. As a boss, review ____ so that you can better direct subordinates.
  3. It important for a supervisor to be able to stimulate subordinate’s _________.
  4. Should you deny a sergeant’s day off request when its busy and two other sergeants are already excused?
  5. Is it proper for a supervising investigator to meet with investigators on a daily basis to discuss progress of an important case?
  6. Should you, as a boss, admit to your errors?
  7. A recruit who is a “community relations” genius is assigned to cover SCHOOL CROSSINGS and they are dissatisfied. What should they do?
  8. How can you avoid community discontent regarding car stops?
  1. Cover it yourself until he returns
  2. daily activity
  3. Interest in work
  4. Yes
  5. Yes
  6. Yes, then your subordinates will more readily admit to theirs.
  7. They should accept the assignment and perform to the best of their ability.
  8. Supervise the stops and make necessary changes
  1. Check _______ to determine if troops are performing as they should.
  2. What should you do if you suspect that some, BUT not all, of the members of your squad are not performing properly?
  3. What should you do if you direct a subordinate to leave a report on your desk and he doesn’t?
  4. What should you do if one of your subordinates wants to give you information that she wants you to keep strictly confidential?
  5. T or F: The type of supervision a police officer receives can effect their performance?
  6. T or F: If your subordinates seek out other police officers for advice you should not interfere?
  7. Nosy Newsie wants the story about a series of recent killings. He wants an interview now!
  8. You are promoted to Captain and take over a unit your Chief used to supervise. Chief says “Here’s the way I did it”. Your style of supervising is different. You are told the unit will start a new program that will have time limits and be watched by others. The program is a critical one. Should you use the Chief’s style or your own??
  1. available records
  2. Make a general statement about poor performance without singling anyone out. (this may be a better answer than #1)
  3. Find out why
  4. Don’t do it, it could involve misconduct
  5. True
  6. True, unless it causes a problem.
  7. Tell him to wait until the investigation is concluded
  8. Do it the Chief’s way until you have a chance to evaluate.
  1. Keep subordinates motivated by recognizing when they ________.
  2. What should you do if you observe a subordinate giving improper instructions to a group of officers?
  3. PRIOR to conducting an interview inform the member of _________.
  4. When assigned to a new unit determine you _____ and ______.
  5. Is it ok to be friends with a subordinate?
  6. T or F: Supervisors should remind subordinates that it is the police function to enforce all laws, whether or not the subordinates agree with the law or the effectiveness of enforcement.
  7. If one of your officers is learning a new procedure, correct him when he makes a mistake, but also ________.
  8. What should you do if you observe a subordinate improperly searching a prisoner?
  1. do a good job
  2. Correct him in a way that won’t embarrass him
  3. of the purpose of the interview
  4. Authority and Responsibility
  5. Yes, but OVER-FAMILIARITY may appear to be favoritism
  6. True (i.e. prostitution)
  7. Praise him for good work
  8. immediately direct him to do a proper search
  1. Possible reason behind a capable subordinate who suddenly starts performing poorly?
  2. What should you do if a subordinate, who does not work directly for you, complains to you about the workload HIS BOSS has assigned him?
  3. What should you do if a subordinate comes to you with a serious problem and has a good reason not to go to his immediate supervisor?
  4. A supervisors SPAN of CONTROL is most influenced by __________.
  5. If you are a new supervisor (or chief) your staff will have confidence in you, and will support you, if your treatment of them is _______ and ______.
  1. He may be experiencing personal problems.
  2. Tell him to talk to his boss
  3. You should look into it
  4. The skills and experience of the officers being supervised.
  5. Fair and Impartial
  1. When selecting an employee for an assignment which should come first, motivation or skill/ability??
  2. If an employee makes a suggestion to you, ask him to fully _____ it. This will make him feel that he was fairly treated.
  3. What should you do if an employee who constantly starts rumors and causes dissention is being transferred to another unit?
  4. What is the most important factor for a boss to sustain the confidence of subordinates in his leadership abilities?
  5. Should you get the facts first, even if an officer has disregarded a safety regulation?
  1. Motivation (if he doesn’t want to do the job he is unlikely to apply or learn his skill/abilities.
  2. explain
  3. Inform the supervisor of the unit he is being transferred to. (That supervisor should wait until he observes the behavior himself before acting)
  4. How he conducts himself
  5. Yes
  1. What should you do if a boss, not in your chain of command orders you to do something??
  2. When dealing with an INCOMPETENT subordinate you may have to engage in ______ methods to get the job done.
  3. _________ means a subordinate receives orders from ONE boss.
  4. What should an officer do if they are given multiple orders for the same problem from different supervisors.
  5. Do not give an implied order to a ________ subordinate. Unless _________.
  1. Do it, but IF possible confer with your boss first
  2. Autocratic
  3. Unity of Command
  4. Follow the LAST order given
  5. inexperienced, unless you are trying to develop him.
  1. What is the most common error made by a new boss concerning conferences?
  2. When a problems solution needs _______ it is appropriate for the chief to have a conference.

*3. A good way to get conference participation is to have conferees _______.

  1. In a ________ session, no ones suggestion should be criticized.
  2. A disadvantage of group problem solving may occur when the group becomes more concerned with _______ than solving the problem.
  3. T or F: Leaders can use conferences to disseminate information.
  4. When in a staff conference should you introduce important matters?
  5. In a group discussion agenda when should you place CONTROVERSIAL topics?
  1. failing to control or exerting control when not needed.
  2. support of staff
  3. help plan
  4. brainstorming
  5. reaching agreements
  6. True
  7. First
  8. In the MIDDLE of the conference following topics on which you expect easy agreement

**1. What is the purpose of discipline?

  1. In a disciplinary setting DO NOT tell an employee that a decision will need to be made by ________.
  2. What should you do if cops come in from tour early?
  3. _______ rules and regulations are not conducive to good discipline.
  4. ________ is a requisite of punishment.
  5. Discipline should be in the amount necessary to ________.
  6. A boss must be ______ in their enforcement of the rules.
  7. What should you do if a subordinate has an excuse for being late but it keeps happening?
  1. To change behavior
  2. A higher authority
  3. Tell them to stop or else
  4. Informal
  5. swiftness
  6. Prevent recurrence (AKA change behavior)
  7. Consistent
  8. Counsel him, but if it keeps happening formal discipline may be have to be used
  1. What should you do if a subordinate is disruptive during a briefing?
  2. A good reason to document an officers alcohol problem is ________________.
  3. ______ discipline is proper when ______ discipline fails to work.
  4. Should all employees be treated equally? Should all derelictions be documented?
  5. To be effective punishment must be _______. Also, it must be _____, _____, and ______.
  6. What happens if your chief handles ALL discipline in the department?
  7. If one of your subordinates misbehaved two months ago and you dealt with it, current misbehavior is _________.
  1. Firmly and politely tell him to stop
  2. To serve as the basis for future correction.
  3. Negative, positive
  4. No. Yes (First time or hundredth time late, document it)
  5. Certain. Swift, Fair, and Impartial
  6. Supervisors become less effective
  7. today’s problem
  1. Discipline requires that employees conform to policies and procedures. This is accomplished by changing _______.
  2. Take _________ action against an officer who drives through a red light without using light or siren and who collides with a vehicle lawfully in the intersection.
  3. Correct an officers mistake IMMEDIATELTY to protect both ______ and _______.
  4. Most orders should be framed as _______.
  5. The concept of Unity of Command can be violated when you observe a subordinate __________. And in this instance you should give a ________ command.
  6. What should you do if a subordinate refuses/or is reluctant to perform a certain task?
  7. What can you do to make sure a subordinate understands your order regarding setting up a roadblock?
  8. What happens when high-ranking bosses give orders directly to police officers?
  1. behavior
  2. administrative

3.the department and the officer

  1. Requests
  2. violating a safety rule, direct
  3. Find out why
  4. Ask him to repeat it.
  5. The authority of supervisors in the chain of command is weakened

*1. When your boss gives you a job to do you should _______ the assignment.

  1. What should you do if a subordinate questions what he has been told to do and suggests another way to do it that will not work?
  2. ________ orders facilitate systematic follow-up and provide a basis for attaching accountability for failures. This means it will go through the chain of command.
  3. In non-emergency situations when you tell a subordinate what you want done , also tell them ______.
  4. If a boss almost always uses _______ orders, he is not providing direction.
  5. T or F: It is ok to use verbal, instead of written instructions, when an assignment has been done before.
  6. T or F: When a subordinate disregards a non-emergency order, discuss it with him before taking emergency action.
  7. Written orders must be _____ to avoid confusion. Put orders in writing so that everyone ________.
  1. Clarify
  2. Explain to him the reason why his way won’t work
  3. Written
  4. The reason why it must be done that way
  5. Implied/suggestive
  6. True
  7. True
  8. Clear, gets the same message
  1. When giving an assignment to subordinates explain the _________ points.
  2. When a captain bypasses the lieutenant and gives orders directly to the sergeant _______ of _______ is violated.
  3. When dealing with a capable and reliable subordinate, suggestive directives can enhance _________.
  4. When a supervisor gives an order, the subordinates performance should be _____ed and _______ed. __________ involves follow-up.
  5. If new directives are given to subordinates there must be _______ (a form of control) to determine if the new directives are working. If there is no follow-up, the officers may not implement the directives according to what the department wants.
  6. Orders should be given by _______ when emergency conditions require direct prompt action.

7 Whenever an assignment is given to a subordinate he should ALWAYS be told __________ or _________. If have to choose one?

  1. An administrator who does not _____ will spend too much time dealing with nitty-gritty detail.
  1. important
  2. lines of authority
  3. Cooperation
  4. Observed and inspected. Controlling
  5. Feedback
  6. Commands (direct commands)
  7. WHEN it is to be completed or WHAT is expected. Choose WHAT over when. (If Captain Smith fully explains to Lt Jones what he wants done , the next most important piece of information is when he wants it done/completed. )
  8. delegate
  1. Why must a police supervisor delegate?
  2. The best reason to delegate is that delegation frees you up to __________, ________, and ________. If have to choose one?

2A. The primary reason for delegating tasks is to free up the boss to engage in __________.

  1. When given a special RUSH JOB by your boss that will require you to delegate to subordinates, and then give finished work to your boss, you should, at the onset, find out what your _________, __________, and _________ are.
  2. T or F: If authority is delegated to an incompetent subordinate, said authority may be taken back and delegated to another.

*5. Most important in assigning a task to a subordinate is to inform him (and others) what ______ he has.

  1. Should supervisors properly delegate All possible tasks to subordinates?
  2. Delegation must be to a ______ subordinate.
  3. When a task is delegated to you determine your ____ and _____.
  1. Because he is responsible for more functions than he can perform.
  2. Supervise, plan, and do what you are responsible for. (choose in that order)

2A. broader planning activities

  1. responsibility, authority, and requirements
  2. True
  3. authority
  4. Yes
  5. COMPETENT (If incompetent remove the task from him)
  6. responsibility and authority

*1. It is usually not appropriate to delegate the task of _______.

  1. _______ of the supervisor is a necessary prerequisite to delegation.
  2. If you delegate a task beyond your subordinates ability to perform he will become _______. However, if he has to extend himself to get the job done, it may increase his ability. Should always consider if the person you are delegating to has the necessary ______ to get the job done.
  3. A boss should delegate ______ tasks.
  4. When a boss delegates appropriately to his subordinates he can concentrate on ______. And not on completing routine tasks.
  5. Delegation requires that a supervisor not _______ all the work of his subordinates. Proper delegation requires that a supervisor not get involved in every aspect of the work being performed by his subordinates.
  6. Proper delegation can be a ______ opportunity.
  1. policy making
  2. Willingness/sincere desire.
  3. frustrated, skills
  4. routine
  5. Planning (making policy)
  6. micromanage (close strict oversight)
  7. Learning
  1. When you delegate task you must stay ____ about how tasks are handled because you are still ultimately ________ and _______ for what you have delegated.
  2. In order to ascertain if work is being done on time you must ______ and _______.
  3. Use ______ leaders to get the job done. (assuming their status does not undermine yours).
  4. When subordinates are ______ and internal ______ are good, the boss can delegate work confidently.
  5. _________ people should do the work.

*6. When decision making authority is delegated to lower levels, there may be initial ________, but the ______ of lower level supervisors will be more fully realized.

  1. When authority is delegated to officers, the officers must be held ________ to get the job done.
  1. informed
    responsible and accountable
  3. informal
  4. competent, internal controls
  5. qualified
  6. mistakes, talents
  7. accountable
  1. Instituting a _______ program, may improve morale. Employees work more effectively when they feel they are ________ to the organization. A cop that makes suggestions that he believes will improve how the work is done is _______ to do the job (even if his suggestions have already been considered).
  2. An obvious indicator of low morale is _________. The MOST obvious indicator is ________.

*3. What should you do if a few workers in a good unit with high morale are somewhat lax?

  1. T or F: A supervisor should ALWAYS follow praise with criticism.
  2. A sign of high morale is low ________. Another choice could relate to GOALS, but a generally accepted theory is that the goals of the troops are ________ as the goals of the agency.
  1. employee suggestion, contributing, motivated
  2. high absentee rate, general deterioration in the appearance of personnel.
  3. Discuss it at a staff meeting how work can be improved without singling out the lax personnel
  4. False, This is wrong
  5. absenteeism, essentially the same
  1. Discussing ______ and ______ with subordinates can increase morale and teamwork.
  2. Setting ______ for a unit can increase morale.
  3. Willingness of members to put _______ objectives above _______ objectives is a sign of high morale.
  4. ________ is a motivating force and subordinates obtain _________ when their efforts are recognized by the boss.
  5. The willingness of a boss to _______ can affect morale.
  6. When subordinates participate in ______ they will develop interest and feel they have control over their work.
  7. What should you do if a subordinate is doing the minimal amount of work and the morale of the group is affected?
  8. Increased motivation can increase _______.
  1. goals and policies
  2. goals
  3. department objectives, personal objectives
  5. give praise (for good work)
  6. the decision making process
  7. Give the subordinate a specific way he can improve his performance
  8. Productivity.
  1. When considering who should be an instructor should you choose the best teacher, or best worker?
  2. Subordinates should be trained to act ________. When a boss does not do this his subordinates will be dependent on directives and guidance.

*3. What are the four techniques which can be used by an instructor to liven up a lecture?

  1. _______ is a good training technique for learning how to interview a rape victim (or any victim).
  2. Instructors, in order to impart knowledge to others, should have ______ to teach persons who do not have a grasp of the subject. An instructor MUST be _________.
  3. If changing many _____ jobs, training is required.
  4. _________ training regarding minorities is good to help understand cultural differences, make police more sensitive to needs, and may cut down on shooting incidents.
  5. What should you do if a subordinate is being disruptive during a training session?
  1. Teacher
  2. independently
  3. Demonstrations, Training Aids, Discussions, and Ask for Questions
    (May also see Training Aids, Ask for opinions and solutions, Ask for questions)
  4. role playing
  5. patience. Patient
  6. Routine
  7. Sensitivity
  8. Tell him to stop
  1. _______ training is a good way to remind officers about accident prevention procedures.
  2. A lecture on ______ should be related to job performance.
  3. An important consideration before instituting a training course is: Would the course add sufficiently to the work effectiveness of concerned employees to ________.
  4. Should you use questions during training to find out who did their homework?
  5. Training should be aimed at the _____ people.
  6. When training a subordinate in an UNUSUAL and COMPLEX assignment, give him _______ instructions and ________ frequently.
  7. If your subordinates are well trained your department’s ___________ will be enhanced.
  8. When organizing a training program, its a good idea to present the training in a manner which can be ________ by all participants.
  1. Roll Call Training
  2. Ethics
  3. Justify the expense
  4. No, do not use questions to embarrass students
  5. the right people
  6. DETAILED, check the work
  7. Performance capabilities
  8. Understood
  1. ________ training can cover needed material cheaply and/or quickly.
  2. What should you do if the training sergeant complains that no one understands the training?
  3. What should you do if a subordinate performs a task improperly?

*4. What should you do if a subordinate has a procedure explained to him several times, but still cant comprehend it?

*5. A good reason for FIELD TRAINING rookie cops is ___________. _______ officers should be assigned to FIELD TRAIN recruits (Also, officers who express _________).

  1. __________ is one of the most common instructional failures. The inexperienced teacher is prone to provide too much detail.
  2. _______ will help get the attention of students, young and old.
  3. Many subjects can be covered at ______ training.
  1. Roll Call
  2. Review the lesson plan
  3. Show him the correct way
  4. SHOW him how its done
    (It is not improper to SHOW a subordinate the correct way to do a job)
  5. So they can apply PA training, experienced, an interest in working with new recruits
  6. Oversimplification
  7. Training Aids
  8. Roll Call
  1. If training seems to run into a learning plateau, be conscious that _______ could be affected.
  2. Regarding the various steps in teaching, the most important is the ___________. Why?
  3. When students are learning something for the first time, ________ are most effective.
  4. Which is more efficient? Planned Training, or hit or miss training?
  5. _________ training is a way to develop competence in basic functions. You, as a boss should be concerned about this training because well trained officers provide a better service to the public.
  6. To MOTIVATE a student to take a training course seriously what should you tell him?
  7. To PREPARE a student to a training course what should you tell him?
  8. When there are ______ in the way several activities are performed, it is probable that a training seminar is required.
  1. Morale
  2. Introduction, to gain students interest
  3. demonstrations
  4. Planned
  5. On the Job
  6. Convince him that he and the department will benefit from the training. (Another answer) Inform him that he will use the training in the work of his unit. (This is the best way)
  7. That he’ll use the training to “get the job done” when the course is over
  8. changes
  1. An officer’s _______ to learn will directly affect how much he learns from a training seminar.
  2. What should a boss do if training is not getting done due to work schedules and assignments?
  3. What is the principal goal of an orientation program?
  4. What should you tell a nervous rookie on parade traffic duty?

*5. New officers do not all need the same amount of ______ to succeed in their new position.

**6. ________ period should look at behavior on the job to see if fit for the job, and determine if the cop is able to do the job. Its a part of the _________ process.

  1. motivation
  2. Prepare to train at various times and locations
  3. To help a new employee adjust
  4. “Take your post”
  5. encouragement
  6. Probationary, selection
  1. A _________ of work to a subordinate encourages initiative. They also encourage _______.
  2. _________ is a positive motivator.
  3. Don’t give an implied order to a ______ officer, unless you are trying to _______.
  4. It is important, in assigning tasks for the supervisor to consider the ______ of the police officers.
  5. It is a good idea to assign an officer to a job that will help him develop ________.
  6. What should you do if an officer makes a questionable decision but was free to use initiative in making the decision?
  7. Subordinates who demonstrate a potential for ______ should be considered for promotion to a supervisory position.
  8. When counseling an officer about his poor work performance tell him ___________.

1.Broad assignment, resourcefulness

  1. Recognition
  2. newly appointed, develop him
  4. Confidence
  5. Support him
  6. Leadership
  7. What he needs to do to improve.
  1. A good reason to give a less experienced officer a complex and important task is you will be able to _______ in varying circumstances.
  2. An objective to developing your officers is for them to become more _______ in performing their work. But, when developing NEW OFFICERS, your purpose may be to train them to handle more _______ work.
  3. Performance standards should be two things: ________ and ________. Do not set standards at the ________ level.
  4. When evaluating a subordinate you Cannot ignore _______.

*5. What is the most common rating error? This can cause _____ to suffer, and makes those who work for a harsher rater feel ______.

  1. A ________ with a subordinate whose performance is slipping can be used to help him avoid a possible breach of discipline.
  2. What should you do if the ratings of one boss are usually HIGH and another usually LOW?
  3. The ______ of the best cops will be hurt if everyone gets a high rating.
  1. evaluate how he performs
  2. independent, difficult
  3. attainable and passable, perfection
  4. a minor problem
  5. Leniency, morale, unfairly treated
  6. PROGRESS Interview
  7. Check the standards being used
  8. morale
  1. Objective evaluation is most likely to occur if based on _________.
  2. Objective ratings are based on _______ performance.
  3. Evaluations should be based on ______ performance
  4. A newly-assigned supervisor who must do EVALUATIONS should base them on ______.
  5. Employee job performance should be measured against __________.
  6. Sgt Smith rates a subordinate high because of two traits that he likes. The error is ________.
  7. Performance evaluations can help subordinates engage in _______.
  8. Consider if _______ is needed if supervisors regularly commit rating errors.
  1. specific data related to performance, (another answer) specific instances of work performance
  3. overall
  4. records and reports
  5. defined performance standards
  6. subjectivity
  7. self-appraisal
  8. supervisory training in applying performance standards
  1. If a reward system is implemented regarding subordinates performance, it is essential that officers receive continuous _____________.
  2. An officer’s motivation to achieve a performance goal will be affected by his belief that ____________.
  3. Regarding a performance evaluation system, good morale among subordinates will be enhanced when subordinates believe that _____________.
  4. Properly administered evaluations based on _____________ are unparalleled as a foundation upon which a supervisor can help a substandard employee develop a program to improve his performance.
  1. feedback about how their performance compares to standards that have been set.
  2. his superior has acted fairly in setting the goal
  3. leadership is fair in its use of the system
  4. Sound Objective Data
  1. What should you do if a civilian complains about a traffic ticket? What if he says the officer was rude?
  2. What should you do if a civilian complains to you about the lousy job your unit is doing?
  3. Gambling boss - what should you do if you observe a Police officer placing a bet in a barber shop?
  4. What should you do if you are a patrol supervisor off duty and observe a cop in civilian clothes taking money from a pusher?
  5. When investigating a complaint against one of your officers remember he is entitled to _______.
  6. If prisoner alleges he was beaten by arresting officer, the allegation must be investigated and the prisoner must be _______.
  7. If an investigation into police misconduct regarding excessive force is substantiated, ___________ discipline of the involved officer must be taken.
  8. When you receive a complaint about one of your cops, ______ the cop about the incident.
  1. Tell him to go to court (another answer is explain Dept. procedure to him). Tell him you will investigate it.
  2. Advise him that you will investigate
  3. Notify the Chief
  4. Record and investigate
  5. Due Process
  6. Interviewed
  7. prompt
  8. Interview

*1. What are the three primary objectives of an effective Personnel Complaint Investigation?

  1. An important reason to investigate civilian complaints against PO’s is to maintain _______.
  2. What is the most important reason to investigate all civilian complaints?
  3. What should you do if a civilian complaint about an officer is unfounded but additional evidence, which may not be good for the officer, comes to light?
  4. When someone complains about civil rights being violated, and wants the police to be held liable, determine if the officer involved was carrying out his ________.
  5. What should you do if there is an anonymous complaint that officer made unwanted sexual advances during a traffic stop?
  6. ___________ are often symptoms of more serious problems.
  1. Protect the Reputation and Integrity of the Department, Protect the Public Interest, and Protect the accused employee from Unjust accusations (Watch out for objective that leaves out the last one)
  2. public confidence
  3. Protect the Department from the accusation of preferential treatment. (If competing answer says protect the public from actual police misconduct you may have to throw a dart)
  4. Try to verify this new info
  5. sworn duty
  6. Determine if any similar complaints have been made against him.
  7. grievances
  1. What should you do if there is a split in the department over a union election?
  2. What should you do if a cop with a grievance is extremely upset?
  3. As Chief you have several COs reporting to you. A spokesman for a unit under one of your COs comes to you with a grievance regarding job assignments made by the CO. What should you do?

*4. What should you do if you call in the above CO (or any supervisor) and they becomes Angry and Defensive?

  1. What should you do if a subordinate seems upset while carrying out an assignment?
  2. When you have resolved all grievances satisfactorily, but grievances keep arising, you must understand that _________.
  3. If grievances keep occurring, they may be indicative of ________


  1. IF the problem relates to the job, bring both sides together and resolve it.
  2. Calm him down so you can get the facts
  3. FIRST determine if the matter was discussed with the CO (same goes for lower ranks).
  4. Tell him of the complaint and Ask His Advice on how to deal with it.
  5. Ask him what is bothering him
  6. the EXPRESSED GRIEVANCES may not be the real grievances
  7. another problem
  1. What should you do if a female officer complains to you about sexual innuendoes from male officers?
  2. A Complaint about SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE comments must be ________.
  3. What should you do if a a female officer complains about her male partner using vulgar language and she has told him she is offended by it?
  4. Should foul language by a male partner in presence of a female partner be considered SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION?
  5. What should you do if an employee comes to you with a FULLY EXPLAINED GRIEVANCE?
  6. What should you do if an employee comes to you with an unfounded grievance?
  1. Assure her you will investigate
  2. Clarified
  3. Speak with her partner about his language
  4. We think No
  5. Investigate it (another answer = explain to the officer what you understand the grievance to be)??
  6. Treat him in a way that he knows he was treated fairly
  1. What should a lieutenant do if a PO complains that her sergeant will not listen to her when she says that her co-workers are continually calling her a bitch?
  2. What should a lieutenant do if a PO complains to him about the actions of their sergeant?
  3. What should you do if a rookie cop complains about a senior cop work habits?
  4. If subordinates come to you and openly discuss their job complaints, it is likely the _______________.
  5. When a formal and contractual grievance is filed and the captain disagrees with the decision of the LT, should the captain A) Meet with the LT and give him an opportunity to change his decision, B)Proceed to a Hearing, or C)Skip over the LT and issue a Department wide written directive?
  1. The LT should speak with the Sgt
  2. The LT should advise the PO to speak with their Sgt first
  3. Ask complaining cop for more details (Remember: Investigate/Interview/Get the Facts!)
  4. You do a good job handling employee complaints
  5. A) Meet with the LT and give him an opportunity to change his decision. (Seems to be the best choice)
  1. Labor problems at site where construction company is doing work under a municipal contract. You are the CO. Tell the owner of of the company _________.
  2. Police should assist BOMB TARGETS to develop __________ to be used if and when a threat occurs.
  3. ________ the first officers to arrive at a hostage scene.
  4. Who is the easiest hostage taker to deal with? What should you do if bad guy says “I don’t want to talk anymore, I’m going to kill this guy”?
  5. When on duty for a strike face the _______, and do not use _______.
  6. Should a communications Captain driving past a street emergency where a LT is in charge stop and take charge? Should the Chief respond?
  7. If shorthanded should you prevent picketing in front of an abortion clinic?
  8. Is it a good idea to send trauma counselor and cop to interview a rape victim?
  1. That site security is HIS job and your troops will respond if summoned to keep the peace
  2. bomb alert plans
  3. Debrief
  4. Felon interrupted during a robbery. Keep trying to get him to talk.
  5. Strikers, hand signals
  6. Yes. No, Chief should not respond to every emergency because other bosses will defer to him.
  7. No, its a first amendment right.
  8. Yes, it will help the victim deal with the trauma
  1. At ______ disputes initiate actions that will contribute to a resolution of the problem.
  2. What should you do if while driving your police vehicle you hear what sounds like gunshots and something hitting the rear of your vehicle?
  3. Successful detectives will have the ability to ____________.
  4. Unknown rapist 5’9” to 6’1”, no further description. Possible suspect is detained. If no further evidence what should you do? Should you do a line-up, show-up, or photo-array?
  5. Regarding the above situation, what should you do if community leaders are upset about the unsolved rape?
  6. Are well-conducted sobriety checkpoints effective? What about general Criminal Detection check points?
  7. What is the primary police responsibility at the scene of a fire?
  8. What should you do if roads ice up during your tour? What if snow is deep?
  1. Family
  2. drive away from the immediate area
  3. obtain info from witnesses and suspects to solve crime (interviewing and interrogating)
  4. Identify him and then let him go. No, none of these. (This is an apples, pears, peaches, screwdriver situation)
  5. Let them know what is happening if it doesn’t interfere with your investigation.
  6. Yes. No, and they are not allowed.
  7. crowd and traffic control
  8. Notify your command that the road conditions are deteriorating. Put chains on tires.
  1. For a crime scene sketch indicate ______, _____, ____, ____, etc.. Use numbers for ______ and letters for ______.
  2. Where should mass demonstration arrests be processed?
  3. Police Officers at a demonstration should be careful to safeguard _______.
  4. What should you do if a knife is found on a prisoner that was already searched.
  5. What should be done since a defendant’s appearance can change from the time he was arrested to his trial?
  6. Is it ok to separate stapled forged instruments if one of them needs to be examined?
  7. _____ is a condition an officer may experience following a seriously upsetting situation.
  8. In a situation where hostages maybe taken, should a supervisor respond to the scene?
  1. North, Scale, date, time
    Numbers=Evidence and Letters=Non-Evidence
  2. A location away from the scene and where public transportation can’t be used to get back to the demonstration.
  3. safeguard their firearms
  4. Find out if the patrol car was searched before the prisoner was transported
  5. Have the arresting officer view the defendant before the trial.
  6. No, do not do this.
  7. Post traumatic stress
  8. Yes
  1. ________ can aid in determining suspects.
  2. What can non-experts testify about someone’s apparent mental state?
  3. Can a reporter with a press card enter a crime scene? What if they persist?
  4. When you stop a traffic violator should you explain the reason for the stop?
  5. During a typical day do officers deal more with criminal or non-criminal matters?
  6. PO involved in fatal shooting. Explain to him _______. And do not ______ him.
  7. Should officers facing spectators at a parade solute the flag when it passes?
  8. What should you do at a clandestine drug lab?
  1. Motive
  2. They can say “I saw him do crazy things” but can’t say “He’s crazy”.
  3. No. Arrest them.
  4. Yes
  5. Non-Criminal
  6. procedures will be followed, isolate
  7. No (advise complaining veteran groups about this)
  8. Open the windows
  1. If a serious HAZ-MAT emergency is threatening a large shopping area, who should make the decision about evacuating? As a first line supervisor, what should you do before ordering an evacuation?
  2. If there is a serious collision involving a tanker truck and many cars on a bridge over a stream, what should your immediate concern be for?
  3. What should you do if an officer reports that he has discovered a gambling operation?
  4. In a crowd control situation where people will be ordered to break it up, make sure they have ________.
  5. Know the _____ and _____ of a person who is to be the subject of surveillance.
  1. The highest rank available. Call your boss before evacuating.
  2. The bridge structure and the stream (Haz-Mat wasn’t mentioned)
  3. Verify the information
  4. an avenue of escape
  5. Identity and Description.
  1. To improve productivity the first consideration is the _______ of the officers.
  2. Assign officers of different ________ to work together in a way that best utilizes their differences.
  3. When you are in charge of a program your exposure to _________ groups provides a good opportunity for an exchange of ideas about the program.
  4. The top boss making a decision that will affect the direction of the department MUST first consider the expectations of ______ and ______ groups.
  5. When a new initiative is proposed, form a ___________ to make recommendations.
  6. Which function provides planning and carrying out programs to keep the public updated on police activities?
  7. If a procedural step required by department rules is not followed and no problems occur, determine if _______________.
  8. When _____________ are conducted, they can be a good source of data for analyzing highway safety.
  1. ability
  2. Generations
  3. Community
  4. local political and government
  5. Committee
  6. The public information function
  7. the step is needed or not
  8. Accident investigations
  1. If a subordinate knows his work is _______ the probability of him leaving a job is lessened.
  2. Common and achievable goals will foster ______ among officers.
  3. How should you respond if the large number of cops assigned to a high crime area is questioned?
  4. When a boss has a heavy workload, efficiency can be increased by scheduling _______ activities at _______ times.
  5. What should you do if a new parking regulation is generally met with resistance from citizens of the community?
  6. What is the primary purpose of any public relations work?
  7. When a condition will require added patrol coverage, determine the amount of additional patrol coverage that will be needed. _______ and _______ are important information that will affect the amount of patrol coverage required.
  1. important
  2. teamwork
  3. That the police are needed in high crime areas
  4. routine, recurring
  5. Hold a meeting to explain the purpose of the new regulation
  6. To foster understanding of the reasons for the activities of the department
  1. When a Chief takes a position on an issue he provides ________ on resolving that issue.
  2. When a department deploys more resources in the wealthier area of the community as opposed to areas of need, this creates a problem regarding ________ for the department.
  3. What will happen if everything done requires a specialist?
  4. When the nature of your units work demands that assignments ___________, it is important for you to have a good understanding of the details of this work. But, if all the officers in a unit are ________ and need frequent __________ from you, you may need to know the details of the work in order to train (EXPLAIN, DEMONSTRATE, etc.) them.
  5. When a serious and dangerous condition erupts regarding college students be sure you have sufficient _________ to deal with it.
  6. When subordinates understand ____ a procedure is used, their performance will improve.
  7. What should you do if there are common problems regarding work?
  8. What should cops know for proper use of K-9 units?
  1. leadership
  2. enlisting support
  3. The patrol force will be depleted/marginalized
  4. be made on a daily basis, inexperienced, instruction
  5. sufficient manpower
  6. Why
  7. hold a meeting with subordinates
  8. When to ask for them to respond
  1. When your officers work with and for another agency _________ is facilitated.
  2. Inter-Agency cooperation can develop _______ programs and foster _______. __________ is a concept that applies internally and externally.

*3. It is important for supervisors to review ________ to better direct officers to areas of need.

  1. Public exposure within church and community groups regarding ______ problems presents a good opportunity for the exchange of ideas about programs.
  2. If it is REQUIRED that suggestions be routed from supervisor to a unit which evaluates them for “merit awards”, should you forward the suggestion, even though similar ones have proven unworkable in the past?
  3. T or F: If the reason for a rule is known, respect for the rule is easier to maintain.
  4. When checking accident statistics, you should determine ______ offense, ______ committed, and ___ committed. These statistics support a program of ________.
  5. When you are a boss and your boss want to know if he made his point in a presentation to your staff, from an ADMINITSTRATIVE POINT of VIEW, tell him _______ if he did. Even if he didn’t use your input?
  1. coordination of effort
  2. Suspect ID Programs, sharing, coordination of effort
  3. crime reports/crime activity
  4. drug
  5. Yes. (This is not the same as when you know it wont work)
  6. True
  7. What, When, Where, Selective Enforcement
  8. Yes. Yes.
  1. T or F: Input should be solicited from members of the patrol force when establishing community goals?
  2. A civilian records clerk requests a 6 month leave of absence. What should you do? A) Deny the request, B)Consult with Human Resources, C) Refer the employee to her Union, D) Approve the leave only if available manpower exists
  3. Which of the following shift schedules can lead to confusion regarding patrol sector responsibility? A) 12 hour shifts, B) Steady Shifts, C) Rotating Shifts, D) Overlapping Shifts
  1. False (The community sets community goals, not the patrol force)
  2. B -Notify HR
  3. Overlapping Shifts
  1. All of the following are primary budget responsibilities of the Chief and management except:
    A) To make sure expenditures don’t exceed the budget
    B) To monitor the attainment of program objectives
    C) To justify over budget expenditures
    D) To determine whether department goals have been achieved
  2. A supervisor wants to improve the productivity of their unit. Their First consideration should be: A)To implement a new training program, B) Evaluate the units operating procedures, C) Modify the unit’s work schedule, D) The ability of his unit’s officers
  3. If you are responsible for the proper execution of the department’s budget, which of the following should be your Primary objective? A)Keep expenditures within the budget, B) Provide regular updates to the elected body, C)Justify requested funding allocations, D) Determine whether Department goals have been achieved
  4. At what level in the organization should the budgetary process begin with? A) The Chief Executive Level, B) The first line supervisor, C) City Hall, D) In the departments administrative level
  1. C
  2. D (The appropriate placement of subordinates “Job Match” will contribute overall to efficiency “productivity” of employees)
  3. D (All are important, but D is the primary objective)
  4. B -The First Line Supervisor
  1. Sgt. Rivers is having difficulty supervising a group of officers he worked with prior to his promotion. Sgt. Rivers should be: A) Warned that he may be disciplined if his performance does not improve, B) Transferred, if possible, C) Demoted, D) Retrained
  2. A Newly promoted Sgt. is unable to do the job satisfactorily in spite of counseling and training. You should do all of the following except: A) Warn him that he may be disciplined if his performance does not improve, B) Encourage him to move back to his former position, C) Transfer him, D) Both A and B
  1. B) Transferred, if possible
  2. C) (Do Not Transfer a Performance problem)