Superficial muscles Flashcards
O- Fascial crest & Zygomatic Arch
I- Ramus of mandible
In- Masticatory n
F- Elevates mandible (mastication)
O- Nuchal lig & Supraspinous lig (C2- T10) I- Dorsal 1/3 scapular spine (Thoracic) Scapular spine (Cervical) In- Dorsal branch of accessory n F- Elevate shoulder Scapular - cranio/caudodorsally
O- Temporal fossa & medial surface of Zyg arch
I- Coronoid process of the mandible
In-Masticatory n
F- Elevates mandible (mastication)
O- Nuchal crest & dorso-scapular lig (C2-T8)
I- Medial Scapular cartilage
In- Medioventral branch of local thoracic and cervical n
F- Scapular dorsally & cranially
Elevates head
O- SP’s T3-T5 via thoracolumber facia & Nuchal lig
I- Nuchal crest & Mastoid process (C2-C5)
In- Dorsal branches of local spinal & accessory n
F- Elevate, Extends & Laterally bends head & neck
O- Madibrium sterni I- Caudal border mandible In- Ventral branch of accessory n F- Opens mouth Flex head and neck to side of muscle
O- Clavicle intersection I- Mastoid pro. of Temp bone (ClMas) Crest of humerus (ClBr) In- Ventral branch of Acc n (ClMas) Axillary n (ClBr) F- Flex neck (ClMas) Protract limb (ClMas & ClBr)
Descending pectorals
O- Manubrium of Sternum I- Deltoid tuberosity & crest of humerus In- Cranial & Caudal pectoral n F- Limb-Trunk connection Protract forelimb
Transverse Pectorals
O- Costal cartilages 1-6 & Adjacent to sternum I- Forearm fascia In- Cranial & Caudal pectoral n F- Forelimb-trunk attachment Abducts the forelimb
Triceps Brachii
O- Caudal border of scapular (Long) Humerus, deltoid tuberosity (Lateral) Medial humerus (Medial) I- Olecranon In- Radial n F- Extend elbow (all) Flex shoulder (Long)
Extensor carpi Radialis
O- Lateral supracondylar crest & radial fossa
I- Proximodorsal on MC3
In- Radial n
F- Extends carpus
Ulnaris Lateralis
O- Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I- Accessory carpal bone & MC4
In- Radial n
F- Flexes carpus
Biceps brachii
O- Supraglenoid tubercle I- Radial tuberosity Medial collateral lig In- Musculocutaneous n F- Extend shoulder Flex Elbow Stabilise carpus (stay apparatus)
O- Caudal border of scapular & aponeurosis from scapular spine
I- Deltoid tuberosity
In- Axillary n
F- Flex shoulder
Latissimus dorsi
O- Supraspinous Lig (T3 caudally to thoracolumb fascia) I- Teres major In- Thoracodorsal n F- Lateral flexion of back Flex shoulder Retract limb Draws Trunk cranially
O- Shoulder fascia I- TP's C2-C4 In- Local Cervical n F- Protract limb Bends neck laterally
Ascending pectorals
O- Sternum & Distal ribs 4-9 & tunica flava abdominis
I- Major and Minor tubercles of humerus, tendon of coracobrachialis
In- Cranial & Caudal pectoral n
F- Retract limb
Suspend trunk
Stabilise shoulder joint
Tensor Fascia Latae
O- Tober coxae I- Fascia latae on patella Lateral patella lig Cranial border tibia With sup gluteal on 3rd trochanter In- Cranial gluteal n F- Flex hip Protract HL Extends stifle Tenses fascia lata
Superficial gluteal
O- Tuber coxae & Gluteal fascia I- 3rd Trochanter & fascia lata In- Cranial & Caudal gluteal n F- Flex hip Protract and Abduct HL
Bicep Femoris
O- SP's + TP's S3-5 Sacroiliac lig Tail fascia Tuber ischii I- Lateral patella Lateral & Mid patella lig Cranial tibia Crural fascia Tarsal tendon to calcaneal In- Caudal gluteal & Sciatic n F- Extend hip & stifle & hock Flex stifle Abduct limb