Superficial face Flashcards
Facial aspect of cranium consist of which bones:
Frontal Zygomatic Orbits Nasal region Maxillae Mandible
The orbits consist of which bones?
Lacrimal Ethmoid Sphenoid
Nasal region consists of which bones?
Nasal Vomer
___ is the only movable bone of the skull
The frontal suture is what type of suture?
___ margin separates squama from orbital portion of skul
Supraorbital margin
Superciliary is Latin for ___ and is (more/less) prominent in males than females
Eyebrow More prominent in males
___ sinuses are the last to fuse
___ is just above the roof of the nose
Squama is Latin for ___
Fish scale
___ separates frontal bone squama and orbital portion
Supraorbital margin
The inferior surface of the frontal bone contains two parts of the orbit:
Lacrima fossa Orbital part
The frontal bone contains ___ bones the frontal suture which is a ___suture.
2 Metopic
Each foramen of the skull has a ___ bundle of the same___, these bundles pass through the bone to the ___
Neurovascular Name Skin
2 types of facial musculature
Muscles of facial expression Muscles of mastication
Sphincter muscle closed eye, Orbital part produces ___ Palpebral part produces ___
Orbicularis oculi Winking Blinking
Occipitofrontalis __ eyebrows
Corrugator supercili
Wrinkles forehead (frowning)
Depresses medial end of eyebrows and wrinkles nose Dislike/ disdain
Levator palpebrae superioris
Elevates upper eyelid
Orbicularis oris is the ___ muscle
Draws corner of lips laterally
Zygomaticus major
Draws angle of mouth up
Zygomaticus minor
Raises upper lip
Levator labii superioris
Opens lip Raines and furrows upper lip
Depressor anguli oris
Draws corners of mouth down “Tragedy mask”
Depressor labii Inferioris
Draws lower lip inferiorly “Pout”
Wrinkles chin
Compresses cheek “Trumpeter”
Tenses skin of neck —shaving
Cutaneous (____ input) innervation of face provided by CN ___ (name:___)
Sensory V Trigeminal
Motor innervation of face provided by CN ___(name___)
VII Facial nerve
3 branches of trigeminal (CN V) V1 V2 V3
V1= opthalmic V2=maxillary V3-mandibular
(Trigeminal )CN v1 exits
Superior orbital fissure
(Trigeminal) CN V2 exits foramen ___ enters ____ fossa
Rotundum Pterygopalatine
(Trigeminal) CN V3 passes through foramen ____