Superficial face 1 Flashcards
Name the 5 branches of Facial N (VII) that innervate the superficial muscles of the face?
Ten Zebras Bashed My Car
Temporal nerve Zygomatic nerve Buccal nerve Mandibular nerve Cervical nerve
Muscles of facial expression develop from which branical arch?
The muscles of facial expression are considered what types of fibers?
SVE (Darby)
Many of the muscles of facial expression insert together at a central point at the corner of the mouth know as?
Name the muscles that circulate the eye and its parts:
Orbicularis Oculi m.
Orbial Part
Palepbral part
Lacrimal part
Name the muscle that circulates the mouth:
Orbicularis Oris m
Whats the function of the orbicularis oris m?
Close the mouth and pucker lips
kissing muscle
Name the two muscles that elevate the upper lip:
Levator labii superioris m.
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi m.
Name the muscles that insert onto the angles of the mouth:
Levator anguli oris m
Depressor anguli oris m
Name the muscles that depress the lower lip:
Depressor labii inferioris m
Mentalis m
Name the muscles that originate from the Zygomatic Arch:
Zygomaticus major m
Zygomaticus minor m
Name the muscles of the nose:
Procerus m
Nasalis m
Name the muscles that run in the Anterior-Posterior plane:
Risorius m
Buccinator m
Name the miscellaneous muscles of facial expression:
Platysma m
Occipitofrontalis m
Corrugator supercilii m
Auricular muscles (Anterior, Superior and Middle)
Name the 5 muscles that insert onto the Modiolus:
Levator Anguli Oris m Depressor Anguli Oris m Zygomaticus Major m Risorius m Buccinator m.