Superficial Back POINA's Flashcards
Latissimus Dorsi - Proximal Attachment
inferior angle of scapula
ribs 9-12 or 10-12
iliac crest
thoracolumbar fascia
spinous processes T7-T12
Latissimus Dorsi - Distal Attachment
floor of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus
Latissimus Dorsi - Nerve Innervation
thoracodorsal nerve C6, C7, C8
Latissimus Dorsi - Muscle Action
shoulder extension
shoulder adduction
shoulder internal rotation
Latissimus Dorsi - Purposeful Activity
propelling a manual wheelchair forward, pushing down on the arms of a chair to stand
Trapezius - Proximal Attachment
external occipital protuberance
superior nuchal line
ligamentum nuchae
spinous processes C7-T12
Trapezius - Distal Attachment
lateral 1/3 of clavicle
spine of scapula
Trapezius - Nerve Innervation
spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
ventral rami of C3, C4 (pain & proprioceptive fibers)
Upper Trapezius - Muscle Action
head & neck extension
head & neck ipsilateral lateral flexion
head & neck contralateral rotation
scapular elevation
scapular upward rotation
Upper Trapezius - Purposeful Activity
reaching overhead for an object
Middle Trapezius - Muscle Action
scapular adduction / retraction
scapular stabilization
Middle Trapezius - Purposeful Activity
rowing a kayak
Lower Trapezius - Muscle Action
scapular depression
scapular upward rotation
Lower Trapezius - Purposeful Activity
reaching overhead for an object
Levator Scapulae - Proximal Attachment
transverse processes of C1-C4