Superficial and Deep Back Flashcards
- O: external occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line of occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7, T1-12 vertebrae
- I: Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, Acromion, spine of scapula
- A: elevates, retracts, and rotates scapula upward
- N: spinal accessory (CN XI) supplies the motor innervation and ventral rami of C3, C4 supply sensory fibers.
Latissimus Dorsi
- O: spines (spinous process) of lower 6 thoracic vertebrae, lumbodorsal (thoracolumbar) fascia (TLF), crest of ilium, muscular slips from lower 3 or 4 ribs
- I: floor of intertubercular groove of humerus
- A: extends, adducts, and medially rotates humerus
- N: thoracodorsal (middle Subscapular), C6-C8
Rhomboid Major
- O: spines T2-T5
- I: medial border of scapula between spine and inferior angle
- A: adducts and rotates scapula downward.
- N: dorsal scapular, C5
Rhomboid Minor
- O: ligamentum nuchae, spines C7-T1
- I: root of scapular spine
- A: adducts and rotates scapula downward
- N: dorsal scapular, C5
Levator Scapulae
- O: transverse process of atlas (C1), axis (C2), C3-C4
- I: superior angle, medial border of scapula
- A: elevates and rotates scapula downward.
- N: C3, C4; dorsal scapular C5
Serratus Posterior Superior
• O: inferior portion of ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of C7-T3
• I: superior borders of ribs 2-4 (sometimes 5)
• A: elevates superior ribs, aids in weak inspiration
• N: intercostals Nn
(underneath Rhomboids)
Serratus Posterior Inferior
• O: spinous processes of T11-12 and L1-2
• I: inferior borders of ribs 9-12
• A: depresses ribs 9-12, aids in weak inspiration
• N: intercostals Nn
(Underneath Lats)
Serratus Anterior
- O: lateral surface of 1st to 8th ribs
- I: anterior (or costal) surface of medial (vertebral) border of scapula
- A: protracts (abducts) and rotates scapula upward; fixes scapula against thorax; raises ribs when scapula is fixed. Push-off test – wing scapula, or comparison of both side
- N: long thoracic n, C5-7
Splenius Capitis
- O: ligamentum nuchae, spines C7, T1-3
- I: lateral part of occipital bone, mastoid of temporal bone
- A: Alone: side bend to same side, together, extend head and neck
- N: dorsal rami of inferior cervical Nn
Splenius Cervicis
- O: Spines T3-T6
- I: Transverse processes of C1-C3
- A: Alone: side bend and rotate neck to same side, together, extend head and neck
- N: dorsal rami of inferior cervical Nn
O: Illiac crest
I: ribs
O: Transverse processes of inferior vertebrae
I: Transverse processes of superior vertebrae
- O: Spines of inferior vertebrae
- I: Spines of superior vertebrae
- Combined actions: extend vertebral column or side bend to same side
- Nn: All are innervated by posterior rami
Semispinalis capitis
- O: Transverse processes C7-T7
- I: Area between superior and inferior nuchal lines
- A: Together extend head, unilaterally-side bend to same side, rotate to opposite side.
- N: dorsal rami of cervical spinal Nn
Semispinalis cervicis
- O: Transverse processes T1-T5
- I: spinous processes 4-6 segments above
- A: Together extend vertebral column, unilaterally-side bending neck ipsilaterally and rotate neck to the opposite side (kind of like action of the SCM muscle)
- N: dorsal rami
- O: Transverse processes
- I: Spinous processes 2-4 segments superior
- A: Together: extend vertebral column, unilaterally: rotate to the opposite side
- N: Dorsal rami
- Acts as a Stabilizing muscle
- O: Transverse processes.
- I: Spinous processes 1-2 segments superior
- A: Together: extend vertebral column, unilaterally: rotate to the opposite side
- N: Dorsal rami
Levator Costorum
- O: Transverse process
- I: Rib inferior to origin
- A: Elevate ribs during inspiration
- N: dorsal rami