Super Gremlin Kodak Black Flashcards
Venerated for religious reasons this creature was first domesticated by the Mayans
One of the few domesticated
Sources of protein
NFL team that has never retired a number
Dallas cowboys
Put players in the ring of honor
Brooke is from Dallas and a huge fan
Brought horses to the Americas
This president receives a British knighthood before he wqs even elected
Perks of winning ww2
Published in 1631 the so called wicked Bible has this unfortunate typo
Thou shalt commit adultery
Only like 10 copies in existence
Claiming in its tagline that life’s good what do the tv manufacturer lg’s initials actually Stand for
Lucky Goldstar
A nod to the city where it started Motown record label got its name by combining these 2 words
Motor town
Car tires are put through this process to increase elasticity and strength
Invented by who
Charles Goodyear - rubber is heated up in presence of sulfur to make them last a lot longer
Unsafe at any speed is a 1965 book that accuses car makers of ignoring scientific safety tests and criticized reluctance to implement safety features such as sear belts written by this frequent presidental candidate
Bonus this car had a chapter specifically written about as unsafe
Ralph nadar
Wrote about the cheverlot co vair
In this 60s sitcom Jerry vandyke purchases an old vehicle which turns out to be this
My mother the car
His reincarnated mother
TV guide rated as second worst sitcom of all time only behind the Jerry springer show
This tv show features a vehicle inspired by Dutch proto modernist painter pe et Mondrian
Partridge family (the bus)
The brothers in this long running series drive around the country in a black 67 impala
Hop ons were a constant problem with the stair car a family vehicle that was given to George Michael when he went off to college on this show
Arrested development
Nicholas Joseph coon yo invented the first self propelled vehicle in 1770 with this type of engine
Steam engine
The first practical combustion engine automobile was created in 1885 by this engineer
German carol Benz
This early car manufacturer saw consumerism as the way to peace; he developed a franchise system for dealerships and was a massive antisemite
Henry Ford
Blamed Jews for all of the problems in the world; wrote a book the international jew
Henry ford made a push to trash square dancing in school to counteract jazz
Movie theme songs
Monty Norman the composer of this characters theme said this staccato riff conveyed sexiness mystery and ruthlessness
Iconic song we hear at the beginning of the 007 movies
That is the mystery and the sexiness daisy Donahue hot
Irina masha and Olga are the title characters in this play
Uh reen uh mah shuh
Anton Chekhov the three sisters
Tempering chocolate calls for this equipment made up of two pans one of which nears inside the other
Double boiler
This autism and animal rights activist invented a squeeze machine to help manage her anxiety
Temple grandin
Grand in
This alphabet emerged in the 4th century CE and was used to translate this book
Bonus variation of
Gothic alphabet variation of Greek alphabet
The Bible is the book
The island of Sri Lanka lies in this ocean
This daughter of holy Roman emperor Charles VI inherited the Hapsburg dynasty in 1740
Maria Theresa
Common in Russia and originally made with fur a ushanka is this item of clothing
U shank uh
To survive cooler temps this large aggressive reptile dogs the deepest burrow of any animal
Pop art - celebrities painted or printed by Andy Warhol
This counter cultural figure and legendary rock front man became a father to a son who is younger than his grandchildren and briefly supported brexit before changing his opinion
Mick jager - super andraguhnus
Young jager vibes from Harry styles
Check out rock and roll circus
Pop art - celebrities painted or printed by Andy Warhol
Nicknamed duke this western actor starred in 142 motion pictures including stage coach
John Wayne
Pop art - celebrities painted or printed by Andy Warhol
No stranger to glamor this movie star was the first celebrity was the first to launch a perfume brand
Bonus most famous movie?
Elizabeth Taylor
In 58 he wrote Brazil was beastly but Buenos Aires was the best. Not Tiffany’s but almost
Truman capote
Come on and kiss me Kate is actually a line in this comedy that inspires the musical kiss me Kate
The taming of the shrew
This plays line murder most foul has been used as the role of mystery and crime books