Sunset Boulevard Flashcards
I am big. It’s the pictures that got small
I am big. It’s the pictures that got small - Norma
Shhhhh… you’ll wake up the monkey
Shhhhh… you’ll wake up the monkey - Joe
Well as long as the lady’s paying for it, why not take the vicunha?
Well as long as the lady’s paying for it, why not take the vicunha? - Suit seller
What you’re trying to say is that you don’t want me to love you
What you’re trying to say is that you don’t want me to love you - Norma
Madame got the razor from your room and she cut her wrists
Madame got the razor from your room and she cut her wrists - Max
Great stars have great pride
Great stars have great pride - Norma
I don’t want to be a reader all my life. I want to write
I don’t want to be a reader all my life. I want to write - Betty
Nobody important really. Just a movie writer with a couple of B grade pictures to his credit
Nobody important really. Just a movie writer with a couple of B pictures to his credit - Joe
The poor dope. He always wanted a pool. Well, in the end he got himself a pool. Only the price turned out to be a little high
The poor dope. He always wanted a pool. Well, in the end he got himself a pool. Only the price turned out to be a little high - Joe
Life, which can be strangely merciful… had taken pity on Norma Desmond
Life, which can be strangely merciful… had taken pity on Norma Desmond - Joe
The dream she had clung to so desperately… had enfolded her
The dream she had clung to so desperately… had enfolded her - Joe
All right Mr DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up
All right Mr DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up - Norma
She was still sleepwalking along the giddy heights of a lost career, plain crazy when it came to that one subject… her celluloid self
She was still sleepwalking along the giddy heights of a lost career, plain crazy when it came to that one subject… her celluloid self - Joe
Tell him without me he wouldn’t have any job because without me, there wouldn’t be any Paramount Studio
Tell him without me he wouldn’t have any job because without me, there wouldn’t be any Paramount Studio - Norma
I discovered her when she was 16… I made her a star… I directed all her early films
I discovered her when she was 16… I made her a star… I directed all her early films - Max
Well, they didn’t like my nose… slanted this way a little, so I went to a doctor and had it fixed
Well, they didn’t like my nose… slanted this way a little, so I went to a doctor and had it fixed - Betty
There’s nothing tragic about being 50, not unless you’re trying to be 25
There’s nothing tragic about being 50, not unless you’re trying to be 25 - Joe
The plain fact was that she was afraid of the world outside. Afraid it would remind her that time had passed
The plain fact was that she was afraid of the world outside. Afraid it would remind her that time had passed - Joe
A dozen press agents working overtime can do terrible things to the human spirit
A dozen press agents working overtime can do terrible things to the human spirit - Joe
The perfect setting for a silent movie queen. Poor devil. Still waving proudly to a parade which had long since passed her by
The perfect setting for a silent movie queen. Poor devil. Still waving proudly to a parade which had long since passed her by - Joe
You see, this is my life. It always will be. There’s nothing else… just us… and the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark. All right, Mr DeMille. I’m ready for my close-up
You see, this is my life. It always will be. There’s nothing else… just us… and the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark. All right, Mr DeMille. I’m ready for my close-up - Norma
You’ll read about it in the late additions, because it involves an old-time star
You’ll read about it in the late additions, because it involves an old-time star - Joe
Before you hear it all distorted and blown out of proportion
Before you hear it all distorted and blown out of proportion - Joe
Rudy never asked any questions about your finances. He’d just look at your heels and know the score
Rudy never asked any questions about your finances. He’d just look at your heels and know the score - Joe
Apparently, I just didn’t have what it takes, the time had come to wrap up the Hollywood dream and go home
Apparently, I just didn’t have what it takes, the time had come to wrap up the Hollywood dream and go home - Joe
Waiting for the gravy train
Waiting for the gravy train - Joe
Why don’t you go out and take a crack at Hollywood? Maybe you could think that you could make it
Why don’t you go out and take a crack at Hollywood? Maybe you could think that you could make it - Joe
Of course I could just give you $300, but I won’t
Of course I could just give you $300, but I won’t - Agent
It was a great big white elephant of a place. The kind crazy people built in the crazy 20s
It was a great big white elephant of a place. The kind crazy people built in the crazy 20s - Joe
A neglected house gets an unhappy look
A neglected house gets an unhappy look - Joe
Why have you kept me waiting for so long
Why have you kept me waiting for so long - Norma
They opened their big mouths and all that came out was talk, talk, talk
They opened their big mouths and all that came out was talk, talk, talk - Norma
Sometimes its interesting to see how bad, bad writing can be
Sometimes its interesting to see how bad, bad writing can be - Joe
Grim, sunset castle
Grim, sunset castle - Joe
Wind wheezing through that organ once in a while
Wind wheezing through that organ once in a while - Joe
Cosy setup
Cosy setup - Joe
Silly hodgepodge of melodramatic plots
Silly hodgepodge of melodramatic plots - Joe
I started concocting a little plot of my own
I started concocting a plot of my own - Joe
She was the greatest of them all, you wouldn’t know, you were too young
She was the greatest of them all, you wouldn’t know, you were too young - Max
She’s quite the character
She’s quite the character - Joe talking about Norma to Max
In one week, she received seventeen thousand fan letters
In one week, she received seventeen thousand fan letters - Max
I pegged him as slightly cuckoo too
I pegged him as slightly cuckoo too - Joe talking about Max
The whole place seemed to be kind of stricken with a creeping paralysis
The whole place seemed to be kind of stricken with a creeping paralysis - Joe talking about Norma’s house
Out of beat with the rest of the world
Out of beat with the rest of the world - Joe talking about Norma’s house
Ten thousands midnights ago
Ten thousands midnights ago - Joe talking about Norma’s pool
As if she were laying to rest an only child
As if she were laying to rest an only child - Joe talking about Norma laying to rest her chimp
Was her life really as empty as that
Was her life really as empty as that - Joe talking about Norma and symbolising to the empty pool
They don’t want you in every scene
They don’t want you in every scene - Joe talking to Norma about the Salome script
They want to see me, me! Norma Desmond
They want to see me, me! Norma Desmond - Norma talking about her fans
Oh, wake up, Norma, you’d be killing yourself to an empty house. The audience left twenty years ago. Now, face it
Oh, wake up, Norma, you’d be killing yourself to an empty house. The audience left twenty years ago. Now, face it - Joe