Sunpower Flashcards
SunPower Corporation (“SunPower”) warrants that for 25 years beginning on the Warranty Start Date1 (the “Warranty Period”), its DC Modules shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal application, installation, use and service conditions, and the power output of the DC Modules will be at least 95% of the Minimum Peak Power2 rating for the rst 5 years, and declining by no more than 0.4% per year for the following 20 years, so the power output at the end of the nal year of the 25 year warranty period will be at least 87% of the Minimum Peak Power rating.
Sunpower Value
25 year product and performance warranty
SunPower predicts its panels will have a useful life of more than 40 years.
Highest efficiency panel 21 to 24 percent