Sun Sur Art Of War Flashcards
Countries to border the Barents sea
This Italian Renaissance painter signed or otherwise inscribed his works with three initials T V
Tish in or tee shin
This Roman historian coveted the reigns of Augustus Tiberius and Nero in this work
Tacitus( tas it us ) in the annals
An uls
First female referee at the SB
Sarah Thomas
With a mission to safeguard earth from possible life forms from space this gov agency has a division called this
Office of planetary protection
In 13 this university awarded the country’s first known master of music degree for performance on the bagpipes
Carnegie melon
At the time he created it how long did it take the inventor of the Rubik’s cube to actually solve
1 month
Record is like 4 seconds
Erno rubiks
Only US state that lies completely within the Appalachian mountain region
West Virginia
Confectioner hans regal of bohn Germany started this company in 1920 making as many as 100
M of this most famous product today
Haribo - gummy bears
First 2 letters of first and last name and Bonn
Czech author carol k pix novel RUR introduced this word into the English language
When translated RUR
Rosum universal robot
Robot Slavic word meaning forced laborer
This mystery writers first novel was released in the US in Oct 1920
Agatha Christie
Her play mousetrap had been longest running play since 52 until shutdown in 2020 due to corona
Main Street is one of the best known satirical novels by this Nobel prize winning author
Bonus other novels
Sinclair Lewis
Other novels include Babbitt Aerosmith and
Elmore gantry
1920s was near the beginning of this cultural movement which included authors such as Langston Hughes Nora zeal Hurston and Claude McKay
Harlem Renaissance
1920 in Roman numerals
In approximately 1920 near present day kin sha suh this current day pandemic appeared in humans
In 1920 American astronomer AE Douglas founded the science of dendrochronology which is this
Dating by tree rings
Was ttying to find effect of solar events on trees but realized could be used for dating trees
On April 26 1920 in Romania Emil rack oh v tuh founded the first institute for the study of speel e ology which is this
Study of caves
Spu lunk ing
Premier of thr russian socialist federative soviet republic in 1920
Vladimir Lenin
President of US in 1920
Wilson who won 12 and 16
Was his wife running the show ?
Harding won 1920 election and took office in 21
Monarch of UK in 1920 and also PM
George V
David George - PM
George and George
Christian X was the king of Denmark and this other country in 1920
Iceland - not yet independent
This country had 9 different premieres in 1920
Changed gov 9 different times
In 1920 king Alexander of this country died of sep sis after a monkey bit him
Bonus who took his place
Constantine who had abdicated in 1917
Haha but then reabdicated 2 years later
This treaty took effect on Jan 10 1920 and was signed by 32 countries with these 19 having more than 1 signatory aka more than 1 rep from the country signing
Treaty of Versailles
Most counties with 1 from SA or CA
Siam (at the time ) now Thailand
Kingdom of huh jahz- western Arabia
South Africa
Italy - part of big 4?
Germany - 2
China did not sign had a problem one of the leading elements of WW2 - separate treaty with Germany
Shakespeare play and character
O brave new world that has such people in it
The tempest
Shakespeare play and character
To thine own self be true
Hamlet -Ethan hawke 2000 version played by bill Murray
Clueless - did hamlet say No Polonius guy did
A child of working parents who spends part of the day alone and unsupervised is referred to as this
Latchkey child
Ww2 origins open the door with a key moms working dads at war
In 18 and 21 she returned d in more sequels to this original 1978 film
Jamie lee Curtis for Halloween
alien from the planet Remulak (or France
God of the dead, in ancient Egypt
Earth goddess
Books and authors
In 1930 this author wrote murder at full moon a horror mystery novel set in a fictional town in central California
Unpublished horror novel ?
Government officials
In 1867 he wrote to general Rousseau on arriving at Sitka you will receive from the Russian commissioner a formal transfer
Secretary of State who purchased Alaska
Movie and actor
“The key to faking out parents is clammy hands ; big non specific symptom “
Ferris buhelers day off
Matthew Broderick
Movie and actor
“The key to faking out parents is clammy hands ; big non specific symptom “
Ferris buhelers day off
Matthew Broderick
Movie and actor
“Gentlemen you can’t fight in here this is the war room”
Dr strange love or how I learned to stop worrying and love thr bomb
Peter sellers as president - he plays 3 of main characters
Movie and actor
“We could not talk or talk forever and still find thing to not talk about “
Best in show
Jennifer Coolidge