Sun Aspects Flashcards
Sun conjunct moon
Born with great power. Inner self merged with outer self. Self reliant. Ignores distractions and advice from others. Driven, focused, usually successful.
Sun sextile Moon
Well balanced individual. Fair in relationships. We’ll liked. Usually successful. Learns from life experiences. Positive outlook. Lots of opportunities and doors opened. Pleasant relationship with parents
Good luck aspect. Very successful. Good health. If in angular houses may be rich. Positive parents. Persuasive. Peace maker. Good relationship with opposite sex
Conflicts with close family members. Success does not come easy. Parents probably didn’t get along. Maybe forced to suppress emotions. Self doubt. Problems expressing emotions. Negative mood. Unhappy. Bad relationships opposite sex. Pessimistic. May give up too easily
Torn between need and wants.
Torn between asserting individuality and catering to others.
Too much people-pleasing.
Deep need for close relationships.
Lack of focus/indecision.
Hard to find happiness within self, look to others to find it
Great mental energy, communication ability .
Strong opinions, independent thinker
Not best listeners bc mind goes so fast they get distracted
Charming, upbeat, popular, attractive, vain, needs to be worshipped for looks, affectionate, refined, needs harmony, loves beauty and the finer things in life.
cult like following
Quest for love/affection/pleasure are at odds with inner drives/personal development.
Heavy importance on a beautiful/pleasant home enviroment.environment.
Enjoy art, fashion, decorating, socializing
Sun semi-square venus
Overindulgence, difficulty saying no to people
Tendency to pass over opportunities in resistance to give up personal pleasures or habits
Sun conjunct Mars
Very strong presence, you go after what you want with out worrying what others think
Achieve goals through direct action
Very competitive spirit, win
Need to have outlet for massive energy or could explode in rage
Can be naturally selfish
For women can give a virile tone, tendency to independence, impulsive or aggressiveness
Sun Trine Mars
Happy social life, especially if aspected by benefits
Can make women more masculine
Powerful stores of energy they can call upon when needed
Naturally competitive, confident n fair control desires, aggressions, instincts
Sun square Mars
Can be emotionally immature, me-first attitude
Abundant energy hard to direct in childhood
Hot headed, temperamental, easily frustrated, quick to fight instead of talk
Can indicate accidents, traumatic disturbances, surprises, disappointments to houses
Sun Oppose Mars
More confrontational/ argumentative than active like square
In youth may feel often face anger from others
They see Mars energy as coming from outside
Issues with father, authority
Sun conjunct Jupiter (self and expansion of life)
Enthusiastic, optimistic, truly expect the best from self and the world
Protection/good.luck in life
Overindulgence in everything possible
Generous ppl, well.liked
Sun trine jupiter
Generous, friendly, attract good luck, positive frame.of.mind,
Strong morald/faith in life
Sun Square /oppose Jupiter
Intentions usually good, given to.overdoimg things
Generous, helpful, charitable, tendency to live beyond means
Prone to depression, self-control may be a problem
Sun Conjuncy Saturn
Hard to express self in outgoing/direct manner, don’t like to be center of attention
Strong need to be recognized as accomplished
Come off as skeptical, cautious, reserved
May be rigid, strict
Take on alot.of responsibility
Can have a very funny, sarcastic sense of humor
Sun Square/oppose Saturn
Can be very introverted/self analyzing
Conflicts with father/authority
Alpt.of challenges, especially in early life
May attempt to control others, enciroment
Long to be important but fear success
Sarcastic sense of humor, keen intelligence,
Sun Trine/sextile.Saturn
Strength, self control, independence
Removes anxiety when dealing with father/authority
Strong spirit thru lifes trials,
Sun Conjunct Uranus
Strong need to be unique
Inventive, creative, spirited, cling tightly to personal space/freedom
Honest, independent, Intuitive, somewhat erratic/inconsistant
Trailblazer, ahead of time, humanitarian
Change is a constant theme in life, often and quickly
Sun Square Uranus
Craves freedom/creativity, tendency toward conflict/change
Come across as abrupt, rebellious, weird
Brilliant. Independent
Sudden changes, unpredictability in life, leading to accidents, unexpected outbursts from others
Sun Ippose Uranus
Inner conflict between wanting stand out, needing acceptance
Relationship issues from need for freedom clasing with responsibility
Inner struggle for individualism
Need to do things their way, hates being told what to do, sudden changes are a steuggle
Sun trine/sextile URANUS
Expresses individuality in a harmonious way
Good intuitin, flashes of insight leads to creative breakthroughs, discoveries
Adapts well to change, may be talented in sciences. Technology, astrology
Open minded. Creative. Progressive. Possible genius
Sun Conjunct Neptune
Seek to connect to.something higher
Great appreciation for music
Suseptible to being led astray or used
Feeling, sensitive, caring, compassionate, dreamers, idealists
Sun Square Neptune
Sense of confusion/uncertainty about self identity/purpose
Tendency to escapism, avoidance of reality
Difficulties facing harsh reality of life, or seek external validation
May struggle setting boundaries
Highly sensitive, suseptible to manipulation
Heightened sensitivity to medications, substances, influence
Sun oppose Neptune
Tension between ego/spiritual aspirations
Push pull between their practicality/desire for transcendence
Heightened sensitivity to meds, substances, influence, oversleeping
Sun trine/sextile Neptune
Caring/sensitive person, good morals/ideals, artistic, creative talents, strong fait in self and world
Strong intuition, natural empathy, desire to help.others
Sun Conjunct Pluto
Tremendous willpower/regenerative powers
Serious, intense, determined, disciplined, ambitious, self-aware, perceptive
Many periods of self renewal
Deep distaste for superficiality, able to read others instantly, see ppl true motivations, able to find out anythibg!!
Coming in touch with dark side may be natural: crime, drugs, prostitution
Sun Square PLUTO
Prone to inner tension/negative, self destructive behavioral
Struggle to be in control, strong will, alot.of energy in achieving goals
Troubled relationship with father
Can make sacrifices, may secrets, resilience forced through experiences, don’t like compromise, reserved
Sun oppose.pluto
Lide.marked by losses, may confront illness, loss, abandonment issues from young age self, or.with others, usually authority
Pluto energies in relationships, orswimg between expressing sun/pluto energies
May have had relationship with parent, usually father, themes.of domination, power
Sun trine pluto
Intense personal power and charismatic
Deep psychological.insights into.self and others
Incredible resilience/determination
Ability to undergo profound personal transformation
Sun conjunct chiron
Deep self awareness
Life long journey of healing
Empathy and compassion
Struggle with self esteem
Sun/Chiron Hard Aspects
Hard time expressing creativity
Shyness about performing, feel devastating when criticized
Sun/Chiron easy aspects
Exploring self-expression/identity,
Lessons tend to come more easily or naturally
Sun conjunct ascendant
Commanding presence. Natural ability to inspire others
Confident. Charismatic, authentic
Desire for recognition, strong personality presence
Sun oppose Ascendant
Trouble projecting to others who u really are
U shine/ happiest in relationships, working with others
Sun Square Ascendant
Don’t always come across to others as u intend to
First impressions don’t align with true self
Struggle to express identity, may adjust personality to impress others
Sun trine/sextile ascendant
Makes good first impression by expressing true nature
Charm/positivity makes attractive, popular, well liked