Sun Flashcards
sun size
1 AU, angular size 0.5 degrees
sun radius, mass, density, temperature
700,000 km radius (110 earths), 300,000x earths mass (1000 jupiters), avg. denisty = 1.4, 55000 C (determined by light spectrum).
sun rotation
differential; 25 days at equator, 35 at poles.
sun energy
as it travels towards surface, it is continuously absorbed and reemitted at decreasing temperatures.
sun structure under surface
core, radiation zone, convection zone
radiation zone
300,000 km wide, not so ionized, transparent to radiation, temperature decreases.
convection zone
200,000 km wide, not so ionized, photons absorbed and energy moves very slow.
sun structure on surface (what we see)
photosphere; transparent, visible edge, 500km height, 0.2 density, 6000 K.
sun structure above surface
chromosphere, transition zone, corona
2000 km, dimmer, cooler-reddish
transition zone
8500 km, temperature increases.
thin, hot, transparent, highly ionized, emission spectrum and x-rays, temperature above 10^6 K.
solar wind
particles at 500km/second out to more than 50 AU, 10^6 tons/second.
solar weather
coronal activity, mass ejections, potentially dangerous for power and communications especially near solar maximum activity years.
sun elements
91% hydrogen, 9% helium, some carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. partially ionized.
what is energy production in suns core
hydrogen undergoes nuclear fusion into helium
4H -> 1He + energy
requirements for energy production in sun
high temp. (15 million K) and high pressur (200 billion atm) to overcome repulsion between protons (H nuclei).
activity caused by suns magnetism
sunspots: dark spots (10k to 100k km, last for days)
prominences: looks like fire going up (100k km high, last for hours-weeks)
flares: looks like fire curving like an ocean wave (lasts minutes to hours).
why does suns magnetism cause flares, spots, etc.
its differential rotation causes magnetic field lines to become intertwined after several rotations, creating regions of intense magnetic fields and thus, spots, flares, etc.
solar cycle
annual change in number of sunspots and flares, approx. 11 years