summery: P1-5 Flashcards
Radio and radar operate using:
Electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation:
Has both electric and magnetic components. Each component vibrate at right angles to each other and both are right angles to the direction of propagation.
Electromagnetic radiation always travel at:
The speed of light where light itself is just a special form of electron agnetic radiation. It just happens to be at a frequency and wavelength which is detectable by our eyes.
Important characteristics of electromagnetic radiation:
- Frequency
- Wavelength
F=c/lamda where lamda is the wave length (in meters)
Electromagnetic radiation range from:
Very low frequency to very high frequencies
Frequency of radio waves:
radar is located:
upper end of EM spectrum
located to the right of the EM spectrum:
infrared, visible and UV light
higher frequency forms of EM radiation:
X-ray and Gamma waves
Frequency used by radars:
100 MHz through 300 GHz
Why are some frequencies designated by letters?
They are very frequent so it is convenient to assign letters
What are the nominal wavelength of L, S, C and X?
Band designation
Nominal wavelength
30-15 cm
15-8 cm
8-4 cm
4-2.5 cm
The speed of EM radiation depends on:
The material it is traveling in
When EM radiation travels trough air and other material it travels
Slower than in vacuum
Refractive index:
The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a medium
N=c/u where c is the speed of light and u is the speed of light in the medium
Relationship between n, c and u:
- C is always greater than or equal u
- N is always greater than or equal 1
Components of the refractive index:
(two components)
- (the one above) Simple, real component of the complex refractive index (m) m=n-ik where i is (radical -1) and k is related to the absorption coefficient of the medium
- For a perfect dielectric (non conductor), k =0