summery: P1-5 Flashcards
Radio and radar operate using:
Electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation:
Has both electric and magnetic components. Each component vibrate at right angles to each other and both are right angles to the direction of propagation.
Electromagnetic radiation always travel at:
The speed of light where light itself is just a special form of electron agnetic radiation. It just happens to be at a frequency and wavelength which is detectable by our eyes.
Important characteristics of electromagnetic radiation:
- Frequency
- Wavelength
F=c/lamda where lamda is the wave length (in meters)
Electromagnetic radiation range from:
Very low frequency to very high frequencies
Frequency of radio waves:
radar is located:
upper end of EM spectrum
located to the right of the EM spectrum:
infrared, visible and UV light
higher frequency forms of EM radiation:
X-ray and Gamma waves
Frequency used by radars:
100 MHz through 300 GHz
Why are some frequencies designated by letters?
They are very frequent so it is convenient to assign letters
What are the nominal wavelength of L, S, C and X?
Band designation
Nominal wavelength
30-15 cm
15-8 cm
8-4 cm
4-2.5 cm
The speed of EM radiation depends on:
The material it is traveling in
When EM radiation travels trough air and other material it travels
Slower than in vacuum
Refractive index:
The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a medium
N=c/u where c is the speed of light and u is the speed of light in the medium
Relationship between n, c and u:
- C is always greater than or equal u
- N is always greater than or equal 1
Components of the refractive index:
(two components)
- (the one above) Simple, real component of the complex refractive index (m) m=n-ik where i is (radical -1) and k is related to the absorption coefficient of the medium
- For a perfect dielectric (non conductor), k =0
Refractive index of air in the atmosphere near sea level:
1.0003 to 1.0004 this means that EM radiation travel 0.03% to 0.04% slower there than in vacuum
Refractive indexes as you go up the atmosphere
Refractive index decrease with high (1.0003 near the surface and 1 at the top of the atmosphere)
The most important part of the refractive index is in:
The 4th, 5th and 6th decimal places
Because it is hard to work with very small numbers you can subtract 1 from the index of refraction and multiply the result by 106. The result is in n units
Equation of refractivity:
Refractivity index of the atmosphere depend on
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Vapor pressure
- Number of free electrons present
- In troposphere there aren’t enough free electrons for it to be important
- The effect of free electrons is only important high in the atmosphere
- Variation of free electrons allow wind profiling radars to detect wind in upper stratosphere and mesosphere
Explain each variable in the equation

- N: refractivity
- T: temperature (in kelvin)
- P: pressure (in mb or hpa)
- E: vapor pressure of moist air (in mb or hpa)
- Ne: number density of free electrons per m3
- F: frequency of radar signals (in hz)
Explain each variable in the equation
- N: refractivity
- T: temperature (in kelvin)
- P: pressure (in mb or hpa)
- E: vapor pressure of moist air (in mb or hpa)
- Ne: number density of free electrons per m3
- F: frequency of radar signals (in hz)
- Right most term: only important in the ionosphere (ignored)
- Numerical constants were determined empirically
How is reflectivity determined in the troposphere?
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Vapor pressure
How are the factors that determine reflectivity in troposphere found?
By soundings of the atmosphere (made twice a day)
- N is calculated at each level from the sounding data
- Gradient of n is found from n and height measurements
- Gradient of n is the change of n over a given change in height h
- Gradient of n/gradient of h is negative because n decrease with height
What is the standard value of refractivity decrease rate?
-39 n-units/km
What are the trends that models suggest regarding the refractivity rate?
- Refractivity decrease gradually (linear)
- Refractivity decreases at a logarithmic rate (better fit to the real atmosphere)
Radar propagation is more dependent upon:
Gradient of refractivity rather than the absolute value of refractivity at any point
Near the surface. The inversion produces:
A strong region of gradient that is +ve (+18 n-units/km). This would be a layer of subrefraction
Instrument used to measure the refractive index:
EM radiation travel at different speeds when:
Refractivity index are different at different places in the atmosphere. This causes the lower portions of the troposphere to be stratifies into horizontal layers.
When are changes in refraction stronger?
In vertical direction
The direction the wave bend depend on:
Whether the lowest refractivity is on top or the bottom
In normal atmospheric conditions n is
Largest near the ground and decreases with height. Meaning that radar waves will travel faster aloft than near the surface.
When are the waves bent downwards?
When n is largest near the ground and decreases with height. Meaning that radar waves will travel faster aloft than near the surface.
It is more convenient to talk about radar…..
Rays are:
Lines along which waves travel and are drawn perpendicular to the wave fronts
If waves bend:
Rays bend
Rays are convenient in:
- To show how light travels through lenses
- Determining the paths radar waves will follow in the atmosphere
- (by knowing the refractivity index in the atmosphere at each level)
Snell’s law:
Give the bending that light or EM radiation will undergo when it travels from one medium to another, each having its own refractive index
Sin i/sin r = ui/ur = nr/ni
Where i is the anglt of the incident and r is the angle of refraction. U is the speed of EM radiation and n is the refractive indices in the incident and refracted layers.
To find the angle the ray will have in the second layer:
- Know the starting angle of radar wave at one place
- Refractive index of that layer
- Refractive index at the next layer in the atmosphere
To find the angle the ray will have in the second layer:
- Know the starting angle of radar wave at one place
- Refractive index of that layer
- Refractive index at the next layer in the atmosphere
By doing the above it is possible to:
- Calculate the path the rays will follow anywhere in the atmosphere
- It is useful for determining how rays behave in the real world