Summer Trials 2017 Flashcards
Orbital Changes
Changes in the pathway of the earth around the sun
Quaternary period
The period of geological time from about 2.6 million years ago to the present. It is characterised by the appearance and development of humans and includes the Pleistocene and the holocene Epochs
Erosion caused by rocket and boulders in the base of the glacier acting like a giant file scratching and scraping the rocks below.
A sharp knife- like ridge formed between two corries cutting back by processes of erosion and freeze thaw.
Ice pushes material of all shapes and sizes as it moves slowly forward.
Armchair-shaped hollow in the mountainside formed by glacial erosion, rotational slip and freeze-thaw weathering. This is where the valley glacier begins. When the ice melts, it can leave a small circular lake called a tarn.
A hill made of glacial till deposited by a moving glacier, usually elongated or oval in shape, with the longer axis parallel to the former direction of ice.
Rocks which have been transported and deposited by a glacier some distance from their source region.
Freeze-thaw Weathering
It occurs in cold climates when temperatures are often around freezing point and where exposed rocks contains many cracks. Water enters the crack during the warmer days and freezes during the colder night. As the water turns into ice it expands and exerts pressure on the surrounding rock, causing pieces to break off.
Glacial Trough
A river valley widened and deepened by the erosive actions of a glacier; it becomes ‘U’ shaped instead of the normal ‘V’ shaped of a river valley.
Hanging Valley
A tributary valley to the main glacier, too cold and high up for ice to be able to easily move. It therefore was not eroded as much as the lower main valley, and today is often the site for a waterfall crashing several hundred metres to the main valley floor.
Land Use Conflicts
Disagreements which arise when different users of the land do not agree on how it should be used.
Frost-shattered rock debris and material eroded from the valley floor and sides, transported and deposited by glaciers.
Material, chiefly sand or gravel, deposited by meltwater streams in front of, and underneath, a glacier. The material is sorted and rounded by water action.
A type of erosion where melt water in the glacier freezes onto rocks, and as the ice moves forward it plucks or pulls out large pieces along the rock joints.
Pyramidal Peak
Where several carries cut back to meet at a central point, the mountain takes the form of a steep pyramid.
Ribbon Lake
A long, narrow lake found in glaciated valleys formed in locations where the glacier had more erosive power, eg in areas of softer rock, where the valley gradient temporarily steepened or a tributary glacier joined the main valley.
Rotational Slip
This occurs when the ice moves in a circular motion. This process can hero to erode hollows in the landscape, and deepen hollow into bowl shapes.
An unsorted mixture of sand, clay and boulders carried by a glacier and deposited as ground moraine over a large area.
Truncated Spur
A former river valley spur which has been sliced off by a valley glacier, forming cliff-like edges.