Summer Flashcards
It’s sunny
The sky is so clear
하늘이 정말 맑아요
The weather is clear and sunny
날씨가 맑고 화창해요
It’s very windy
바람이 많이 부네요
It was raining/It rained
비가 왔어요
It’s raining
비가 와요
The weather is too hot
날씨가 너무 더워요
It’s so hot, so I can’t go outside
날씨가 너무 더워서 못 나가요
I was playing golf, and then suddenly it started to shower
골프를 치고 있었는데 갑자기 소나기가 왔어요
The temperature tomorrow is going to go up to 30 degrees
내일 기온이 30도까지 올라갈 거에요
A heat wave is expected (to last) until next week
다음 주까지 폭염이 예상됩니다
The temperature tomorrow is going to go up to 30 degrees
내일 기온이 30도까지 올라갈 거에요
This room is being air conditioned
이 방은 냉방 중이다
There is a rainy season in Korea in July
한국에서는 장마가 7월에 있어요
The rainy season will start from next week
장마가 다음 주부터 시작될 거에요
I want to go outside because the weather is nice
날씨가 좋아서 밖에 가고 싶어요
I want to turn the air conditioner on because it is hot
더워서 에어컨을 틀고 싶어요
Hot weather is okay, but I don’t like humid weather
더운 날씨가 괜찮은데 습한 날씨가 싫어요
In the summer, the sun rises early
여름에는 해가 일찍 떠요
In the summer, the sun sets late
여름에는 해가 늦게 져요
You must drink lots of water because it is hot
날씨가 더워서 물을 많이 마셔야 해요
In order to protect your skin, you need to apply sun screen in the summer
피부를 보호하기 위해 여름에는 자외선 차단제를 발라 야 돼요
I didn’t bring an umbrella
저는 우산을 안 가져왔어요
I heard (the sound of) thunder
저는 천둥 치는 소리를 들었어요
The air in Norway is dry
Norway에서는 공기가 건조해요
We need to conserve water because of the drought
가뭄 때문에 물을 아껴 써야 돼요