Summative - Explosives and Propellants Flashcards
Sulpher and Pitch are two ingredients of Greek Fire. What is the other one?
What does Ballistite consist of?
Nitroglcyrine (NG), Nitrocellouse (NC) and camphor
What are the four types of modern smokeless powders used in both military and civilian applications?
What components make up Guncotton?
Nitrocellouse (NC) Nitric Acid and cotton fibres
During the Boer War, Oicric Acid filled shells did not fully detonate. What booster was added to Picric Acid to enhance the detonation?
What are the four pyrotechnic effects ?
What additives produce the following colours?
Red - Strontium Nitrate
Yellow - Sodium Nitrate
Green - Barium
One of the characteristics of a priming composition is that it needs to be easily ignited, what are the other four characteristics?
- Generate high heat
- Not burn too quickly or violently
- Produce some solid products of combustion
- Be compatible with the mixture used
Define Primary Explosives and detail what they are most used for
Substance or mixture of substances used to
initiate a detonation or a burning reaction.
What are the two types of explosive initiators?
Ignitors and detonators
Flash receptive detonators are one type of explosive initiators, name three others?
- Stab igniters and detonators
- Percussion igniters
- Conducting compositions igniters and detonators
- Hot bridge wire igniters and detonators
- Exploding bridge wire
- Pyrotechnic igniters
What are the abbreviations of the following explosives?
Composition Exploding?
Identify each of the following as high or low explosives.
Comp B
Illuminating and smoke compositions are two of the pyrotechnic groups, name two others
Signal and Delay
What is the composition of Comp B?
RDX 59.5%
TNT 39.5%
Wax 1%
List the five purposes of additives used in high explosives?
- Decrease sensitivity
- Increase sensitivity
- Improve stability
- Increase blast effect
- Improve moldability
Cap (primer) composition mixtures comprise three essential ingredients, what are they?
Primary explosive
What are the two purposes of dark ignition?
To prevent dazziling the firer.
To avoid the enemy being able to observe the exact location of the weapon.
One of the design requirements for an Illuminating Composition is that it must burn for the correct time. What is one other?
Provide the required amount of luminosity
What are three ideal properties for smoke compositions?
- Immediate in effect
- Unaffected as far as possible by climate/weather
- Persistent
- Non Anti-Personnel
- Non Incendiary
The military services have a requirement for two distinct types of smoke producing munitions. What are they?
Tactical Screening and signalling
Define an igniter composition.
A pyrotechnic composition used to ignite propellant explosive systems giving off hot flames, usually accompanied by sparks and hot gases for relatively short times.
What are the two distinct groups that incendiary material fall into?
Alloys/Metals and Combustible Fluids
List two (2) metals that are most useful as incendiary materials?
Magnesium and Aluminium
Delay compositions are used for what purpose?
To provide a pyrotechnic delay between two
igniting or explosive events.
What is the definition of a Propellant?
Propellant is a low explosive, that when burnt under control, produces heat and gases that impart motion on a projectile or missile
What is the main ingredient of a Single Base propellant?
Nitrocellulose (NC)
One advantage of a Single Base propellant is that the ballistics are less affected by changes in charge temperature. Name one other advantage.
- Cooler burning
- Less erosive
- Less flash than cordite
List the main ingredients of a Double Base propellant?
Nitrocellulose Nitro-glycerine
One advantage of a Double Base propellant is that it has a higher energy rating than Single Base propellants. Name one other advantage
Easy to ignite
Higher flame temperature
What are the main ingredients of a Triple Base propellant?
Nitroglycerine (NG) Nitrocellouse (NC) Nitro Garudine (petric acid)
One type of additive used with propellants is a Surface lubricant. Name four (4) others.
- Coolant
- Stabiliser
- Plasticiser
- Moderant
- Flash inhibitor
- Decoppering Agent
- Antiwear additive
Carbamite is an additive which can be used to achieve more than one function. Can it be used as a Surface Moderant?
What two metals are used in propellant charges as De–coppering agents?
Lead and Tin
How is the rate of burning of propellant controlled?
‘Constant Burning’ is one form of burning. What are the other two?
Degressive, Progressive
Name a propellant shape which would produce a constant burn rate?