Summative assessment Flashcards
What are the types of discrimination
Direct, indirect, combined discrimination, harassment, victimistaion
What is unconscious bias?
When we make judgements or decisions based on our prior experience, our own personal deep-seated thought patterns, assumptions or interpretations and we are not aware that we are doing it
Why does the MBRRCE UK Report matter in maternity care?
- Evidence of systematic racism, discrimination and bias in health and social care.
- Large disparities in health outcomes and health inequalities
- Impact on accessibility to care
- Need for change
What were the better birth inquiry findings?
- Lack of physical and psychological safety
- Being ignored and disbelieved
- Racism by caregivers
- Dehumanisation
- Lack of choice, consent and coercion
- Structural barriers
- Workforce repretenation and culture
Better birth inquiry calls to action..
- commit to being anti-racist
- decolonise maternity curriculums and guidance
- make black and brown women the decision makers in their care and in the wider maternity system
- create safe, inclusive workforce cultures
- Dismantle structural barriers to racial equity through national policy change
What are the two different types of human rights?
Absolute - Some of our human
rights are absolute, meaning they
can never be restricted, limited or
interfered with.
* Non-absolute rights are rights that
can be restricted of limited in some
When did the human rights act become a law?
Practioner Guide to human rights
What is the decision?
Who has the decision affected + how?
Who has made the decision?
Will the decision restrict anyone’s rights as set out in the Human Rights Act?
Are the right and absolute rights?
Is the right to liberty involved?
Does the decision involve any human rights I can restrict?
Grounded theory
involves the construction of theories through identifying categories of meaning in the gathering and analysis of data. Literature review conducted after study
Studies the world as it presents itself to humans. Concerned with consciousness and a subject’s direct experience of the world.
The study of a culture or society usually conducted through direct participant observation. Am immersive research method where the researcher can participate on extensive fieldwork.
Discourse analysis
Is a research method which studies tests (written, spoken, sign) and looks for meaning within the text in relation to social context. There are many different approaches to discourse analysis.
thematic analysis
Form of analysis in qualitative data which identifies, analyses and interprets meaning within qualitative data.
Participatory action research:
Includes ps are art of the research team. Goal of the research is to generate research thatw ill lead to action for the ps. Breaks down traditional dynamic od researcher/participant
Narrative approaches:
Narrative research involves working with narratives (these can be from different sources interviews, books, media etc). It usually focuses on a persons narrative told from their perspective (Squire et al, 2014)
Case control study
2 groups that are compared with each other, this is often used when the outcome is less common
Advantages of case control study
Good for rare outcomes
Can investigate a range of exposures
Potential for expensive data on small group
Less expensive
Disadvantges to case control study
Susceptible to bias: recall and selection bias
Can only look at limited outcomes
Susceptible to confounders
Cohort study
a group of subjects followed through time. Generally, used where the outcome is not rare
Advantages of a cohort study
More appropriate comparison groups of exposed and unexposed
Reduces recall bias
In depth data on a wide range of outcomes
Disadvantages of cohort study
Expensive and time consuming
Inefficient for rare outcomes
Suscptible to confounders
Cross sectional studies
describes the population studied at a point in time (without follow up). Determines prevalence (extent of the health condition in the population at that time). Look for trends