Who are the 3 Empiricist?
- John Locke
- George Berkeley
- David Hume
what is Epistemology according to Ayn Rand?
Epistemology is a science devoted to the discovery of the proper method of acquiring and validating knowledge.
It is a knowledge acquired through the experiences derived from the senses.
How to Acquire Knowledge?
Empiricism and Rationalism
What is Rationalism?
- opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge.
Who are the 3 Rationalists?
- Rene Descartes
- Baruch Spinoza
- Gottfried Leibniz
What are the processes to Acquire Knowledge?
- Reality
- Perception
- Conception
- Proposition
- Inference
we noticed what is similar.
this is where we clarify things. this is under Conception.
Reality is…
to know is to know something (reality, existence, being)
statement that express assertion or a denial
A group of statements where we can find one or two premises and a conclusion.
it provides arguments
It is an instance of a form of reasoning in which conclusion is drawn
it has premises and a conclusion
To know whether the claim is true or false, it must undergo in the process of…
It must undergo the process of verification to know whether the claim is…
true or false
For science, truth is something…
observable and empirical
It has various views that can help us tackle the concept of knowing the truth.
they emphasize belief as a basis for determining truth
Give me 3-5 systematic doubt analysis
- A belief is true if it can be justified or proven through the use of one’s senses.
- A belief is true if it is based on facts
- Having people agree on a common belief (yet with limitations)
- A person must prove his statement to action
- A claim must be subjected to test
It is a common belief or popular opinion.
refers to a principle system of understanding or knowledge
In philosophy, there is no generally acceptable definition of ______. However, there are various theories of _____
[‘True’] is a word we all understand, but if we try to explain it, we can easily get involved in a maze of confusion. according to______
Frank Ramsey
What are the seeking of the truth by the human person?
- External
- Internal
- mankind has its locus and thinking, its central activity
Which of the 3 seeking of the truth by the human person is physical faculty and spiritual?
Spiritual Faculty
3. The mankind has its locus and thinking, its central activity
Physical Faculty
1. External
2. Internal
This is the sight, smell, touch, hear, taste
This is memory, imagination, consciousness, and instinct
In order to seek out reality, man must attain full enlightenment. This proverb is according to
In Buddhism, what do they mean by “an Enlightened one”?
Forgetting human/manly desires.
The goal of thinking is to know the ultimate
The Ultimate Truth
What are the characteristics of the Ultimate Truth?
- Resides the intellectual.
- It is immutable.
- It is absolute.
- It is eternal.
The human person has two powers of the mind, according to??
Rene Descartes and St. Thomas Aquinas
What are the 2 powers of mind?
- The intellect
- The will
It is:
- Thinking and reasoning
- Making wise decisions
- pursue truths of a higher order
The intellect
The intellect is also called…
Universally True
The will is divided into 3, what are these parts?
a. Conscience
b. Moral Decisions
c. Action
The will is also called…
Universally good
this thing adds to our decision making
It is free from coercion
It can make us choose freely
Moral Decisions
He believes that at birth, the mind is a tabula rasa
John Locke
what is tabula rasa?
blank slate
He is considered as the central figure of modern philosophy.
Immanuel Kant
A judgement, viewpoint, or statement that is considered to be subjective
The human person has 3 ways of “taking-something-to-be-true” or
It is a judgement that a cognition which is presented is true
what are the 3 ways of taking-something-to-be-true or Fürwahrhalten?
- Opinion
- Knowledge
- Belief
Among the 3 ways of Fürwahrhalten, which is the most problematic and why?
Opinion. Since it is neither subjectively nor objectively sufficient. It is just a form of preliminary judging.
Conscious judgement on the basis of both subjective and objective grounds.
a claim on the basis of subjective ground but without any objective.
A conscious acceptance of a claim without subjective or objective
_______ can only be convincing if it is necessarily valid for everyone.
Differentiate Conviction to Persuasion
Conviction gives rise to an assertion while Persuasion can be taken as valid only privately.
It appeals to reason
It creates belief and intellectual agreement.
It appeals to emotion.
It stirs and influences the audience.
How to evaluate Opinion?
- Source
- Reliability
- Purpose
- Bias
- Assumption
Assess how the person is very knowledgeable about the topic.
It is where a person believes it is true but now makes an effort to prove it.
to evaluate source, one must consider:
a. Reputation
b. Audience whom it was intended for
c. authentic documents should be provided as proof
the author is prejudiced or against the idea or not
Make sure to evaluate a particular viewpoint for reasoning and evidence.
What is an argument that contains a mistake in reasoning
Logical Fallacy
Mistakes in reasoning that occur because the premises are logically irrelevant to the conclusion.
Fallacies of Relevance
Mistakes in reasoning that occur due to the failure of providing sufficient evidence to support the conclusion.
Fallacy of insufficient evidence
Assuming that what is true of part, is true for the whole
Fallacy of Composition
Assuming that what is true for the whole is true for its part.
Fallacy of Division
things under Fallacies of Relevance
- Personal Attack
- Scare Tactics
- Appeal to Pity
- Appeal to tradition
- Begging to question
- Cause and effect
Assuming cause and effect relationship between a related event
Cause and effect
the idea is acceptable because it has been true for a long time
Appeal to tradition
An arguer threatens harm to a reader or listener and this threat is irrelevant to the truth of the arguer’s conclusion.
Scare Tactics
Arguer rejects a person’s argument or claim by attacking the person’s character.
Personal Attack
An arguer attempts to evoke feelings of pity or compassion.
Appeal to Pity
An arguer states or assumes as a premise (reason) the very thing he is seeking to probe as a conclusion.
Begging to Question
has a principle of “esse is percipi”
George Berkeley
Esse is percipi means…
to be is to be perceived
Cogito ergo sum means…
I think therefore I am
“I think therefore I am” is by…
Rene Descartes