summary t/f Flashcards
Hepatitis B infection can b associated with urticaria, Gianottic-Crosti syndrome and polyarteritis nodosa
40% of type II cryoglobulinaemia is HCV associated
F 70-90%
Mixed cryoglobulinaemia is characterised by small vessel vasculitis, livedo reticularis, acrocyanosis, peripheral neuropathy, hepatosplenomegaly and hypocomplementaemia
Hepatitis B is associated w Necrolytic acral erythema
F hep C
Necrolytic acral erythema appears as well-circumscribed, dusky erythematous plaques with adherent scale
The connection between lichen planus and hepatitis C infection may actually be due to geographical variation
Cutaneous features of chronic liver disease
Acral erythema Spider naevi + telangiectasia Dilated abdominal/chest veins caput medusa Nail – clubbing, pallor, Muehrcke’s bands, Bruising, purpura Jaundice Thin skin, striae Excoriations Features of malnutrition Associated lesions xanthomas PCT Vasculitis LP
Pigmentation in haemochromatosis is due to haemosiderin deposition in the skin
F Melanin
Strongest risk factors for expression of PCT are HCV infection and homozygosity for C282Y (haemochromatosis) mutation
Jaundice is first seen as a yellowish hue of the sclerae and soft palate
Carotenaemia also affects the sclerae
Acquired zinc deficiency in adults may be characterised by an reticulate eczema, erosions in the perianal and genital areas, cheilitis, hair loss and Beau’s lines
Jaundice and panniculitis are the most common skin changes associated w pancreatitis
Pancreatic panniculitis can be caused by acute or chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic carcinoma, pancreatic pseudocyst, traumatic pancreatitis
T – any cause of pancreatitis or pancreatic insult. 1/3 are caused by pancreatic carcinoma, so must always be aware
Trousseau’s sign describes a Sister Mary Joseph nodule when it occurs in conjunction with pancreatic carcinoma
F 10% of cases of sister mary joseph nodule is due to pancreatic carcinoma Trusseau’s sign describes multiple, migratory superficial thrombosis and is classically associated w pancreatic ca and lung ca
Necrolytic migratory erythema occurs in association w malignant adrenal carcinoma
F hyperglucagonaemia – glucagonoma – a-cell tumour in tail of pancreas Other causes include pancreatic insufficiency intestinal malaborsoprtion or protein loss liver cirrhosis aberrant glucoagon secreting tumours – bronichial or nasopharyngeal
Glucagonomas occur in MEN syndromes
T but more in MEN type 1 Classically MEN type I but also MEN type II
- Hepatitis B infection can b associated with urticaria, Gianottic-Crosti syndrome and polyarteritis nodosa
- 40% of type II cryoglobulinaemia is HCV associated
F 70 – 90%
- Mixed cryoglobulinaemia is characterised by small vessel vasculitis, livedo reticularis, acrocyanosis, peripheral neuropathy, hepatosplenomegaly and hypocomplementaemia
- Hepatitis B is associated w Necrolytic acral erythema
F hepatitis C
- Necrolytic acral erythema appears as well-circumscribed, dusky erythematous plaques with adherent scale
- The connection between lichen planus and hepatitis C infection may actually be due to geographical variation
- Cutaneous features of chronic liver disease
Acral erythema Spider naevi + telangiectasia Dilated abdominal/chest veins caput medusa Nail – clubbing, pallor, Muehrcke’s bands, Bruising, purpura Jaundice Thin skin, striae Excoriations Features of malnutrition Associated lesions xanthomas PCT Vasculitis LP
- Pigmentation in haemochromatosis is due to haemosiderin deposition in the skin
F – due to melanin
- Strongest risk factors for expression of PCT are HCV infection and homozygosity for C282Y (haemochromatosis) mutation
- Jaundice is first seen as a yellowish hue of the sclerae and soft palate
- Carotenaemia also affects the sclerae
- Acquired zinc deficiency in adults may be characterised by an reticulate eczema, erosions in the perianal and genital areas, cheilitis, hair loss and Beau’s lines
- Jaundice and panniculitis are the most common skin changes associated w pancreatitis
- Pancreatic panniculitis can be caused by acute or chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic carcinoma, pancreatic pseudocyst, traumatic pancreatitis
T – any cause of pancreatitis or pancreatic insult. 1/3 are caused by pancreatic carcinoma, so must always be aware
- Trousseau’s sign describes a Sister Mary Joseph nodule when it occurs in conjunction with pancreatic carcinoma
F 10% of cases of sister mary joseph nodule is due to pancreatic carcinoma Trusseau’s sign describes multiple, migratory superficial thrombosis and is classically associated w pancreatic ca and lung ca
- Necrolytic migratory erythema occurs in association w malignant adrenal carcinoma
F – hyperglucagonaemia – glucagonoma – a-cell tumour in tail of pancreas Other causes include pancreatic insufficiency intestinal malaborsoprtion or protein loss liver cirrhosis aberrant glucoagon secreting tumours – bronichial or nasopharyngeal
- Glucagonomas occur in MEN syndrome
T – MEN type I only No! Classically MEN type I but also MEN type II
- Skin changes persist following removal of glucogonoma
F – resolve
- Clinical features of Necrolytic migratory erythema include an itchy, burning rash on flexural sites including lower abdomen, groing, buttocks and thighs
T fragile bullae and vesicles, irregular centrifugal annular lesions which can crust has fluctuating course of cyclical pattern anbular cheilitis and glossitis
- Other systemic features of glucagonoma
Weight loss Anaemia Diabetes Diarrhoea Weakness Venous thrombosis Psychiatric disturbances Zinc deficiency
- Marked spongiosis and hyperkeratosis are typically seen in necrolytic migratory erythema
F – dyskeratotic dermatitis w superficial perivascular inflammation, mild spongiosis Clefts and necrotic keratinocytes and cellular debris
- Glucagonoma can be treated with somatostatin analogues
T Octreotide – improves rash and symptoms by altering glucagon metabolism Lantreotide can last for 2 weeks
- Fabry’s disease is due to alpha-galactosidase A deficiency
23.a Fabry’s disease can be treated using synthetic a-galactosidase
- Renal disease and other systemic manifestations is due to deposition of neutral glycosphingolipids in vascular endothelium and tissue in Fabry disease
- Features of Nail Patella syndrome
Triangular lunulae Hypoplastic thumbs Defective thumb nails Aplastic patellas w joint instability Renal failure Glaucoma Exostoses arising from the posterior aspect of the iliac bones (“iliac horns”) are present in as many as 80% of patients; this finding is considered pathognomonic for the syndrome. Subluxation of radial heads
- Genodermatoses associated w renal carcinoma
Birt-Hogge Dube syndrome Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma Cowden’s disease von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
- Cutaneous features of systemic amyloidosis include waxy, purpuric lesions as well as hepatomegaly, oedema and carpal tunnel
- Calciphylaxis is always associated w high serum calcium phosphate
F – usually but not always
- All patients who present with cutaneous vasculitis should have a urine dipstick and serum creatinine and eGFR checked
- Kyrle’s disease is a reactive perforating collagenosis associated w renal failure
T also associated diabetes Very itchy
- Pruritus in renal failure is invariably associated w hyperuricaemia
F – often, but not always, mechanism is unclear
- Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is associated w gadoimium containing radiocontrast dyes used in patients with chronic renal failure
- Patients with liver transplants appear to have a higher incidence of cutaneous malignancy than renal transplant patients
F – vice versa. Due to ↑ immunosuppression required + ↑ longevity post transplant
- Post-renal transplant, patients BCC risk increases up to 250 fold
F – BCC ↑ risk by 10 fold. SCC ↑ risk by 65 – 250 fold
- Uncontrolled expression of HPV infection may be a co-factor in the increased risk of SCC in immunosuppressed transplant patients
- 90% of children with Kawasaki disease develop coronary artery aneurysms
F – 25%
- Pericarditis can occur in systemic lupus