Summary Sociological Theories Flashcards
Structural functionalism?
- Society works as an interrelated system.
- like the body society has structures and each structure performs a function to produce social equilibrium.
- Social facts: patterned ways of thinking, feeling, acting that exist outside the individual. Example: Gender
- Merton’s functions: Three types of functions
Three social facts?
- ) Things that existed before the individual
- ) A certain norm that is particular to a group (ex. men, sports + beer)
3.) cohesive behaviour of the group to impose social norms
(Peer pressure). (Men, sports and beer pressure”
What are Merton’s three social functions?
- ) Manifest Function - Intended result
- ) Latent Function - unrecognized , unintentional result
- ) Latent Dysfunction - Unintentional negative social consequences
Conflict Theory who?
Karl Marx, 19th century
Max Weber late 19th century
Max Weber’s criticisms of Marxs conflict theory?
-conflict occurs between many groups in society, not just class
- conflict occurs over ideas
- ideas, not just wealth, shapes society (Protestant ethic)
What are the four C,s of conflict theory?e
- ) Conflict
- ) Class
- ) Contestation
- ) Change
Conflict Theory
- four Cs
- conflict exists in all societies based on class
- societies are always undergoing change or should be changing
- class conflict is the driving force of Change
- bourgeoisie; Proletariat
Symbolic interactionism. Who?
- George Herbert Mead 19th century
- Herbert Blumer 20th century
- Erving Goffman
Symbolic Interactionism
George Herbert Mead (19th century)
-Self: Identity constructed through social interaction
Herbert Blumer (20th century)
- social systems emerge through social interaction (education, family,friendship, norms, labels)
- microsociology
Erving Goffman
- interactions of people in total institutions
- stressed subjectivity-their views and feelings
- rejected objectivity and neutrality of the researcher
Feminist Theory who?
- Harriet Martneau (19th century)
- Dorothy Smith (20th century)
Fem theory: Dorothy Smith
- rejected sociology preference for objective research and analysis
- contested that the objective approach is more scientific and therefore truthful
- Standpoint theory
Standpoint theory:
- knowledge is developed from a particular standpoint
- sociology was developed from a male standpoint
- branch of conflict theory
Fem Theory: Harriet Martneau (19th century)
- prolific writer on the social, condition of women
- believed, like other sociologists at the time that the research can remain impartial
Postmodern Theory. Who?
Michael Foucault (20th century)
Post Modern Theory
- considers the concept of voices, or narratives
- many voices drowned out by others with more power (historically, white, hetrosexual men from middle and upper class)
- Discourse: way of describing a topic through a given set of rule images, logic, etc.
- Not necessarily wrong or false
- Totalitarian discourse: when a universal claim, truth,methodology,discipline,etc.
- becomes totalitarian by people in positions of power and authority
- archeology of knowledge: method to uncover how knowledge about something (truth) was constructed though excavation of the related information
- the question Foucault wants you to ask is “how do you know that?”
What is discourse?
A way of describing a given set of rules, images, logic, principles, ideas, values, etc.
-not necessarily wrong or false
What is totalitarian discourse?
discourse becomes totalitarian by people in positions of power and authority
What is archeology of knowledge?
-method to uncover how knowledge (truth) was constructed through excavation of the related information.
Structural Functionalism. Who?
Emile Durkheim + Merton 19th century
The question Foucault wants you to ask?
“How do you know that?”