Summary of Seerah Flashcards
What year/date/month/day was the prophet born in?
- عام الفيل
- Early Monday morning
- 9th Rabiul Awwal
- 570 CE
Who were his parents?
Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib & Aaminah bint Wahb
How old was the prophet’s (saw) father when he passed away?
18 years
Who was the prophet sent to to be breastfed?
Halimah Sa’diah from the tribe Sa’d ibn Bakr
What age did the prophet (Saw) return back to his mother?
When did the prophet’s (saw) mother pass away?
- when he was 5/6
- 575 CE
- when she went to see Abdullah’s grave
- resting place is in Abwa
Who took care of the prophet on the return of this journey?
Umm e Aiman (Barakah)
What year did Abdul Muttalib pass away?
578 CE
How old was the prophet at this incident?
8 years old
Whose protection was he in after this?
- Abu Taalib’s
- only real uncle of prophet from 11 uncles
- eg Hamzah, Abbas, Harith, Abu Lahb, Abu Talib
How old was the prophet when he went to Syria?
12 years old
What occurred in 594 CE?
Muhammed (saw) acts as a caravan agent for Khadeejah, a tradeswoman
- Early twenties
- 2 distant cousins
- 3x more profit
595- 609 (what occurred)
Marriage and family life
What age was the prophet (saw) when reconstruction of kabah took place?
35 years old
How old when they got married?
Prophet (saw) = 25
Khadeejah = 40 (nearly)
How many children were born to them?
6 children
- 2 sons(died in infancy)
- 4 daughters
Event in 610?
First revelation
Event in 610-13
Prophet invites to Islam privately
Event in 613?
Public invatation on safa
Event in 613-15
Persecution, abused , attacked
Event in 615?
Habasha (Abyssinia)