Summary Of Each Stave In The Novella Flashcards


Stave one


The reader learns that Jacob Marley, Scrooge’s former business partner, has been dead for seven years. Scrooge, clearly an isolated figure himself, acted as the sole executor, sole mourner, and sole friend.
It is on a foggy Christmas Eve when we first meet Scrooge; it is clear from the outset that he is driven by money and greed - he is described as a ‘tight fisted hand at the grindstone.’ We meet Bob Cratchit, Scrooge’s clerk. He works very long hours in poor conditions. Scrooge’s nephew, Fred, visits. It is in this conversation that we learn that Scrooge hates the idea of Christmas, and thinks that love is even more ridiculous. The reader learns that Scrooge supports prisons and workhouses, and believes that poor people are lazy. After slamming the door on charity workers, Scrooge returns home. His door knocker has been replaced with the face of Jacob Marley.
Once in bed, Scrooge receives a visit from Marley’s Ghost. We learn that Marley is continually tormented in death, because he’d had no compassion for others when he was alive. Marley tells a terrified Scrooge that he will soon be visited by three spirits.

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Stave Two


Scrooge is woken abruptly by twelve chimes from the church bells. He is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past at 1 am - the ghost takes the form of a child and an old man. It is the ghost of Scrooge’s past and claims to be concerned for his welfare. Scrooge is shown a scene from his childhood where he had to spend the festive season at school with no-one for company. The ghost takes him to another Christmas at school, where we see how lonely and isolated he is. His sister Fan arrives to take him home.
The ghost shows Scrooge a Christmas party - the host is a larger-than-life man named Fezziwig. Unlike some employers, he treats his workers with respect and humanity. He gave a great deal of happiness to a lot of people, including Scrooge, who was apprenticed to Fezziwig when he was a teen.
Belle, Scrooge’s then fiancée, breaks their engagement because she says he values money more than her. We see her happily married to someone else.
Scrooge is visibly upset by the scenes from his past, and the Ghost of Christmas Past swiftly returns him to his chamber.

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Stave Three


Scrooge grows increasingly uncomfortable as he waits for the next ghost. Eventually, he is summoned to an adjoining room by the Ghost of Christmas Present. The ghost takes Scrooge around the city where they see people full of hope and joy. During their journey through London, were given vivid descriptions of Christmas festivities, shops full of beautiful produce, and hope and joy among the citizens. Scrooge is taken to the Cratchit family’s home. We meet Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit’s disabled son, and the rest of the family. Cratchit insists that they raise a toast to Scrooge, despite his poor treatment at his employer’s hands. Scrooge asks the ghost whether Tiny Tim will survive and is told that if nothing changes for the family, then the child will die.
They visit several Christmas celebrations, including Fred’s house where the party is full of songs and laughter. The stave ends with the ghost revealing two children below his cloak - Ignorance and Want. Scrooge is appalled by them and asks what help is available to them. The ghost echoes Scrooge’s earlier words: ‘are there no prisons?’

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Stave four


The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come appears and silently escorts Scrooge to visit scenes from the future. Scrooge overhears people gossiping about the death of a man - they are laughing about it, and one man says he’ll attend the funeral if there’s a free lunch.
We then see thieves going over items they have stolen from the dead man. We hear a couple expressing relief at the death, as it means they are no longer in debt to the man. Scrooge, unaware initially that the dead man is him, accepts that he is partially responsible for some of the things that he sees. Even when Scrooge sees a different man working in his office, he still fails to realise the dead man is him.
We see a scene from the future where the Cratchit family are inconsolable after the death of Tiny Tim. The ghost takes Scrooge to a cemetery and points out his name on the headstone. The penny finally drops and Scrooge vows to change his ways after learning a moral lesson.

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Stave five


Scrooge wakes up on Christmas Day and realises the spirits have visited him in one night. He is overjoyed that he hasn’t missed it and cannot wait to make amends.
He buys the prize turkey from the local poulterer’s shop and sends it to the Cratchits.
Scrooge bumps into the charity workers he’d turned away on Christmas Eve, and begs them to forgive him for his abruptness. To their pleasant surprise, he makes a big donation to the charity.
Scrooge goes to Fred’s and asks if he can join him for Christmas dinner. He is welcomed by all and they have a wonderful day together. Early on Boxing Day, Scrooge goes to the office - Bob arrives late and Scrooge appears to chastise him before saying he will raise his salary. Bob is astonished by this news and by Scrooge’s promise to support his struggling family.
Tiny Tim survives and Scrooge is true to his word, looking after Tiny Tim and gaining respect and admiration from everyone. He becomes renowned for being able to keep a good Christmas.

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