Summary 3 - VAT Flashcards
What is Output VAT / INPUT VAT? VAT return?
output VAT: VAT charged to our clients
input VAT: VAT paid to our suppliers
Return: Output VAT - Input VAT
What is the B2C General Rule?
B2B General Rule?
B2C General Rule: Origin principle (VAT paid to the country of origin)
B2B generel rule: destination principle (VAT paid to destination country)
Exceptions: distance selling (if threshold, destination principle)
How are exportations & eu sales, importations and EU acquisitions treated?
exportations & eu sales-> full exemption
importations-> VAT paid in customs area when we collect the goods
eu acquisitions-> reverse charge rule applies (VAT is accounted by the purchasing party in the country of destination
What are the rules regarding services?
VAT must be collected where the service is located
b2c general rule: service located where the supplier belongs
b2b general rule: service located where the customer belongs (reverse charge rule applies If supplier is not established in country of destination)
special rules: service related to land (where the land itself is located, b2c-e service
What is the distance selling scheme?
destination principle applies of turnover in one country surpasses its threshold ; if not destination principle can voluntarily be applied-> goods sent by courier or post however ordered; MOSS scheme is available to report in one single eu country alle sells to the rest of eu
What happens at acquisition of new means of transport?
destination principle applies (VAT must be paid in the destination country); harmonized in the EU
–> applies to new land vehicles, ship or aircraft