Summary Flashcards
Revisiting Plot Types:
________ are excellent for showing the distribution of a continuous variable.
Revisiting Plot Types:
___ __ can compactly show the distribution of lots of continuous variables.
Box plots
Revisiting Plot Types:
____________ show the relationship between two continuous variables.
Revisiting Plot Types:
____ ____ are great for showing trends over time.
Line plots
Revisiting Plot Types:
___ ____ show counts or proportions split by categories.
Bar plots
Revisiting Plot Types:
___ __ do the same as bar plots but allow for logarithmic scales and multiple metrics at once.
Dot plots
Revisiting Plot Types:
Typically, the best way to add a third dimension is by …
… using colors or multiple panels
Revisiting Plot Types:
There are three types of color scale:
- qualitative
- sequential
- diverging.
Revisiting Plot Types:
When you have many variables ____ _____ is a good answer because it compares each pair of variables.
Pair plots
Revisiting Plot Types:
___________ ____ ____ show related variables.
Correlation heat maps
Revisiting Plot Types:
________ __________ ___ show patterns across many variables.
Parallel coordinate plots