Summary Flashcards
What is called the the path that goes from the start point of the program to the end point?
The path of execution.
What is Abstract data?
Data where we are only concerned about what it is supposed to do, not about how it does it.
Ex: the brakes of a car.
What is Machine instruction?
Bult-in actions that the CPU can perform.
What is Opcode?
- Short for Operation code.
- Is a part of machine isntruction.
- A set of binary numbers that specifies the exact operation to be performed.
Ex: In a machin instruction like: 0111011010, the first three digits “011” would be the opcode. This could mean “Add a number to an earlier number”. The other part could be the number to be add to the earlier number.
Bit pattern?
A particular layout of bits used to represent numbers, character, etc.
Ex: 100 0001 represent the letter “A”.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
A standard chart that represent characters using binay codes.
How many digits ASCII uses to represent each character?
Relational Database Management System.
A type of computer program used to manage relational database.
A specific instruction to a computer to search through a database and collect all data that matches a certain criteria.
Structured Query Language.
A language to monitor and handle databases.
Transact-structured query language.
A language Microsoft made to add additional functionality to SQL.
SQL server?
Short for Microsoft Structured Query Language Server.
Is a RDBMS developed by Microsoft.
What is Unit Test?
- unit, individually, independently, checked.
A teste where a unit is individually and independently checked for proper operation.
What is a unit in a unit test?
The smallest testable parts of an application.
What is UAT?
User Acceptance Testing.
A phase in software development where the software is given to the intended audience to be tested for functionality.
What is the first meaning o mapping?
Establishing a connection from one computer to another computer or device in a network.
What is the second meaning o mapping?
The correspondence from elements of a set of data to the elements of another set of data in a table.
What is a Field?
- Space in a data structure that is reserved for a particular information.
- The smallest unit of information a user can access.
- Have certain attributes associated with them (numbers, text, etc.)
Ex: cells in a table.
What is CLI?
Command-line Interface.
A interface based on text.
What is ALM?
Application Lifecycle Management.
Give an example of an ALM.
- Requirements gathering.
- Architecture planning.
- Development.
- Test.
- Deploy.
What is Active Diretory?
A software from Microsoft that provides central authentication and authorization services for computers.
What is a Batch File?
A file containing a list of instructions to be carried out in order. Most often used in the Windows.
What is Data Redudancy?
Data stored in more than one table in the database.
What is Data Normalization?
The process of organizing the tables in order to eliminate data redundancy.
What is 1NF?
First Normal.
Maximum possible level of normalization of a data base.
What is a Primary Key in a database?
A piece of data used to uniquely identify a specific row in a database table.
What is a Foreign Key?
A column in one table that holds the data from a primary key in another, related table.
What is O/RM?
Object Relational Mapping.
A program that maps between objects in a program and tables in a database. When you modify an object in the program, you can use the O/RM to modify the data in the database that correspond to that object.
What is Entity Framework?
An O/RM program. Used with C# language.
What is LBA?
Line of Business Application.
Purpose-built piece of software that helps a company in whatever their line of business is.
What is a Registry?
A place where records are kept.
What is a Registry in Windows?
A database that stores settings of the operating system, drivers and applications.
Ex: when a new program is installed, instructions (such as how to start it and how the program should work) are stored in the registry.
What is KVP?
Key-value pair.
Two linked data:
- Key -> a unique identifier for some data.
- Value -> the data identified by the key.
What is a subkey pair in the windows registry?
Its a node in the tree data structure of the windows registry. It’s the key + value.
What tool can be used to launch the windows registry?
Windows Registry Editor or Regedit.exe.
Describe the Terminator flowchart symbol.
A rectangle with rounded cornes.
Indicates the beginning and the end of the program.
Describe the Decision flowchart symbol.
A diamond shape.
Indicates a decision point between two or more paths in a flowchart.
Describe the Process flowchart symbol.
A rectangle.
Indicates any processing function.
Describe the Dataflowchart symbol.
A parallelogram.
Can represent any type of data in a flowchart.
What is the Peek behaviour?
To get the next item to be poped in a stack or queue.
What is PHP?
Short for Hypertext Preprocessor.
Scripting language designed for web development.
How an Insertion Sort algorithm works?
In an insertion sort, the list of items is gone through, one item at a time, starting at the beginning.
As each item is reached, the correct location earlier in the list is found for it, based on the desired outcome.
How a Selection Sort works?
In a selection sort, the list of items is divided into two lists: a list of sorted items (initially empty), and a list of unsorted items (initially this has all the items in the list). The unsorted list is then gone through, one item at a time. Each item is placed in the sorted list at the correct point, according to the desired outcome. Once all items in the unsorted list have been handled, the sorted list is the final product.
How a Bubble Sort algorithm works?
In a bubble sort, the list of items is gone through, one item at a time, starting at the beginning.
As each item is reached, it is compared to the item previous to in the list. It is swapped if the desired outcome requires it