What is meant by the ‘cause’ of disease?
A cause is an exposure that produces the disease.
What studies aim to determine the cause of disease?
Epidemiological studies compare diseased with healthy people with respect to the exposure to attempt to determine the cause of disease. We need heterogeneity in the exposure population in order to detect this - need variation in our exposure variables.
Why might identifying the cause of disease be difficult?
- Few diseases arise from a single ‘cause’
- Some exposures ‘cause’ multipole diseases
- Misclassification of disease and exposure status in epidemiological studies
- Latency (lead time) between exposure and disease makes causal relationships hard to pull apart
Hence epidemiological studies tend to identify risk factors rather than causes - especially when talking about complex human diseases.
Define what is meant by the term ‘risk factor’.
A risk factor is an exposure that increases risk of disease. Individuals exposed to risk factors have a higher risk of disease.
Why is a risk factor not necessarily a cause of disease?
Link may actually be due to:
- Chance - for p of 0.05 5% of the time the conclusions will be false positive results
- Indirect Causation - Risk factor A may cause B, and then B is what actually causes disease - risk factor A is associated with the disease but is not the direct causal factor
- Reverse Causation - The disease may actually be causing the association with the risk factor - for example cancer causing weight loss.
- Confounding - Confounder C may be independently related to both Risk factor A and disease
How do we establish cause when there are so many other factors that could explain the associations between exposure and disease?
Bradford-Hill developed 9 criteria in 1965 to help us assess causation. Beware though, even the most consistent evidence doesn’t exclude indirect causation, reverse causation or confounding. We need to think of ways we can minimise these in the study design.
Describe the 1st Bradford-Hill criteria; strength of association.
Strong associations are more likely to be causal than weak ones (error/bias).
What is a strong association?
Traditionally an odds ratio or a risk ratio of 2 or more - this is not a magic number and don’t discount small effects. Well designed and implemented studies can detect small effect sizes.
Describe the 2nd Bradford-Hill criteria; consistency.
Multiple studies with different designs consistently show the same effect. Consistency and replication vital before relationship can be trusted.
Describe the 3rd Bradford-Hill criteria; Is the effect specific?
A particular exposure should lead to a single disease. Therapies that claim to cure everything probably cure nothing. Specificity can be exploited in the design of research studies - we can include questions about factors specifically related to our outcome and factors that are not specifically related to our outcome. This can act as an internal control in our study.
Specificity is not however a perfect indicator of causality. For example smoking causes more diseases than just lung cancer, Aspirin is effective for a wide range of diseases. Don’t discount non-specific effects, but be cautious.
Describe the 4th Bradford-Hill criteria; Temporality.
The cause must precede the onset of disease.
Early undetected stages of a disease may have caused an apparent exposure for disease - e.g. weight loss and cancer where early stages may cause loss of appetite and weight loss.
Smoking must have been started prior to developing cancer for example.
Describe the 5th Bradford-Hill criteria; Biological gradient.
Is there a biological gradient? Is there a dose-response relationship between the exposure and outcome?
If there really is a causal effect between exposure and outcome then the outcome will increase with the level of exposure. Just because we see a dose-response relationship doesn’t mean that there isn’t another confounding factor in there that we haven’t taken into account.
Not all treatments may show a dose-response pattern. For drugs in particular there may be a threshold level for effectiveness.
Describe the 6th Bradford-Hill criteria; Plausibility.
Is the association biologically plausible?
May or may not be helpful as the biological pathways for many exposures may not be known at the time.
Describe the 7th Bradford-Hill criteria; Coherence.
Does the association fit with what is already known? Very similar to plausibility.
Describe the 8th Bradford-Hill criteria; Experimental evidence.
Does intervention in exposure influence disease outcome? we need an intervention study to see this like an RCT, but this is unethical to conduct if the exposure is a suspected cause of disease. Hence we have to intervene to reduce exposure instead - does this reduce disease?
Remember, experimental evidence and p-values aren’t necessarily the same thing. You don’t need a significant p-value to provide experimental evidence because you can get non-significant p-values if the study isn’t well enough designed.
Describe the 9th Bradford-Hill criteria; Analogy.
Quite similar to plausibility and coherence. Does a similar cause-effect relation exist already?
Not especially helpful - can be quite difficult to find existing examples.
Summarise causation.
It is difficult to assess causation in epidemiological studies. What we actually do is identify risk factors. We can use the Bradford-Hill criteria to assess if causation is likely.
What we need is a prospective study to ‘prove’ causation -really what we are talking about is replicating the scientific results enough times and in enough ways to prove causation.
What is a systematic review?
A systematic review is an overview of all primary studies that contain explicit statements of objectives, materials, and methods and has been conducted according to explicit and reproducible methodology.
A systematic review is essentially a big literature review.
What is a meta-analysis?
A meta-analysis is a study involving the quantitative pooling of data from two or more studies in order to generate a new summary statistic. Meta-analyses are subsets of systematic reviews.
Describe the steps taken when conducting a systematic review.
- Frame question
- Identify relevant literature
- Assess quality of literature
- Summarise the evidence
- Interpret the findings
What is involved in step 2 of the systematic review process; identifying relevant literature?
You need to perform a comprehensive search strategy to identify literature:
- Publication databases (e.g. MEDLINE)
- Internet
- Trial Registers
- References from published studies and reviews
- Unpublished literature (contact authors)
- Conference proceedings (abstracts of studies
Ideally, no language restrictions should be imposed.
What is involved in step 3 of the systematic review process; assessing quality of literature?
Assessing the quality of the literature usually covers three areas:
- Selection of the groups
- Comparability of the groups
- Ascertainment of exposure for case-control studies and outcome for cohort studies
For quality we want to consider that if we include poor studies, we will get poor results out.
There are formal scaled for assessing quality. For example the Jadad scale gives us a score of between 3 and 5 depending on certain criteria. We could use a formal scale like this to determine a cut-off for inclusion into a meta-analysis or systematic review. A systematic review should be like any other piece of research in that you should be clear and specific about the methodology used and the inclusion criteria / exclusion criteria.
Describe the Jadad scale that can be used for assessing the quality of randomised control trials for a systematic review.
- Did they use randomisation? Was the method described and appropriate?
- Was the study double-blind? Was the method described and appropriate?
- Did they analyse everyone recruited? Description of withdrawals / dropouts.
What is involved in step 4 of the systematic review; summarising the evidence?
- Qualitative summary
- Quantitative summary / meta-analysis - statistical method for combining the results from the identified studies which gives a pooled measure of risk