Summa Sections on the Trinity Flashcards
Q. 27
The processions in God
Q. 28
The relations in God
Q 29
The concept of Person in God
Q. 30
The number of the Divine Persons
Q. 31
That which pertains to the unity and that which pertains to the plurality in God
Q. 32
How we are able to know the divine Persons
Q. 33
The Person of the Father
Q. 34
The Person of the Word
Q. 36
The Person of the Holy Spirit
Q. 39
The three Persons in relation to the Essence
Q. 40
The three Persons as compared to the relations or properties
Q. 41
The three persons in reference to the notional acts
Q. 42
Equality and likeness among the divine persons
Q. 43
The Divine missions
1, Unbegottenness, 2. paternity, 3. filiation, 4, common spiration, 5. procession (being spirated)
- Paternity, 2. filiation, 3. common spiration, 4. procession
- unbegottenness, 2. paternity, 3. filiation, 4. procession
Personal Notions
- paternity, 2. filiation, 3. procession