Suits Flashcards
Look, I don’t have a lot of regrets. It’s not just who I am. But this is one of them.
-We shouldn’t be having this conversation
-You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to be having this conversation.
You once told me we had chemistry the second we met.
You are a great person who had a not-so-great moment.
I am not a great person.
What I know is you showed yourself in, you can show yourself out.
مودبانه برو گمشو
You two work your shit out? I’ll take that as a yes
If one of your first acts as CEO is to rip the secretary to shreds, You’ll regret that for the rest of your life.
You wanted me to let my walls down, Well they’re down.
-I knew it; I knew you would take it as an insult
-Then how exactly would you like me to take it?
do you mean hire the fox to watch the henhouse?
- Harvey This isn’t over
- Words spoken by every loser I’ve ever met.
I cannot have that happen again with you
80% of something is a whole lot better than 100% of nothing
I need you to say it.
-Because the more you say it, the less power it has over you!
Despite all his faults, he would take a bullet before he’d let anything happen to his little girl.
So you can either add a bunch of zeros to this bull shit offer, or we’ll see you in court.
This isn’t about business; it’s about getting even
That’s the sweetest thing you’ve done since you asked me to marry you
- No, it’s the sweetest thing I’ve done until the next thing I do
You are trying to butter me up.
هندونه زیر بغل گذاشتن
Actions speak louder than words, and you doing this, says it all.
That’s what I like about you, you may not be self-aware, but if someone holds up a mirror, you are not afraid to look.
Excuse me, Miss, are you alone, or can an old man pull up a seat?
I never should have put you in this position.
I am sorry if I overstepped my bounds
We are all committing to give this firm every ounce of blood, sweat, and tears we have
I’ve been on pins and needles all morning. Where have you been?
I need your word if things start to go south, that you will pull the plug on this whole thing.
Well, you know what they say. You don’t pay the plumber for banging on pipes. you pay him for knowing where to bang.
All is up to you. Are we gonna give up on our dream or live to fight another day?
I gotta say, the world’s gonna be a better place with you as a lawyer
From where I’m standing, you’re worth loving.
I wouldn’t miss this for the world.
It’s time for you to take the reins.
افسار رو بدست بگیری
You are so not the guy that I said would never have a lasting relationship.
I think we have done enough growing for one night
- I think about it
- That’s all I can ask
that right there is why I said what I said to Harvey
To what do I owe the pleasure?
I thought fate brought us together, Why don’t we let fate decide wether or not we have children?
Are things between us back to normal?
- If they are for you they are for me
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m not looking to be seen talking to you.
Get them to back off and this never sees the light of day.
So while you’re keeping her distracted with work, I am going to go digging into her medicine cabinet.
Using me as a stalking horse doesn’t make me trust you.
People change in four different seasons,
1. people change hurt enough that they have to
2. when they see enough, they are inspired to
3. when they learn enough that they want to
4. when they receive enough that they are able to.
You are here with your pass-the-butter voice
یعنی صداتو قشنگ کردی یه چیزی بگیری
You are here with your pass-the-butter voice.
یعنی صداتو قشنگ کردی یه چیزی بگیری
I might not have picked this fight, but there is no way I am letting Eric “I need a haircut” Kaldor get the better of one of my people.
I guess what they say is true, Non of us know how much time we really have.
I am nothing if not prompt.
سر وقت بودن
Tomorrow’s gonna be what tommorow’s gonna be, but today fuck you
I gotta hand it to you; You really came through,
- Right back at you
If you say you have (got) to hand it to someone you mean that
they have been very successful or skilful
to successfully do or complete something that you have promised to do We were worried she wouldn’t be able to handle it, but she came through in the end.
It takes a big man to come in here and say all that.
I may be an optimist (confident about myself), but it’s still nice to hear it from someone you care about.
It’s a lot easier to tell someone is lying when they are lying to someone else.
I just have one piece of advice for you if you don’t wanna eat the cookie stay out of the kitchen.
I just have one piece of advice for you if you don’t wanna eat the cookie stay out of the kitchen.
They are gonna hang you out to dry and wipe their hands clean.