Suit of Swords Flashcards
Ace of Swords
Upright: breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind, Reversed: confusion, brutality, chaos
Two of Swords
Upright: difficult choices, indecision, stalemate, Reversed: lesser of two evils, no right choice, confusion
Three of Swords
Upright: heartbreak, suffering, grief, Reversed: recovery, forgiveness, moving on
Four of Swords
Upright: rest, restoration, contemplation, Reversed: restlessness, burnout, stress
Five of Swords
Upright: unbridled ambition, win at all costs, sneakiness, Reversed: lingering resentment, desire to reconcile, forgiveness
Six of Swords
Upright: transition, leaving behind, moving on, Reversed: emotional baggage, unresolved issues, resisting transition
Seven of Swords
Upright: deception, trickery, tactics and strategy, Reversed: coming clean, rethinking approach,
Eight of Swords
Upright: imprisonment, entrapment, self-victimization, Reversed: self acceptance, new perspective, freedom
Nine of Swords
Upright: anxiety, hopelessness, trauma, Reversed: hope, reaching out, despair
Ten of Swords
Upright: failure, collapse, defeat, Reversed: can’t get worse, only upwards, inevitable end
Page of Swords
Upright: curiosity, restlessness, mental energy, Reversed: deception, manipulation, all talk
Knight of Swords
Upright: action, impulsiveness, defending beliefs, Reversed: no direction, disregard for consequences, unpredictability
Queen of Swords
Upright: complexity, perceptiveness, clear mindedness, Reversed: cold hearted, cruel, bitterness
King of Swords
Upright: head over heart, discipline, truth, Reversed: manipulative, cruel, weakness