Suicide & Non-Suicidal Self Injury Flashcards
Clinical Picture
Suicide is the intentional act of killing oneself by any means
Clinical picture
Suicidal ideation is thinking about death, including the wish to be dead, considering methods of accomplishing death, and formulating planes to carry the act out
Clinical picture
Suicide attempt also referred to as a suicidal act, is engaging in potentially self-injurious behavior w/ the intention of death
Rates among active-duty military members are currently at an all time ⬆️ since record killing began after 9/11 & have been ⬆️ over the past 5 yrs
Risk Factors
-Neurobiological factors
-cognitive factors
-environmental factors
-cultural factors
-societal factors
Risk factors
-Marital status
-Socioeconomic influences
-Diagnosable mental illness
-physical conditions
Lethality of Suicide Plan
3 main elements
1. Is there a specific plan w/ details?
2.How lethal is the proposed method?
3.Is there access to the planed method?
People who have definite plans for the time, place, and means are @ highest risk
Lethality of Suicide Plan
Higher-risk methods/ hard methods
-using a gin
-jumping off a high place
-poisoning w/carbon methods
-staging a car crash
Lethality of Suicide Plan
Lower risk method/soft methods
-Cutting wrists
-inhaling natural gas
-ingesting pills 💊
Warning factors: Immediate risk for suicide
Often talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide
-Making comments about being hopeless or worthless
-Expressions of having no reason for living; no sense of purpose in life, saying things like “It would be better if I wasn’t here” or “ I want out”
-Increased alcohol/drugs misuse
-Withdrawal from friends, family, community
-Reckless behavior or more risky activities, seemingly w/o thinking
-talking about feeling trapped or being a burden to others
Ask directly: “ have you thought about harming yourself in any way? If so, what do you plan to do? Do you have the means to carry out this plan? How strong are your intentions to die? How often do you think about suicide?
Create a safe environment for the pt
Maintain close observation of pt
Determine coping behaviors previously used & the pt’s perception of effectiveness then and now
Encourage the pt to explore & verbalize feelings & perceptions related to reasons for wanting to die as well as reasons for wanting to live.
Provide expressions of hope to pt in positive, low-key manner
Discuss the current crisis situation in the client’s life
Help the client identify areas of the life situation that are within their control and those that they client does not have the ability to control”