Sufism general knowledge Flashcards
What is sufism?
Sufism is a spirtual/msytical branch of Islam.
It is an ancient wisdom of the heart.
What is sufism about?
First and foremost, sufism is about DIVINE LOVE.
They believe that through your spiritual HEART, you have a direct connection to God/Universe.
When sufism originated?
Sufism is has existed as a inner practice of muslims since the earliest days of Islam.
However, it really developed in the 12th century, with the formation of “orders”.
Where did sufism originated?
The consensus is that sufism originated in Western Asia.
Give the name of 4 very prominent Sufis?
- Al-Ghazzali
- Ibn Arabi
- Rumi
- Shams Tabriz
There are many ways to God.
Sufis see the spiritual journey as a love affair.
True or false?
What are important concepts/ideas discussed in Sufism?
- Separation and Oneness
- Journey of the Soul
- Ego death
- Longing of the heart
- Divine love
What are the 4 principles of Sufism?
- Repentance
- Sincerity
- Remembrance
- Love
–> It traces the main stages of the spiritual student in his transformative journey.
What do Sufis think about the EGO?
Sufis think the EGO is the greatest obstacle that keeps us from experiencing the eternal state of union with God/Universe.
Why do Sufis aspire to “die before they die”?
What has to die is the EGO.
You have to transcend this false sense of identity in order to experience your divine nature.
How is the moment of spiritual awakening called?
The moment of spiritual awakening is “tauba”/repentance.
The sufis describe it as “the turning of the heart”.
The moment of tauba is when the heart remember its true divine nature.
Of what consist the technique of remembrance called the “dhikr”?
It is the repetition of the names of God.
To what the journey of the soul lead you to ?
It lead you to the truth of our divine essence.
What Islam literally means?
It means to surrender to God
What is at the core of all sufi practices?
At the heart of all sufi practices is the element of love and devotion.
What is real poverty according to Sufis?
Real povrety is the poverty of the heart.
How many orders are there in Sufism? Which are?
5 main Orders:
- The Chishti Order
- The Mujaddidi Order
- The Shadhili Order
- The Qadriri Order
- The Naqshabandi Order
What is the other name for Sufism?
What is the etymology of the word Sufism?
Wool garment.
Sufis were mostly wearing wool garment which was white as a sign of the purity of their heart.
What is the dance that Sufis sometimes practice?
It is called Sufi whirling.
It is a form of physical active meditation which is still practiced by sufis from some orders such as the Mevlevi Order.
In which countries is Sufism very popular?
Turkey, India, Egypt, Senegal
What is the name for Sufi meditation?
What is called the recitations evoking remembrance of God (during meditation)?