Suffixes Flashcards
pertaining to (cardiac: pertaining to the heart)
pertaining to (intestinal: pertaining to the intestine)
-an, -ian
characteristic of, pertaining to, belonging to (ovarian cyst: a cyst of the ovary)
relating to (muscular: relating to muscles)
relating to, connected with (salivary: relating to saliva)
enzyme (sucrase: an enzyme that digests sucrose)
abnormal closure (biliary atresia: closure or absence of bile ducts)
grow, produce (osteoblast: a bone-producing cell)
swelling, tumor (meningocele: a hernia of the meninges)
puncture of a cavity (thoracocentesis: puncture of the chest cavity to remove fluid)
kill (bactericide: a chemical that kills bacteria)
destroy, break down (osteoclast: a bone-reabsorbing cell)
binding, stabilizing, fusion (arthrodesis: the surgical immobilization of a joint)
thirst (polydipsia: excessive thirst)
pain (gastrodynia: stomach pain)
-ectasia, -ectasis
expansion (atelectasis: without expansion)
excision, cutting out (thyroidectomy: removal of the thyroid)
pertaining to blood (hypokalemia: low blood potas- sium level)
structure (spongiform: resembling a sponge)
producing (carcinogen: a substance that produces cancer)
production of, origin of (spermatogenesis: pro- duction of sperm)
protein (myoglobin: a muscle protein)
record, writing (electroencephalogram: a record of the electrical activity of the brain)
an instrument for making records (ultrasonography: the use of ultrasound to produce an image)
condition (pneumonia: condition of inflammation of the lungs)
diseased condition (cholelithiasis: gallstones)
pertaining to (atomic: pertaining to atoms)
having qualities of (febrile: feverish)
condition, process (alcoholism: condition of being dependent on alcohol)
practitioner, specialist (neurologist: a specialist in diseases of the nervous system)
-it is
inflammation (hepatitis: inflammation of the liver)
seizure (narcolepsy: a sudden onset of sleep)
stone, crystal (otoliths: stones in the inner ear)
study of (virology: the study of viruses)
break down (hemolysis: rupture of red blood cells)
enlargement (splenomegaly: enlargement of the spleen)
a measuring instrument (spirometer: an instrument to measure pulmonary volumes)
state of, quality (illness: state of being ill)
the appearance of (ovoid: resembling an oval or egg)
small, little (arteriole: small artery)
tumor (carcinoma: malignant tumor)
eye (hyperopia: farsightedness)
pertaining to (regulatory: pertaining to regulation)
having qualities of (comatose: having qualities of a coma)
state, condition, action, process (keratosis: abnormal growth of the skin)
creation of an opening (colostomy: creation of an opening between the intestine and the abdominal wall)
cut into (tracheotomy: cut into the trachea)
pertaining to (nervous: pertaining to nerves)
disease (retinopathy: disease of the retina)
lack of, deficiency (leukopenia: lack of white blood cells)
love of, tendency (hemophilia: a clotting disorder; “love of blood”)
an abnormal fear (acrophobia: fear of heights)
growth (hyperplasia: excessive growth)
formation, repair (rhinoplasty: plastic surgery on the nose)
paralysis (hemiplegia: paralysis of the right or left half of the body)
production (erythropoiesis: production of red blood cells)
dropping, falling (hysteroptosis: falling of the uterus)
burst forth (hemorrhage: loss of blood from blood vessels)
discharge, flow (diarrhea: frequent discharge of feces)
instrument to examine (microscope: instrument to examine small objects)
involuntary contraction (blepharospasm: twitch of the eyelid)
to be still, control, stop (hemostasis: to stop loss of blood)
strength (myasthenia: loss of muscle strength)
surgical opening (colostomy: a surgical opening in the colon)
muscle coordination (ataxia: loss of coordination)
pressure (hypertension: high blood pressure)
pertaining to (paralytic: pertaining to paralysis)
incision, cut into (phlebotomy: incision into a vein)
crush (lithotripsy: crushing of stone such as gallstones)
related to nutrition or growth (autotrophic: capable of making its own food, such as a green plant)
turning toward (chemotropic: turning toward a chemical)
-ula, -ule
small, little (venule: small vein)
urine (hematuria: blood in the urine)
condition, process (healthy: condition of health)