SUFFIXES Flashcards
e.g hyperglycaemia = abnormally high blood glucose concentration
e.g nephralgia = renal pain
tumour, swelling
e.g cystocele = hernia of urinary bladder through vaginal wall
perforation, tapping
e.g paracentesis = puncture of body cavity
binding, fusion
e.g arthrodesis = surgical fixation of joint
dilation, expansion, distension
e.g angioectasis = abnormal dilation of blood vessels
e.g tonsillectomy = removal of tonsils
producing, productive of
e.g bronchogenic = originating in a bronchus
letter, drawing
e.g electrocardiogram = a tracing of the electrical activity of the heart
process or condition resulting from
e.g lithiasis = formation of stones
pertaining to
e.g gastric = pertaining to the stomach
e.g iritis = inflammation of the iris
decomposition, destruction
e.g haemolysis = breaking down of red blood cells
e.g osteomalacia = softening of the bones
e.g hepatomegaly = enlargement of the liver