Sue CA Real Estate Principles Flashcards
Study CA
Americans with Disabilities Act
Prohibit housing discrimination
Annual Percentage Rate
Total % rate cost of loan; includes actual interest rate, plus all other fees;
Acceleration Clause
Allow lender to call the debt due and payable immediately upon failure to meet the terms of contract
Trade fixture installed by business while under Lease; Removable before lease expires; After lease expires, ownership goes to Lessor
Actual Authority
- specifics of the particular job defined in the contract
- duties may/may not be spelled out, bur are expected
Ad Valorem
Add Value; Property Taxes
Amounts added to existing fees, rates, or margins to accommodate file abnormalities
Addition to an already existing contract
Addendum v. Amendment
to contract
Addendum = Add-On
Novation = New
Adjustable Interest Rate
Changes up or down according to the financial climate, at predetermined adjustment dates
Advanced Committment
Commit by Mortgage Lender to make or buy loan for a state amount on a property within a specific period of time subject to Borrowers ability to qualify
Affidavit; Evidence
Relationship between parties to a transaction; Principal/Broker relationship;
Cannot be created by unsolicited offer;
Agency Agreement
Contract that creates an agency relationship
Agency Disclosure
Form disclosing agency relationships for 1-4 unit residential sales;
Above earth’s surface for an indefinite distance, as allowed by gov’t controls;
Part of definition of real estate
Alloidal Land System
real property;
Individual hold clear Legal Title, but use if or lose it;
Old style land grant used this
rocks & soil that slide down side of montain
Alquist-Priolo Equake Fault Act
Regulates development of land in earthquake fault zones; Construction requirements are stricter than normal; Full disclosure to potential buyers;
Periodic payments of principle and interest, reducing the amount of debt
Annual Mortgage Stmt
IRS-1099. $ Amt interest, property taxes, and remaining balance
Identifying number assigned by Conty Tax Assessor’s OFfice
Apparent Authority
Implied Authority to act, even though person does not have authority
Borrower for loan
Estimate value of property, based upon recent sales and current listing of comparable properties
Written report providing determnation of vlaue of a specified real property on a given date
Appraisal Process
Sales comparison;
Three Comp properties are the norm;
Appraisal Steps
Highest/Best use will generate highest value;
Increase in value
and Prior Appropriation Doctrine
Right of government to regulate water;
Prior appropriation doctrine states that water rights are determined by priority of beneficial use. This means that the first person to use water or divert water for a beneficial use or purpose can acquire individual rights to the water.
Follows with the property; Have particular use 9 ie private water co)
No favoritism; Assumption that unrelated parties enter into contract on terms given nor more favorably to an average person unknown to them;
Tax value of property
Anything of value, including money
Transfer rights and obligations of a contract to another party
Associate Licensee
Representative of a Broker; Broker is the legal rep of the Principal
Financing arrangement where the Buyer takes over the existing mortgage
Written statement by a Borrower, giving permission to release information to the Agent of record
Fall Off
Award Letter
Social Security sends letter to recipient indicating how much $ they will receive annually
Balloon Note
Mortgage or loan that is amortized for a long period of time, but becomes due and payable in a shorter period of time
Legal method of dispensing with debts throug court proceedings
East-West lines that run through a reference point; Rectangular Survey Method (aka Township and Range Survey System aka U>S> Gov Survey System);
Paired w use of North-South Meridian lines.
Rectangular Survey Method aka Township, Range, Gov Survey System
E-W Baselines;
N-S Meridian lines from specific reference point;
Metal places in tofu cities throughout the U.S.;
Basis for elevation heights
Lender in a Trust Deed loan;
Trustee oversees loan payments, notify of default
Gift of personal property in Will;
Legator - Gives
Legatee - Receiver
Every two weeks payments
Two-sided agreement, both parties committing to perform an act
Bilateral Contract
Both sides exchange promises to perform
Bill Of Sale
Used for transfer PERSONAL PROPERTY
Bldg Permit
Granted by local gov; Inspections in phases; Fully signed inspections constitutes completion of building
Bonus Income
Irregular income based upon production or employer revenue targets
Breach Of Contrect
Failure of any party to contract to fulfill obligations
Person acting as Fiduciary on behalf of Principal;
Licensed by State real estate regulatory department
Building Code
Protect health and safety of persons in the community; conform to Master Plan: design, construction, size, #units
Bundle of Rights
(of Real Property Ownership)
Manage/Control Possess Exclude Enjoy Sell
Mortgage where interest rate is reduced for a set period of time based upon an up-front fee paid at Close of Escrow
Buyer Representation Agreement
Agent will get paid even if another Agent write a Purchase Offer for the Buyer; Buyer liable to pay Agent out of their own pocket,
CA BRE 2780-2782
Law that Broker must follow fair housing laws;
Disciplinary action against Broker
CA Civil Code 54-55-1
Protect handicapped and disabled against discrimination
CA RE Commissioner
Runs CA DRE;
Appointed by Governor;
Sets Administrative policy of the DRE;
Regulate Licensees
CA Real Estate Licensee
Working under Broker;
Valid 2 year period;
Cancellation Clause
Allows either party to cancel contract based upon inability to meet specific conditions;
Max interest rate allowed to be charged on ARM loan
Legal capacity which allows party to enter into a contract knowinling and with capability to fulfill terms
Guidelines and rules set up by HOA to manage the entire property and define rules for use of common spaces
Chain of Title
History of documents which transfer Title of real property
Personal Property, movable; anything not Real Property
Personal Property
Anything not real property that is movable
Civil Rights Act 1968
Fed Fair Housing Act; TItle VIII
Prohibits housing discrimination: race, color, religion, sec, handicap, familial status, national origin
Civil Rights Acts
1966, 1977, 1981, 1982
Protec individuals who are denied property
Clauses In Real Property Purchase Contracts
Acceleration Foreclosure Redemption Alienation Impound Defeasance
Person who hires another to act on thier behalf;
Conclusion of transaction:Settlement; delivery of Deed; Disburse funds; File/Record documents
Closing Agent
Escrow Officer or Attorney; Assures all documents signed, properly executed and recorded, and funds disbursed
Closing Costs
All Costs to a Buyer, Seller, Borrower associated with trnasaction: Escrow fees, title, appraisal, credit report, taxes, insurance, prorate items; Agent fees.
Lien, encumbrance against property which is defective Title; must clear to change ownership
CLoud on Title
Anything which gives rights to another person other than the owner of Real Property; ie easement or right to cross
Place funds from clients into personal account; OR using Trust Funds for personal funds
Type of CORP ownership, shares allow occupy one unit and common areas.
Corp holds real property; Owners hold stock, not Title, no Deed; Each owner receives exclusive Lease for their unit; Taxes against Corp; Not real property; Each owner shares loan, not mortgage; Blanket Insurance on building; Owners insure personal property separately;
Valid change in Will prior to death
Fee paid to Agent for transacting business for another; Usually a % of the total transaction amount
Common Interest Subdivisions
Buyer owns individual lot plus shared common interest ownership;
Community Property Laws
Defines property acquired during marriage, as well as property owned seperately prior to marriage
Comp Approach, Appraisal
Three Comps are the norm;
Bracketing is at least one Comp has greater sq ft and one Comp has lesser sq ft;
Usually on low- to mid priced properties
Comparable Properties
Appraisers use recently sold (or for sale) properties that are similar as a measure to help determine value of real property
Issues or concerns that must be resolved; Underwriter will allow Close of Escrow only upon acceptance of conditions
Condition Precedent
Deed restriction, preceding transfer of ownership; must be addressed in order to obtain ownership
Conditional Use
Zoning waiver which allows either non-conforming use or exemption;
Grants permission to use land for a purpose other than generally allowed in that district
Owner has s Titles: on for air space inside his condo, one for common areas;
Each owner responsible for property taxes on their unit
Conformity, Appraisal
Reasonable degree of economic and social similarity exists in an area, creating maximum value for properties in the area
Exchange something of value: money, services, love or other property; Confirms an obligation to perform the contract
Sufficient amount of deposit $ to cover losses in the event of cancellation or default
Construction Loan
Mortgage loan obtained for the purpose of borrowing funds to construct or renovate a building
Agreement between parties to perform or not perform an act; Or a promise.
Contract Employee
Independent contractor, self-employed working under the direction of Broker
Contract of Sale
Binding agreement between Seller, Buyer to transfer property under specific terms;
Seller holds Title until all debt paid;
Contractual Obligation
The PROMISE that party to a contact akes when signing a contract
Contribution, Appraisal
Value that a particular amenity adds to a property
Right to control use of the property as they choose;
One of the BUndle or Rights
Conventional Loan
Mortgage loan made throught usual lender channels
Conversation Log
Written record of all conversations and communications with all involved ina project, particularly a mortgage-loan application
Converting client’s funds into personal funds is a FELONY
Transfer or property from one party to another
Cert of Occupancy
Written authorization by local gov allowing structure to be inhabited; usually new construction
Corporeal Rights
Cost Approach, Appraisal
Determine value by estimating cost to build improvements NEW;
Cost of Funds Index
Index or mortgage which is based on the amount a bank pays its savings account customers for use of their savings funds
Original offer is declined (voided); Seller in turn makes an Offer by changing terms; Counter becomes valid only if accepted
Credit Auth
Written consent; Needed to compile a complete credit package
Credit History
7 Years of credit history; liens and bankruptcy 10 yrs
Credit Score
Rating number devised base upon current and past credit history;
Original horizontal plane in NYC Harbor;
Base upon which sea level height is measured
% of income monthly income obligated to payment of debt
Document that transfers Real Property;
Deed of Trust
Legal instrument, pledging property as security to guarantee debt paid in full; Lender holds Title until debt paid
Transfer Deed to Lender, in exchange for elimination of mortgage debt and costs
Fail to fulfill contract
Borrower gets legal Title after all payments are met
Defeasance Clause
Removes Lien when debt is paid in full;
Reconveyance Deed is issued to Mortgagee (Owner)
Deficiency Judgement
Judgement against person for amount remaining due even after foreclosure and sale of property
Define Valid Deed
Legal Address Consideration Granting clause Grantor signature Grantee accepts Title How Title taken by Grantee Exceptions/Restrictions
Request for Amount due for debt payment
$ security to show intent to bind a Contract for Sale
Decrease in value
Legal description not req’d, but must be adequate to positively identify the subject property
Give realty upon death;
Receiver of real property by Will
Giver of real property by Will
Discipline Broker/Agent
Business & Professions Code;
Calif Civil Code;
RE Commissioner Rules & Regs
Statement made revealing information
Right to dispose or encumber property at will
(Executor - with Will)
Court Appointed person to carry out intestate distribution of real and personal property of Testator/Testatrix
Force or threat
Right of use;
Easement by Prescription
Prescriptive Easement
Person uses property of another for access; Open; Notorious; Hostile; Continuous
Easton v Strassburger
Agent provide “list of defects, known & what should be known”;
Ca TDS came out of this
Cultivated crops are personal property, unless spelled out in Listing Agreement to be appurtenant
Eminent Domain
Gov take property for public use
Physical extension onto another’s property;
Unlawful use of another’s proerty
A lien or claim against a property, which may affect cloud on Title
Enforcement of RE Laws, Rules
DA Where violation occurred;
COmmissioner no authority to $ fines;
Commission disputes handled by local Board of Realtors or arbitration;
Eq Credit Opp Act
Federal Law; Credit avail to all
Equitable Title
Use & Enjoy; When there is a loan or mortgage on property, Buyer holds only Equitable TItle; If default, Equitable Title holder gets appreciation; Legal Title after paid in full;
Value property - loane = equity
Revert to State by order of law;
No Title acquired
Third party to transaction handles signing docs, accounting and disbursement of funds; in CA Escrow handles transactions
Escrow Account
Funds deposited to a third party to pay property taxes and insurance
Estate at Sufference
Tenant remains after end of term; If rent is accepted, it becomes Estate-from- Period-To-Period
Estate for Years
Lease for specified period of time
Estate from Period-To-Period
Renewable agreement to lease for specified terms; Month-To-Month or Year-To-Year.
Estate in Remainder
Ownership held by person other than original Granter; May confer Life Estate on One person, and different person Remainderman
Estate in Reversion
Held by original Grantor of Life Estate, property returns to original Grantor upon the death of designated person
Lease with no end date
Estoppel Agreement
Implied Agency aka Ostensible Agency
Person declares that an Agent is representing them; Agent has perceived authority to act; Principal bound by Agent’s actions
right of tenant to use wood of ower in lease situation for own needs only
Right to allow or prohibit access to property; One of the Bundle of RIghts
Exclusive Agency Listing
Unilateral contract between Broker and Principal ; Allows Seller to find their own Buyer without being required to pay comission to Broker
Exclusive Auth and Right to Sell
*Most common List Agreement; Broker always paid no matter who procures the Buyer; Express Contract can be written or verbal
Exclusive Buyer, Agency Agreement
Buyer pays Agent, even if no house found; Bilateral
Signed; Closed
Executed Contract
Completed; All contingencies are met.
Executory Contract
Bilateral, which has not been fully performed
Express Agreement
Express Contract
All parties acknowledge agreement has been reached; Written or verbal intent
Fair Lending Act
State of CA anti-discrimination real estate lending law
Fair Market Value
willingness of Buyer and Seller; Comparison of recently sold is 9-12months
Fannie Mae/FNMA
Fed purchases loans from Lenders to free-up case for additional loans
Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws
Civil Rights Act 1866 Fair Housing Act 1968 Title VIII 1968 Fair Employment & Hous Act (Rumford Act) Civil Rights Hous Act 2006 Unruh Civil Rights Act
Federal Lending Laws
Housing Fin Discrim Act 1977
Holden Act
Fee Simple
Ownership rights with no restrictions; **Most common form of real property ownership
Fee Simple
Freehold Estate
Ownership rights to real property without restrictions;
Undetermined amount of time;
Most common form of real property ownership
Fee Simple, Defeasible
Ownership with conditions or limits which could defeat claim to property; Cloud on TItle
Fed Agency handles natural disasters; determines flood and hazard zones for Mortgage industry
Federal Housing Admin, div of HUD: Insures and guarantees mortgages made by private Lenders/Banks
FHA Loan
Insured by HUD to protect Lender; Buyer protected from foreclosure by HUD ability to assume position of Lender
Act on authority given by Principal; Cal Bre Broker is the agent; Licensee is Sub-Agent
Party hired to perform service for a fee; Use authority from the Principle;
Easton v Strassburger
Broker responsible to inspect the property; Disclose what is known and what should have been known
FIrst Right of Refusal
Agreement that gives Buyer the right to purchase or not purchase the property prior to the property being offered to another party
First Trust Deed
First; Primary loan secured by real property
Anything of use permanently attached to real property; 5 tests: Method of attachment Adaptability Relationship of Parties Intent when installing item Agreement between parties
Trade fixtures: still personal property if removed without substantial damage to premises
Minimum Amount an adjustable rate can be for the life of the loan
Act of Lender extending time for repayment of debt or delay foreclosure action
Act by Lender to claim ownership of property when a Borrower has failed to meet commitment or has defaulted on loan
intent by the party to deceive the other parties to a contract
Actual Fraud
Known intent by a party to deceive other parties to a contract
Fraudulent Misrepresentation
Intentional Fraud or Negligent Misrepresentation are results of carelessness or negligence, not done with criminal intent
Freddie Mac
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp; Gov agency to buy mortgages from Lenders to facilitate Lenders using funds for more loans
Full Disclosure
Disclose material facts of a real estate transaction; Fair dealing
Future Covenants
Guaranty provided by Seller with a Warranty Deed; Promise to correct any problems with Title;
General Agent
Broker hired to perform ongoing jobs; A Property Manager is a General Agent
General Plan
Zoning Laws
Zoning Laws are primary method used to implement General Plan;
Police Powers enforce zoning;
Goal: protect public health, safety, welfare;
define traffic & transportation routes; estimate & set standards population density & future growth
Gift Deed
A Deed that is used to transfer ownership of real property when no $ involved;
“Affection” is the “Good Consideration”
Good Faith Estimate
Federal mandated form used to disclose closing costs to Borrowers;
Must be delivered to Borrower within 72 hours of loan App; Cannot exceed 5% of original loan estimate
Convey Title
Grant Deed
Give ownership to another
Granting Clause
I hearby grant
Grants Deed
Document used to Grant (Give) Title
Topmost limit of percolating water
Hazard Insurance
Protection of real property against loss due to fire, storm, natural or accident
Distributee - no will
Person who receives property; via intestate succession
HOA Cert
Form providing info about COndo, PUD or Coop project
Holden Act
Housing Finan Discrim Act 1977
CA Code; Financial institutions prohibited from discrimination
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
CA health and safety code;
Lenders must meet specific criteria and report loans made by census tract number
How to terminate Easement?
Release by Dominant tenant
Obvious intent by Dominant to Abandon Easement
Merge Dom & Servient tenancy
Court Order
How to Terminate List Agreement wo Penalty:
Death of Broker or Principal;
Joint Agreement to Terminate;
Destruction of Property;
Final statement of closing costs;
Prepared by Escrow office
HUD Assignment
Transfer FHA mortgage to HUD to protect Borrower form foreclosure
Implied Contract
Created throug action, not by writing
“IN-Defeasible” Estate
No conditions on estate
In-File Credit Repor
Un-audited credit report; unverified
Inchoate Dower
Rights contingent upon an event;
Spouse’s imperfect interest to husband’s real property while both are alive in non-community property state;
Becomes perfect upon his death;
Inclusionary oning
Agreement between gov agency and developer to provide housing provisions per the agreement
Income Averaging
Total all income for period of time and divid by number of months;
Incorporeal Rights
Can’t touch
Increasing Returns, Appraisal
Improvements that add MORE value to the property than the improvement cost;
Opposite is true for Decreasing Returns;
Basis for deterimining interest rate (actual cost of funds) that investor will pay to the Borrower that will in turn be loaned to consumer
Inherent Authority
Duties Agent needs to perform even though they are no specified in Employment Contract
Innocent Misrepresentation
simple mistakes with no intent and little harm;
Installment Contract
Contract for Deed
Land Contract
Owner Will Carry (OWC)
Bill of Conveyance
Intentional Fraud
Fraudulent Misrepresentation
Misrepresentation of a material fact which is intended to deceive another, does actually deceive another,and which causes harm to the one deceived.The law allows punitive damages. Most serious type of false statement in contract law
Interest Income
Income from interest such as savings account or investment
Interpleader Action
Request to BRE for conflict during escrow to be settled
No Will
IRS 1065
Income of business owned as partnership
IRS 1120
Fed tax form reporting income from ownership of a Corp
IRS 95-01
IRS 4506
Form authorizing verification of AGI claimed on Federal tax return
IRS Extension
beyond April 15 filing deadline
IRS Schedule A
Personal expenses itemized: medical mortgage interest property tax education donation work-related expense
IRS Schedule B
Itemize dividend and interest income
IRS Schedule C
Income from Sole Proprietorship
IRS Schedule D
Income: Capital Gain or Loss from investment
IRS Schedule E
Income; earned from rental or royalty
IRS Schedule K-1
Individual income: partnership
Joint Tenancy, w Survivorship
Title pass to heir unencumbered by secured debt;
One Title at same time of 2 or more Owners;
Can sell w/o permisson, new owner Title as Tenant in Common;
Property interests terminate at death;
Corp cannot hold as Joint tenant, bc Corp is a perpetual entity;
Joint Tenant
property ownership
Two+ persons
Undivided interest
Right of Survivorship
Debt ordered to be paid by court of law
Jumbo Loan
> max determined by FNMA and FHLMC
Junior Lien
Debt or obligation against property, subordinate to primary loan/lien and taxes against property
Soil/earth and all substances below; land extends to center of the earth
Surrounded by property owned by others; No ingress or egress
Law of Descent & Distribution
Chain of real property intestate inheritance, varies by each state;
Distributor - Giver
Distributee - Receiver
Lawful Objective
Purpose and terms of contract are legal
Laws Relating To Housing Discrimination
Lending Discrimination
TItle VIII Federal Fair Housing Act Unruh CA Code 54-55 Civil Rights Act CA Fair Lending Act CA Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Legal Description
Description of property filed with County Recorder’s Office
Legal Impossibility
Contract or portion which cannot be met because it requires an illegal act
Legal Non-Conforming
Property does not fit the zoning, but is allowed because of special allowance or grandfathered bc of prior use
Lender Req’d Disclosures
Equal Credit Opp Act (ECOA) Auth to acquire Borrower Credit Report CR disclose to consumers Right to receive copy of appraisal Patriot Act - track money Servicing Disclosure Stmt from Lender Privacy Policy Disclosure (Graham-Leach-Bliley Act) Mortgage Loan Origination Agreement Mortgage Loan Origination Agreement PMI/Adjustable Rate Disclosure HUD pamphlets: Settlement Cost Equity Line ARM's
Specified period of time
London Interbank Offered Rate
Index often used for ARM mortgages, which adjust every 6 months
License to Land
Permission to use land and protect from liability;
Not an easement;
can cancel at any time
Claim against property for payment of debt;
Mortgage most common lien
Priority of Liens: tax, judgement, assessment, sewer, other
Lien Theory
Mortgage/Note creates a lien on property to secure payment of debt
Life Estate
Right to Use and Possess the property for the durations of life of designated person or persons;
Life Tenant
Holder of Life Estate
Life–Cycle, Appraisal
Neighborhoods change between cycles of Regression and Progression
Used to create Fee Simple Defeasible ownership;
Limits automatically transfer ownership upon an Event: two types
Special Limitations and Executory Limitations;
Will not revert to Grantor
Lis Pendens
Legal action Pending
Standing or Still body of water;
Bordering owners property
Lot And Block
aka Subdivision System
Method of property description;
Lot, block and tract
Loan to Value
% of total value owed
Used in ARM loan;
Limit how much an interest rate may adjust
Mechanics Lien (CA)
Must be filed within 60 days from filing of Notice of Completion or Cessation, or if neither are filed, within 90 days from completion of the work. Action to enforce due 90 days after recording of claim.
Median Income
Average income for established area
Buyer can sue Seller for failure to disclose; Seller can file suit against Listing Agent; 3-day right of Reccission, after notice
Rectangular Survey Method aka Township, Range, Gov Survey System
N-S lines from specific reference point;
E-W Baselines
Metes and Bounds
Metes: distances
Bounds: natural or artificial boundaries
Mineral Rights
Found beneath surface that have fugitive or fluid nature;
Oil, gas, gold, coal, iron, gems
Mortgage Loan Disclosure Stmt
Similar to Good Faith Estimate of CLose Costs; It is very detailed and preferred in CA
Mortgage Pricing
Determine interest rate and other costs and add-ons
Lender becomes Payee
Mutual Agreement
Parties Must Agree to All Terms
Mutual Agreement
(Meeting of the Minds)
Parties to contract must agree to all terms
Mutual Recission
Agreement by all to cancel transaction;
Mutual Water Co
Common source of water in Subdivision; Individual property owners each own equal share of stack, equal right to use of water
Negative Amortization
Neg Am
ARM loan when at some period, the payment is insufficient to cover monthly interest payment due; Shortage is applied to balance of loan
Negligent Misrepresentation
False statement of fact due to ignorance;
that has the effect of inducing someone into a contract.
Net Listing
Brokers commission to be any amount in excess of Sellers sale price
No-Income No-Assets
Loan program that determines credit based on Borrower credit history and subject property only.
Non-Arms-Length Transaction
All partied related
Loan, which holds Title in Trust;
Trustee can take legal action for non-compliance of terms
New Contract
Nuncupative Will
Deathbed will; Not valid
Offer and Acceptance
In CA, counter offer constitutes new offer and previous offer is null;
Can’t go back to previous offer;
Date of Final Acceptance, will be date of Purchase Agreement
Offer To Purchase
Written offer the (unilateral) purchase real property.
Becomes contract one accepted by both parties (bilateral)
Open Listing
Open to any Broker who procures a Buyer,
Seller pays only the procuring Broker
Option Listing
Listing Agreement allows Broker to purchase the property;
Full disclosure of anticipated profit is required
Origination Fee
One time charge made as commission for securing mortgage loan
Owner Will Carry
(All Inclusive Trust Deed)
Deed owned by seller until Buyer pays mortgage in full; Seller carries the load as Lender
Profit & Loss
Gross income and expenses of business
Payment Shock
When new PITI payment amount increases by 60%
Perc Test
Test to measure water absorption rate of soil
Percolating Water
Underground water not classified as a stream
Personal Property handled by Will
Legator - Giver
Legatee - Receiver
Plat Map
Subdivision Map, outlines measurement of each parcel
% interest rate, or other charges;
Payment made by Borrower to the Lender in exchange for a reduced interest rate
Right to possess/use the property at will
One of “Bundle or RIghts”
Power of Attorney
Authorize another to sign on one’s behalf; Specific POA for one transaction only; General POA for most other transactions
Prelim Title Report; Prior to obtaining TItle Insurance on sbujec tproperty
Prepaid Rental Listing Service License
Issued by CA DRE;
Renewable every 2 years
Prepay Penalty
Charge due to Lender if Borrower pays loan off prior to due date
Prepayment Clause
Terms which set out fees if Borrower wants to pay debt prior to maturity date
(Easement by Prescription)
(Easement by Necessity)
Right to use or travel (Easement) across property that belongs to another person;
Usually unrecorded, unless court determines it should be recorded to give Constructive Notice; Becomes accepted use after 5 yr continuous, open use;
Cloud on Title
Primary Residence
Person’s home where they live more than 6 months per year
Person that hires another to act on their behalf
Conditions and Docs that must be approved/accepted by Lender before they FUND mortgage
Conditions and Docs that must be approved/accepted by Lender before they provide loan documents
Process Loan
Assembling entire mortgage loan file in order to obtain loan
Property of lesser value increases in value, strictly based upon the location being surrounded by improved properties
Property Manager
Broker hired to manage property; Employment contract manager working under Broker
Public Recording System
County Recorders Office receives documents for purpose of giving public notice and maintain original form of the document; Information is PUBLIC; Recorded claim is more secure for th owner
Planned Unit Development; Common areas owned by all homeowners
Act of stating property is more desirable than it is
Purchase Offer
Deposit Receipt
Contract between Buyer and Seller, defines terms of transaction
Qualifying Ratios
% of income for housing expense is the front-end debt ration and % obligated to housing; All other consumer debt is the back-end debt ration
Quiet Enjoyment
Enjoy or live on property without disturbance from others
One of Bundle Of Rights
Quit Claim
Deed that forfeits or releases ownership claim
Quit Claim Deed
Deed that quit any claim; Constructive notice that the Grantor no longer has any claim to property; Can QuitClaim an Easement
Rate & Term
Refi loan: used to change interst rate or other terms, without taking cash out of equity; Up to $2000 cash remaining for Borrower
Rate Sheets
Defines Lender loan programs avail
Real Property
Real Estate
Interest in land and appurtenant fixtures;
credit granted to a borrower by a lender that can be used to pay third party settlement charges and/or to fund the borrower’s escrow account. Rebates are the opposite of points, which are payments made by the borrower to the lender
Reconveyance Deed
Lender Reconveys the Title of property back to the Borrower, when the loan has been paid in full
Record a Deed; Constructive Notice
Rectangular Survey
Township and Range Survey; US Gov Survey
Descriptions of land:
E-W Baselines and N-S Meridians, from specified reference point
Denying loans on properties located in low income and otherwise unfavorable areas;;
FHA, VA, Conventional loans
RegZ: Fed “Truth In Lending”
Fed: entire costs of a mortgage loan stated as APR and Total Cost over life of loan
Addition of land by receeding water
person who inherits or is entitled to inherit property upon the termination of the estate of the former owner. A remainderman holds an interest in the remainder and will become its possessor at some future time.
Residential Mortgage Credit Report
(Standard Factual Credit Report)
An audited credit report, which has been fully verified to be correct
RE Settlement Procedures Act
Fed Law requires Lenders to provide full disclosure of estimated settlement costs to mortgage Borrower; Easy to directly compare different mortgage products
Restricted RE Licensee
BRE receives a complaint against a real estate licensee who is alleged to have violated the real estate law or the commissioners regulations;
Licensee basically loses their “due process” rights (right to a hearing for example) if another complaint or violation arises;
Restrictive Covenants
CCR’s: Limit use of Property for benefit of community:
Reversionay Holder
Holder of Estate in Reversion
Right of Recission
Fed mandate consumer protection that allows Borrower to cancel mortgage within 3 days of signing loan only REFI docs
Right of Survivorship
Passes ownership to the Surviving Co-Owner; Joint Tenancy or Community Property, with Survivorship
Riparian Rights
Rights of property bordergin flowing water (rivers and streams)
Road Maintenance Agreement
Document with terms defining responsibilities of all parties that share private road or driveway
Rumford Act
Ca Fair Employ/Housing Act
Prohibit housing employment discrimination; Age, sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin
Safety Clause
Clause in Listing Agreement which allows Listing Broker to reserve any potential Buyers they has been working with at the time the listing expires; Seller still owes the Broker a commission
Schedule of Real Estate Owned
Disclosure form that lists all property owned by a Borrower and details costs, income and current status
1 sq mile = 640 acres
5280 ‘ x 5280 ‘
208.2’ x 208.x ‘
36 Sec = 1 Township = 6 sq mi
Section 32
Gov regulation that requires disclosure if loan costs >8% of loan amount
Self-Employed Income Analysis
FNMA form to assist in analysis of self-employment income
Must hold LEGAL TITLE to sell
Seller Guarantees under Warranty Deed
Present Covenants: Right of Ownership, Right to Convey, and No Encumbrances
Entity who manages and maintains all records of a loan
Complete all docs and exchange funds to complete transaction. CA closing handled by Escrow Officer
turn real property into personal property
Sheriff’s Deed
Deed provided to Buyer of property sold through Execution Sale to satisfy a Judgement; Used when Mortgage instrument was Lender;
Similar to Trustee’s Deed;
Standard Subdivision
Individual Buyers of lots do not share a common interest
Stated Income
Application that allows income to be stated and not verified
Steps of Subdivision
Development submit application to DRE w Financial status of project
Commissioner prepares:
Prelim Public Report
*Conditional PR
Public Hearing
Final PR, one lot at a time, valid 5 yrs from date of issue;
- Developer can begin advertising and taking Reservations for lots upon release of CPR; Receipt of evidence that Buyer received copy of the CPR must be kept by Developer for 3 years
Usually Buyer’s Agent is Sub-Agent to the Listing Agent
Subdivision Land Law
Administered by Dept of Real Estate, under RE Commissioner;
Applies to 5 parcels or more, up to 160 acres;
Subdivision Map Act
CA Code
Rules for Subdivision of 2 or more contiguous parcels; Follow Master Plan; Developer puts in utilities, streets, sewers; Coordinate design with Mater Plan;
Ensure public use areas are part of each new Subdivision
Subsequent Ratification
Agreement that is subsequent to, after the action
Substitution, Appraisal
Property which is similar is used to determine value/price of a property; Comp must have Closed Escrow within a reasonable time prior to establish usable market value;;
Primary Residence;
Successor resided in home 6 months prior, currently resides in home
Sufficient Consideration
Enough consideration to make contract binding
Measure of real property to determine property lines; Plat Map is the result of a survey
Loan app put on hold by Underwriter; Insufficient docs or info to determination is loan app approved or declined
Index for loans that adjusts annually
Use of Prescriptive Easement or Adverse Possession to acquire TItle
Take-Out Loan
Term used for automatic transition to long term mortgage, after use of short-term construction loan
Tax Deed
Deed used to transfer ownership to successful bidder of a Tax Default Sale
Tenant In Common
Owners have seperate ownership, which each can convey;
Interest can be unequal;
Sell w/o permission;
Terminate Power of Attorney
Death of Principal;
Attorney in fact refusal to comply;
Inability or incompetence to complete agency;
Third Party
Usually refers to potential Buyer; One with whom the Broker-Agent conducts business on behalf of the Principal
Time is of the Essence
All time frames allowed for in the contract must be given consideration and adhered to
One unit/one week/year;
Leasehold or fee simple;
Ownership of the property which is done through a conveyance called a Grant
Title Abstract
history of ownership, conveyances, liens, encumbrances
Title Theory
Trustee holds title of property to secure payment of debt
6 mi x 2
36 sq miles
Transfer Disclosure Statement
CA for required by law;
Notify of defects with property; Soon as practical; Before close of Title
Transmittal Summary
Form used to summarize the loan transaction
Treaty Guadalupe Hidalgo
US/Mexico treaty at end of Mex-Am War 1848; Gives Mexican Citizens property rights already held by them in American lands; Added some Mexican laws such as Community Property
Trust Deed
Lender holds Title until debt paid in full; TD is primary form of real estate financing in CA; Trust Deed is given from the Trustor(Borrower) to the Beneficiary(Lender); Real property held as security for loan
Trust Fund Account
Neutral checking account reserved for funds of clients only;
Third party hired to maintain Trust accounts; Oversee loan payments and notify Lender of any defaults
Trustee’s Deed
Deed used to transfer ownership to successful Buyer at Foreclosure Sale or Bankruptcy Sale
Two types of Title for full ownership
Equitable Title
Legal Title
Underground Water RIghts
Same as mineral rights; Right to use water beneath their own land, only for their use on their property
Person employed th Lender to determine creditworthiness of a loan file according to Lenders requirements
Undivided Interest Subdivision
Tenants in Common all have non-exclusive right to use the entire property by all of the owners (ie vacation sire with shared amenities)
Undue Influence
Unfair Advantage
One party to RE transaction has knowledge of the property that the other does not have
Unenforceable Contract
Contract illegal, cannot be enforced
Unilateral Contract
One side makes a promise; Listing Agreement is Unilateral, until offer acceptance changes it to Bilateral
Unruh Civil RIghts Act
CA code 51-52
Protects from discrimination; Same classes as Fed Fair Housing Act
Valid Contract
Mutual Consent
Legal Capacity
Lawful Objective
Valid Contract
Written Consideration Description of Land Date/Place Terms/Clauses
Permit allowing exception or inconsistency to zoning laws, which cause hardship
Void Contract
Illegal; No legal effect
Contract that may be voidable if it has been violated by fraud, misrepresentation or breach
Warranty Deed
Guarantee by Seller that there is Clear TItle and Right TO Sell;
Present Covenants and Future COvenants, which give the Seller’s promise.
Warranty Deed
Convey Title;
Guarantee against outside ownership claims;
Free and clear of any outstanding liens, mortgages, or other encumbrances
Part of real property, water classified as littoral (standing) or riparian (stream)
Water Table
Topmost limit of percolating water from below the surface of the ground;
43,560 sq ft
160 sq rods
4,840 sq ud
208.71 x 208.71’
Acre foot
VOlume of material needed to cover an acre of land one foot deep
Acreage Zoming
Zoning that reduces residential density by requiring large lots
Act of God
Act attributed to nature without human interference
Action in REM
Action seeking a judgment against a property to determine its status
Decrease in worth or amount;
Usually applies to taxes or rent
Recission, revocation ro annull of contract by mutual consent of parties, or for cause
Absolute Net Lease
Tenant pays all expenses including capital expenses and ajor repairs
Absorption Analysis
Study of # units that can be sold or leased over a period of time in a defined location
Absorption Bed
aka Leach field
Absorption Period
Time required to put in use property at prevailing rates
Absorption Rate
Rate at which a type of property is put to use in the market
Abstraction, Appraisal
Method of valuing land, where the improvement is deduction from sale price
Abutter’s Rights
Reasonable right to light, air and visibility that a property enjoys from another
Acclerated Depreciation
A method of cost write-off in which depreciation allowances are greater in the first few years of ownership than in subsequent years. This permits an earlier recovery of capital and a faster tax write-off of an asset; For property put into service after 1/1/81.
Accord and Satisfaction
discharge of an existing obligation by acceptance of a substitute agreement in which the creditor accepts less than the full amount owed as satisfaction of the debt.
Acquisition Appraisal
Estimate of value due to Owner for property taken by Emminent Domain
Actual Cash Value
$ current cost of an improvement, less depreciation
Actual Damages
Damages a court of law recognizes, as result of a wrong
Actual Depreciation
Loss in value to a structure;
Due to physical, functional, econimic forces
Terminate Easement
Abandonment Destruction Adverse Posession Merger Express Agreement Lawsuit Estoppel Excessive Use
Add-On Interest
Interest Borrower pays on the principal for duration of loan
Adjustable-Rate Loan
Interest rate tied to Index
Mortgage loan with interest rate subject to change
Adjusted Cost Basis
Deducting cost of capital improvements from original sales price
Adjusted Sales Price
Sales price of comparable property if it possessed all the characteristics of subject property
Adjustment Period
Time between interest rate adjustments in an ARM
Administrator/ - atrix
Person appointed by court to administer estate of person who died intestate
Administrator’s Deed
Used by Administrator of intestate to transfer property
Advance Commitment
“Take-Outloan commitment
Adverse Use
Access and Use of proerty without consent
Advisory Opinions
Appraisal Standards Board offers advice for resolution of appraisal issues
Aeolian Soil
Soil composedof materials deposited by wind
Affidavit of Title
Same as Warranty Deed;
Affidavit dy Seller
establish a forest, stand, or tree crop on an area not previously forested
After-Acquired title
Title accepted by a grantor after his or her previous conveyance
After-Tax Cash Flow
cash flow remaining from the net operating income after paying income taxes, debt service, and loan repayments
Age-Life Depreciation Rate
Appraisal of building depreciates at a fixed rate over its life;
Total economic Life/Divided by Current Age
Agency by Estoppel
By Words or Actions
Agency By Ratification
Principal agrees with act, after the fact
AIDA Formula
Advertising: Attention Interest Desire Action
Alienation Clause
requires the borrower to pay the balance of the loan in a lump sum after the property is sold
All-Inclusive Trust Deed
deed of trust securing payment of an obligation owing under a prior deed of trust. See Wrap-Around Mortgage
Allocation Method, Appraisal
Allocation made by using a ratio comparing building value to the total price (or value)
Alloidal Tenure
ownership may be complete except for those rights held by government; Contrast: Feudal tenure
Feudal Tenure
Req’d performance of a service to live on the land; Landlord still owns the land; Land returned to use of Lord, when there was no heir
Allowance, Vacancy and Collection Loss
% of gross lost due to vacant unit and collection loss
Buyer’s Title insurance, extended from Lenders Alta policy.
title insurance policy issued by title insurance companies which expands the risks normally insured against under the standard type policy to include unrecorded mechanic’s liens; unrecorded physical easements; facts a physical survey would show; water and mineral rights; and rights of parties in possession, such as tenants and buyers under unrecorded instruments.
tangible and intangible benefits attributable to the property; Not easy to measure in monetary terms
An association of land title companies that promotes the safe and efficient transfer of ownership and interest in real property and provides information to consumers, while maintaining professional standards and ethics.
1990 law that outlaws discrimination against a person with a disability in housing, public accommodations, employment, government services, transportation and telecommunications
liquidation of a financial obligation on an installment basis; also, recovery over a period of cost or value;
Level payment loan
Process of putting several smaller lots together under one owner to increase total value
Assessment Ratio
Assessed Value / divided by Market Value
Real or personal property seized by court (lawsuit) in order to: acquire jurisdiction, compel appearance, or secure payment of a debt
Attorney in Fact
Person operating under Power of Attorney
Tenant acceptance of new Owner or Landlord
Attractive Nuisance
Object or condition which will attract and harm children (ie unfenced pool)
Aviation Easement
Near airport, limits the height or structures anad trees
Back-End Ratio
Ratio of all fixed debt/ divided by Gross Income
Back Title Letter
Letter from Title Insurance company to an attorney, who examines the Title for insurance purposes
Back-to-Back Escrow
Concurrent sale of one property, while purchasing another
Baltimore Method
Early appraisal method used to determine value of a corner lot
Bankers Rule
Standard 30 calendar days is used to calculate prorated items
Bare Title
Title conveyed using Deed of trust, in which Trustee holds Title without rights to ownership
Bargain and Sale Deed
grantor warrants that grantor has done nothing to harm or cloud the title.
Bargain Sale
Sale of propert for less the market value
Base Rent
Minimum rent due ina % lease arrangement
Basic Industry
An Industry that attracts income from outside the community
Adjusted Cost Basis
Cost Basis. Dollar amount assigned at time of acquisition;
Adj Basis: after applying capital improvements, depreciation, etc
Before-And-After Method
Amount of compensation due to owners of land partially taken through condemnation;
Value of remaining property is the difference between before and after.
Before-Tax- Cash Flow
BTCF, Pre-Tax Cash Flow
Net Op Income less debt service, prior to income tax deduction
Bench Mark
Local survey monument used to establish elevation to Mean Sea Level
Capital improvement on property which is a desirable
asset, compared to repairs where the original character is unchanged
Bilateral Instructions
One set of escrow instructions signed by both Selelr and Buyer
Two meanings:
Down payment for purchase of real estate;
Notice of coverage on an insurance policy
Asphalt residue
Black Liquor
Byproduct of paper production process, can be used as source of energy
Blended Rate
Interest rate of newly refinanced loan, greater than old loan rate, but less than current market rate
Blighted Area
Serious decline in real property values in an area
Blind Advertising
Advertising that does not disclose that the party is a licensee acting as an agent
Board Foot
Volume measure of lumber, equal 144 inch cubed
Board of Equalization
State Tax board, ensures local property tax is uniformly assessed
Board of Governors
Created by Fed Reserve to regulate banking system