SUDI Flashcards
Under the WHO International Classification of Diseases, infant deaths are categorised according to whether they were expected or unexpected, and if unexpected, whether or not they were explained. The categorisation SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy covers all unexpected infant deaths, including both explained, and unexplained. Explained SUDI may include congenital issues, sudden onset illnesses, accidents and infanticides. If a suddent infant death is unexplained it is often classified as SIDS.
Cot death: popular description used for any of the above terminology
Largest cause of infant deaths in those —- months; risk drops off after —– months
The Triple Risk Model?
Largest cause of infant deaths in those 2-6 months; risk drops off after 12 months.
Intrinsic risk factors?
- Acute illnes (e.g. UTRI/otitis media) with symptoms present at time of death but not significant as a cause of death
- Preterm birth before 37 weeks gestation
- Congenital anomaly causing death
- Multiple birth
- Previous unexplained infant death
- Small for gestational age
- Male infant
Extrinsic risk factors - family and environment
- Symptomatic depression in mother or primary carer at time of death
- Alcohol use by mother > 2 units in last 24 hours
- Substance misuse by parent
- Smoking by mother in pregnancy or postnatally
- Poor housing or overcrowding
- Domestic violence
- Co-sleeping
- Sleeping on pillow or other soft surface e.g. adult duvet
- Sleeping prone or side sleeping
- swaddling/overheating
Investigation of SUDI?
- Who investigates SUDI varies between countries e.g. UK SUDI investigation is undertaken by the health and police jointly - joint agency approach model
- Post mortem encouraged if not required
The combination of bed sharing and maternal smoking leads to a greatly —– risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy
The highest cause of death in explained SUDI is —-