Sudbery Flashcards
How many live births have some kind of genetic disorder?
- approx 8% (but estimates vary) have some sort recognisable before adulthood
Are genetic diseases rare?
- individually rare but collectively common
What are most genetic disorders caused by?
- single gene mutation (= single gene disorders = SGD)
What major birth defects are there?
- chromosomal
- mitochondrial
- complex (multifactorial)
How common are complex diseases?
- before we die 2/3 will suffer from one
What are complex diseases?
- genetic component in etiology
- susceptibility caused by alleles at 100s-1000s lico and v heavily mod by env (interaction between genes and env)
Do freqs of SGDs vary, whats an eg.?
- yes, vary in diff pops
- eg. CF v common (1 in 500) in N. Europe, but rare everywhere else
What are some eg.s of common complex disorders?
- rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy, MS, type I/II diabetes
- psychiatric disorders –> alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism
- congenital defects –> cleft lip and palate, pyloric stenosis
What is the missing heritability problem?
- amount of genetic variability identified through GWAS etc. doesn’t account for variation of heritability disorders
Where are SGDs catalogued?
- OMIM (online mendelian inheritance in man)
How many SGDs are there?
- ≈5000 disorders affection ≈3400 genes (so mutations in some genes responsible for more than 1 disorder)
- total no. documented = ≈7400
- ≈20,000 human genes
How common are chromosomal disorders prenatally?
- ≈8% clinically recognisable conceptions terminate due to chromosomal abnormalities
- but may be 50% of all conceptions (but most terminate before know pregnant)
How common are chromosomal disorders in live births, and what types are there?
- 0.1%
- aneuploidies –> Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)
- translations
How significant is the mito genome?
- 16kb, so much smaller than nuclear DNA, but sig amount by weight
What do mito disorders cause?
- multi system failures –> basal ganglia (causing ataxia), heart, endocrine system, sight and hearing, skeletal muscle
When does maternal inheritance and what does this cause?
- if mother heteroplasmic
- variable phenotype in siblings
- progressive onset
- diff degrees of severity in diff organs
What might accum of mtDNA (and therefore O free radicals) be involved in?
- ageing
Why bother identifying variants responsible for SGD?
- stopping repeated medical tests which may be invasive and distressing –> not needed as know diagnosis
- introd approp treatment and stop inapprop treatment (eg. for epilepsy usually have to try series of medication till find what works, but if know mutation, know treatment)
- psychological benefits to affected and family
- scientific knowledge
What are the difficulties w/ diagnosing rare diseases?
- genetic heterogeneity in medically well characterised disorders (sometimes over 50 genes) –> so diseases can be caused by mutations in many genes
- atypical disease presentation
- novel variant in known gene
What are some eg.s of diseases that genetically heterogenous?
- polydactyly
- retinitis pigmentosa
- lipid metabolism
What other problems is there w/ identifying alleles responsible or rare diseases (apart from w/ diagnosis)?
- if novel disorder but suspected SGD
- or documented disorder w/ unknown genetic basis
How has identifying genes assoc w/ disorders progressed?
- originally mapping
- now WES/WGS
- downward trend of genes identified in recent years
What are WES and WGS?
- WES = whole exome sequencing
- WGS = whole genome sequencing
Why is WES used and not WGS?
- SGD so far all in coding seq
- cheaper
- fewer variants to analyse (coding seq under selective pressure so less variation, unlike intergenic seq)