Successions, Donations and Trusts Flashcards
first presumed father
husband of the mother or husband 300 days before birth of child.
if presumed father wants to renounce, prescriptive period of
one year from birth of child OR one year from actual or constructive knowledge that child wasnt his
(living seperate and apart exception, one year from notification in writing)
if first husband disavows,
second husband presumed to be father.
may disavow for 1 year peremptive from 1st husband’s disavowal
three party acknowledgement
requires mother, presumed father, bio dad to sign
authentic act
within peremptive 10 years of birth of child
man who marries mother of child not filiated to another man may
acknowledge by authentic act
no prescriptive period
man who does not marry mother
may acknowledge child by authentic act IF child not filiated to another man
AND one way effect
child may sue to filiate to father
called paternity action
can do at any time during father’s life, preponderance of evidence
peremptive period of one year from death of father, clear and convincing evidence
father maysue to establish paternity of kid
must prove by preponderance of the evidence
if child not filiated, then sue at any time
if child filiated, then must file action within one year of birth of child
UNLESS decieved in bad faith by mother, then earlier of one year from knowledge OR 10 years from birth of child
renunciation of succession
must be written, express, made after death of decedent and after renouncing party knows he has succession rights
payment of estate debts
universal successors are liable for estate debts to the extent of the value of their succession
debts attributable to identifiable property are charged to that property and its fruits and products
donation requirements
no vices
substance not violation (omnium bonorum or reprobated dispositions)
capacity to donate
must be able to comprehend generally the nature and consequences of the disposition that he is making
prove lack of capacity by clear and convincing evidence
conflicts of law in capacity questions
apply law of state where domiciled at time of making testament OR at time of death
undue influence standard
when the other person influenced the donor as to substitute the volition of the other person for the volition of the donor
illegal conditions in a donation are called
reprobated dispositions:
(1) conditions that are impossible, immoral, or contrary to law are considered not written
(2) prohibited substitution = a double disposition in full ownership with a charge to preserve and transmit at death
“i leave my boat to whoever bob decides to give it to”
is null.
= “dispositions given to the choice of third persons are null.”
requirement for will =
testamentary intent AND will valid in form
law executed outside of louisiana
may be executed in louisiana, if valid under the law of the state in which it was made
how to identify testator’s handwriting for oleographic will
2 witnesses must testify
dispositions after signature in oleographic will
does not invalidate the will’s validity AND may be considered as valid testaments by the court’s discretion
special notarial will forms
for literate people who cannot sign – may make his mark
for blind or illiterate people – testament must be dated and read aloud. witnesses must testify that the testament read aloud was the one signed by testator
braille testaments – two witnesses required, no need to read aloud
witness or his spouse is legatee
legacy is null unless would inherit in intestacy, then receive the lesser of legacy or intestacy portion
notary is legatee
legacy is null. does not extend to notary’s spouse
types of legacies
universal - whole of estate, or residue of estate
general - fraction of whole or residue of estate
particular - all else