Success And Failure Of Dieting Flashcards
a conscious attempt to loose weight by restricting food intake
hedonic dieting
those who struggle with maintaining diets may be more sensitive to pleasurable properties in food
due to the increase in sensitivity towards the perception of attractive food, triggering a desire to eat and conflict any diet goals
spiral model
heatherton + polivy
- proposed that dieting is like a chain of linked events, begins in adolesence, experience body dissatisfaction and low-self esteem
- initially, first time dieters loose weight, but this is rare and usually results in weight gain, therefore fails
- some may give up, which is an attribute of will power
spiral model continued
- instead of re-thinking, sticks to same plan but eats even less, larger physical and psychological effects
- frustration and emotional distress therefore more vulnerable to disinhibited eating
- metabolism changing makes loosing weight more difficult
- ghrelin up, increases drive to eat
- leptin down, disinhibts hunger
theory of ironic processes
asked pts not to think about a white bear, almost guarenteed they would even when not asked
paradoxical outcome of supressing a thought makes it more likely
disinhibited eating > loss of control > excessive food intake > diet failure
redden - key to a successful diet
key is to pay attention to what is being eaten
like experiences less as they repeat them, should focus on specific details of each meal, getting bored less easily leads to being able to maintain a diet better
(jelly beans)
makes dieters vulnerable to food-related cues so they occasionally loose control of eating and binge on forbidden foods
boundary model
dieters try to stop at a lower boundary, but sometimes fail and continue to eat past the point they feel full
AO3 - free will vs determinism
- number of genetic factors influence weight, may be determined by other factors than just lifestyles choice
- struggle to loose weight regardless of intentions
support for ironic processes theory
- investigated snacking behaviour in females , trying to cut down unhealthy snacks
- group presented with diet intentions of a negative form; when sad i won’t eat chocolate, and one control
- exposure to negative statement triggered ironic processses
- thinking about being on a diet can lead to failure of a diet
real world application
- concerns about in effectiveness of dieting programmes has led to development of replacing diets with conventional healthy eating
- regulation of body hunger and satiety signals
- meta-analysis Gray, confirmed these improved physical and psychological well being
use of the spiral model
- proposes several ways of dieting can be succesful involving breaking out the spiral at several points
- preven lowering self-estmee to avoid worst conseuqences of diet failre
- doesn’t address that low self estmee started the motivation to diet in the first place
- best option is to promote self-estmee and end attempt to loose weight by accepting ones self