Subtest 2 Flashcards


A 6th grade teacher creates a written assignment in which the teacher leaves a word out of the sentence and asks students which of four nonsense words would be the most appropriate to use to complete the sentence. An example of this type of assessment is shown below.
George ____ a prize at the fair yesterday.
Twibly, Norfing, Lubbed, Vishes

Such a procedure would be especially useful for assessing whether a student:

A. is familiar with common story structure
B. intuitively makes use of grammar when reading
C. is able to analyze difficult sentence constructions
D. spontaneously chunks language into units when reading


B. intuitively makes use of grammar when reading

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A fifth grade teacher provides her students with an easier science article with easier vocabulary about the topic of asteroids before reading them the actual science textbook. What is the teacher trying to achieve? It says pre reading lesson. Worded differently: science teacher teach science unit…

A. build on background prior knowledge
B. analyze textual structure or scientific vocabulary
C. To see what students remember from the previous lesson
D. to ease them into a bigger lesson by starting small


A. build on background prior knowledge

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An eighth grade science textbook contains the following passage:
unlike mammals, which are endotherms, reptiles need outside sources of heat to keep themselves warm…
Part 1
Understanding how punctuation is used to set off non restrictive clause… would enable students to gain which of the following pieces of information from this reading passage?

A. Reptiles need outside sources of heat to keep them warm
B. all mammals are endotherms
C. snakes are often found basking on warm rocks
D. reptiles are known as exotherms


B. all mammals are endotherms

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An eighth grade science textbook contains the following passage:
unlike mammals, which are endotherms, reptiles need outside sources of heat to keep themselves warm…
Part 2
one student comes to the teacher and says, “I get what an exotherm is but what’s an endotherm?” This particular passage provides an especially good opportunity for the teacher to help the student?

A. Apply knowledge of suffixes to gain meaning of unfamiliar words
B. learn to use standard textual guides such as table of contents
C. apply skimming and scanning strategies to… information from a text
D. recognize that an unfamiliar word’s… information necessary to define it


A. Apply knowledge of suffixes to gain meaning of unfamiliar words

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An eighth grade science textbook contains the following passage:
unlike mammals, which are endotherms, reptiles need outside sources of heat to keep themselves warm…
Part 3

Asked about the strategies the teacher would use to support literature comprehension. What were the strategies that the teacher used to develop the students response to literature.


A. Something about referring back to the text

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A teacher is trying to best support an English learner with their writing. The teacher provides students a sentence frame and demonstrates how to fill the sentence frames. What is a teacher trying to demonstrate?
An (A) ___ castle was in ____.
An ugly castle was in The forest.
A beautiful castle was in a dark green forest?

A. Words can have different meanings
B. sentence structure in the English language
C. figurative language
D. structure of English language


B. sentence structure in the English language

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Four students in a second grade class have been reading a story entitled Gerard’s New Home, about a giraffe who moves from the zoo to a farm. When the students have all finished reading the story, they joined the teacher for the following discussion:
Part 1:
Which of the following strategies for effective discussion does the teacher demonstrate as the students talk about Gerard’s New Home?

A. Introducing new vocabulary in a context that… meaning of the words
B. promoting the students to relate stories to the experiences
C. using repetition to reinforce the students concepts
D. encouraging the students to respond to another’s idea and details from the text


D. encouraging the students to respond to another’s idea and details from the text

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Four students in a second-grade class have been reading a story entitled Gerard’s New Home about a giraffe who moves from the zoo to a farm. When the students have all finished reading the story, they joined the teacher for the following discussion:
Part 2:
Which of the following comprehension strategies that does student 3 demonstrate during the group discussion?

A. Testing prediction he or she had made about the…
B. using knowledge of text structure to enhance…
C. drawing on prior knowledge to clarify meaning…
D. Referring to the text to clarify meaning


D. Referring to the text to clarify meaning

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Four students in a second grade class have been reading a story entitled Gerard’s New Home, about a giraffe who moves from the zoo to a farm. When the students have all finished reading the story, they joined the teacher for the following discussion:
Part 3:
During the group discussion, which of the following strategies does the teacher use to help students develop these responses to?

A. Encouraging students to provide evidence from the text to support their interpretations
B. prompting students to analyze the use of figurative language in the text
C. prompting students to make personal connections to events described in the text
D. encouraging students to recognize how… establishes the mood


A. Encouraging students to provide evidence from the text to support their interpretations

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A fourth grade teacher asked her students to break into groups and each student read a different passage from the same story in their respective group. The students are to discuss their passage in the group and then report the important elements back to the whole class. What is the primary reason or what is the teacher trying to achieve through this instructional technique?

A. The students gain a deeper understanding of the passage and have an opportunity to clarify by discussing it with peers
B. collaborative conversations
C. teaching students how to develop academic language
D. teaching students independent strategies for vocabulary knowledge


A. The students gain a deeper understanding of the passage and have an opportunity to clarify by discussing it with peers

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A fourth grade teacher selected a core literature book for her students to read. After her students have completed reading the book she asked them to go back to the text and find situations where the main character has experience that reminded the student of something in their own lives. The student uses a response log to record their ideas. The teacher might choose this strategy as a follow up to reading the book because…


A. The teacher understands that helping her students connect real life experiences to those of characters will deepen their understanding of the above and she can analyze the responses to plan future appropriate instruction. Being able to relate the text, activate the prior knowledge if applied.

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A middle school teacher designs and instructional activity in which students combine several sentences to form a single sentence, as illustrated below.
- Matthew stood and waited for the bus.
-The sun was blazing hot.
-Matthew fanned himself with the newspaper.

Single sentence:
Waiting for the bus, Matthew stood in the blazing sun, fanning himself with the newspaper.

This activity is likely to be most effective in helping students-

A. strengthen their ability to comprehend and write complex sentences
B. apply literal comprehension skills to identify and write main idea statements
C. improve their inferential comprehension skills
D. use self monitoring techniques to clarify the meaning of text


A. strengthen their ability to comprehend and write complex sentences

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A first grade teacher plans to assess a student’s comprehension of a short story through oral retelling. After the student silently reads the story, the teacher will prompt the students retelling by asking open-ended questions. To prepare for this assignment, the teacher reads the story carefully and composes the questions. Which of the following additional steps would be most helpful for the teacher to take before the retelling activity begins?

A. Prompt the student to recall similar tasks the student has previously performed
B. prepare a checklist of the key elements that an effective retelling of this story should include
C. review grades earned by the student on recent tests and quizzes in language arts
D. remind the student to concentrate on recalling as many details as possible during the retelling


B. prepare a checklist of the key elements that an effective retelling of this story should include

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An eighth grade teacher is pleased that students are drawing on personal experiences in their responses to literary texts but is concerned that some students tend to become so preoccupied with their own experience that their literary interpretations have little to no relation to the original text. Which of the following strategies would be the most appropriate and effective way for the teacher to address their concern?

A. Caution students about literary interpretations that are unrelated to the text and to reliant on personal experience
B. give students a pre reading summary of the plot and theme of the assigned literary text to help guide student responses
C. provide students with biographical information about the author of an assigned literary text to help students interpret the text
D. plan instructional activities in which students support their itinerary responses with examples drawn from the text


D. plan instructional activities in which students support their itinerary responses with examples drawn from the text

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Members of a literary response group in a 6th grade class are having difficulty initiating and sustaining focus discussion about a text. The following instructional strategies is likely to be most effective in helping the students engage in more productive discussions that promote comprehension and analysis of the text?

A. Meeting with the group to describe appropriate listening and speaking skills to use in academic discussions such as discussions about literature
B. having the students take turns reading aloud favorite passage from the text and commenting on the passages
C. providing the students with explicit instruction and activities such as questioning the author to help structure their discussion
D. giving members of the group a question about the personal experience to reflect on before the group meets to discuss


C. providing the students with explicit instruction and activities such as questioning the author to help structure their discussion

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Student made his own poem: Misha Masha Bisha Basha Boo. Teacher is going over poetry and one student in kindergarten makes his own poem orally. Using this opportunity, what strategy should the teacher use to connect it to reading and language skills? To further the student oral language, writing, and reading skills the teacher should have the student?

A. Recite the student’s poem to him with the initial letter omitted
B. student mimics the poem that are read then challenged to rime the last four lines of those poems
C. write the poem on a chart paper and read it aloud to the class with the other poetry that the class is studying
D. ask the student to recite his poem many times in front of the class and memorize it


C. write the poem on a chart paper and read it aloud to the class with the other poetry that the class is studying

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What study skill would you use for upper grade elementary?

A. Taking detailed notes as they are reading
B. work in small groups and quiz each other
C. work in small groups and read aloud and then silently
D. have the students look for main topic and titles and create questions to answer while reading
E. have them write questions to later answer during reading


B. work in small groups and quiz each other

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Students who are strong readers often perform poorly on standardized reading tests because they are not sure what to do in response to the assignment task. This situation is most typically the results of the students having limited understanding of:

A. How to identify the main ideas and details and text if the text appears in an assessment
B. the important structural differences between narrative literary and expository/ information text
C. how to make educated guesses on an assessment if they do not know the answer to a specific question
D. important academic terms such as justify and evaluate that commonly appear in assessment questions


D. important academic terms such as justify and evaluate that commonly appear in assessment questions

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After a vocabulary lesson a second grade teacher asks students to make up new words based on what they have discussed. A student raised her hand and announces “I must be a sweet-o-phile because I love sweet things”. The student has demonstrated that she has developed:

A. Morphemes carry meaning
B. word families provide clues to spelling
C. graphemes map to spoken language
D. phonemes are the smallest unit of sound


A. Morphemes carry meaning

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The teacher writes the following sentences with blank spaces and provides a list of four nonsense words for the students to fill in the blank. The cow ___ over again to the table, lanked, jizle pip). This activity identifies the student’s ability to


A. Something about subconsciously using inferential grammar and reading. (Understanding how grammar structure works in sentences)

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An 8th grade teacher is concerned that students note taking skills are weak and may be limiting their comprehension of context area. The teacher observes that she copies long excerpts verbatim from texts and makes no effort to paraphrase the material or to process it in another way. Which of the following instructional strategies is likely to be most effective in helping Lauren improve her use of note taking as a comprehension strategy?

A. Teaching the student to use double entry format for notes, entering the key terms and concepts from a section of text in one column, and a brief summary of the section in the other column
B. encouraging the student to use a highlighter to mark useful information in the text before taking notes
C. modeling for the student how to take notes in outline form using a system of Roman numerals, letters, and numbers to distinguish of information
D. suggesting that the student attach sticky notes 2 pages and a text that contain information that she would like to…


A. Teaching the student to use double entry format for notes, entering the key terms and concepts from a section of text in one column, and a brief summary of the section in the other column

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A 5th grade teacher regularly engages students in activities such as synonym bingo cards by matching academic vocabulary words called out by the teacher to synonyms printed on their cards and synonym terms in which students orally provide forgiven grade level vocabulary words. This practice best demonstrates the teacher’s awareness that an effective vocabulary program should be activities that:

A. Enhance students ability to use contextual analysis to determine the meaning of new words
B. develop and extend students understanding that words can have multiple meanings
C. promote students ability to recognize morphological relationships among words
D. enrich and reinforce students understanding of words and their meanings


B. develop and extend students understanding that words can have multiple meanings

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The teacher asks students to predict what the book they are going to read is about. This question stated that parents and guardians were asked to tell their students to make predictions throughout the reading and the parent or guardian asked why that was important and the question asked why the strategy would support comprehension.


A. Predicting stimulates students interest in books, encourages thinking and creates opportunities to share background knowledge. It encourages thinking and creates opportunities to increase background knowledge.

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Teacher wrote a sentence about a girl waiting… in three different ways… the question asked what the teacher is trying to teach.

Original sentence: Mary Rose to her feet, smelling.
New sentence #1: smiling, Mary Rose to her feet.
New sentence #2: Mary, smiling, rose to her feet.
Completing this worksheet is likely to improve students’ writing skills primarily by:

A. Giving students practice in manipulating sentence structures to vary writing style
B. teaching students how to clarify the meaning of a written sentence by changing the word order
C. helping students understand the function of different parts of speech in written sentences
D. familiarizing students with grammatical structures


A. Giving students practice in manipulating sentence structures to vary writing style

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Prefixes make new words.
When the prefix un- is added to the beginning of a word, the new word means the opposite of the old one. (lucky/ unlucky)
when the prefix re- is added to the beginning of a word, the new word means that something happens again. (consider/ reconsider)
when the prefix pre- is added to the beginning of a word, the new word means that something happens before something else. (caution/ precaution)
1.The team was not beaten all season. It was _______.
2.Juan had to pay before he would begin the music lessons. He had to _____.

The worksheet is most likely to…

A. Draw on their understanding…
B. use knowledge of morphology to determine the meaning of words independently
C. develop self correction when reading these words
D. take advantage…


B. use knowledge of morphology to determine the meaning of words independently

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A 4th grade or 5th grade teacher is teaching a unit on using Atlas, periodicals, and other physical paper sources so students can use it for research and she wanted to assess whether they know what sources to use for research before moving on to the next unit. Showing the students a full set of encyclopedias. Then, the teacher would present some sample entries and ask students to identify the volume where the entry should be located.

A. Students do a worksheet and match subjects or content to appropriate sources that you would need
B. the teacher gives each student a set of factual comprehension questions. The students need to answer using multiple sources. The teacher should provide questions that need to be answered using multiple sources
C. teacher observations/ anecdotal records
D. students write an essay using each of the sources for information


B. the teacher gives each student a set of factual comprehension questions. The students need to answer using multiple sources. The teacher should provide questions that need to be answered using multiple sources

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A 4th grader participates in a reading activity described below:
- the student silently reads a story
- the teacher asks the student to retell the story aloud and record his retelling
- after recording his retelling, the student silently rereads the story
- the student then listens to the recording of his retelling
- the student discusses with the teacher any differences he noted between the original story and his retelling of it
as a strategy for assessing and promoting the students reading proficiency, the activity described above is likely to be especially…

A. enhancing the students use of evaluative comprehension skills to analyze the authors purpose
B. motivating the student to monitor his own comprehension and clarify the meaning of the text as he reads
C. improvising the students ability to apply his vocabulary knowledge in new contexts
D. helping the student recognize and analyze language structures and conventions as he reads


B. motivating the student to monitor his own comprehension and clarify the meaning of the text as he reads

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A 6th grade teacher gives students a list of statements about plants before reading a science text and asks them to mark true or false before they read. Students then have to check for accuracy of the facts when reading the report chapter about plants. How does this support comprehension or what is the purpose of this activity?

A. Clarifying the main ideas contained in this chapter
B. prompting students to generalize from what they read
C. establishing a definite purpose reading the chapter
D. increasing students’ awareness of text structure as they read


C. establishing a definite purpose reading the chapter

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A 5th grade teacher is concerned that some of the English learners in the class may have difficulty interpreting various idioms (sweating bullets, burning the candles on both ends) found any text the students will soon be reading. Which of the following pre reading strategies is likely to be most promoting the English learners understanding of the concept of idiomatic expressions and facilitating their comprehension of the text?

A. Providing the classes with several copies of a comprehensive reference book of English idioms with literal definitions when reading the text
B. explaining that figurative meaning of the target idioms to the classes and then having pairs of students create drawings illustrations on literal and figurative meaning
C. having students work with a partner to write a brief essay reflecting on other English idioms they have encountered
D. having students diagram the sentence from the text that contain the idioms, so they can determine the grammatical different words composing each idiom


B. explaining that figurative meaning of the target idioms to the classes and then having pairs of students create drawings illustrations on literal and figurative meaning

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Which of the following activities is likely to be most effective in promoting 8th grade students’ evaluative comprehension skills?

A. Students read an excerpt from an autobiography that includes flashback and then work with a partner to diagram the chronology narrative
B. students identify and paraphrase and authors key points about political and economic factors that led to the civil war
C. students read an account of a historical event and then meet in small groups to discuss the event
D. students use reference materials to verify the evidence presented by two authors who wrote opposing articles about a controversial issue


D. students use reference materials to verify the evidence presented by two authors who wrote opposing articles about a controversial issue

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Scanning would be the most effective reading strategy for a student who wants to:

A. search quickly through the text to locate relevant information for a research project
B. take detailed notes on a text while reading it for the second time
C. analyzed the strength of a writer’s argument and assumptions in a text
D. focus on key vocabulary words during in-depth reading


A. search quickly through the text to locate relevant information for a research project

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A girl wrote a poem and used the word “softly” in every line but used in different ways
The wind was blowing softly
My mom asked me to do something softly
My cat did something softly
I pet my cat softly

A. Understands words have different meanings
B. Understands words have different shades of meaning a single word


A. Understands words have different meanings

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When creating lesson plans to promote specific reading skills, the teacher?


Target reading skills related to an appropriate instructional progression and reflect on the students needs.


2nd grade students are going to read a new book. Which activity will help support oral language skills of English learners?

A. Having students pair up and discuss predictions based on the title and illustrations
B. have students look up story vocabulary
C. give students a worksheet with key questions to look for in the story
D. have students read aloud the most enjoyable parts of the story


A. Having students pair up and discuss predictions based on the title and illustrations


An elementary teacher closely monitors students’ independent reading through the use of students reading logs and brief regular conferences with individual students. During these conferences the teacher helps guide the student toward books that follow… assessed independent and instructional reading levels. This practice is likely to promote students’ vocabulary development?

A. Supporting students ability to apply word learning strategies to unfamiliar words and courage during independent reading
B. motivating students to engage in independent reading that stimulates their interest in and enthusiasm for words
C. ensuring that students will be exposed to appropriately challenging words during independent reading
D. providing students with a strategy for selecting books with appropriate vocabulary for independent reading


D. providing students with a strategy for selecting books with appropriate vocabulary for independent reading


Students are reading about a girl who wants to be a pilot. The reading is about struggles and challenges to flying planes. What obstacles will the girls face?

A. Identify and remember pilots from your own personal experience about pilots and movies and stories
B. read aloud to class
C. research basic facts about flying and predict obstacles the character might face
D. make the students create a write an ending to the story


C. research basic facts about flying and predict obstacles the character might face


Before having students read a piece of Monaturno, a fifth grade teacher writes pairs of sentences on the board and discusses with students the differences in meaning between the sentences within each pair. Three of the paired sentences are shown below:
He’s nervous./ He’s a wreck.
She’s happy./ She’s walking on air.
I’m tired./ I’m worn out.

Such an exercise would be most helpful for developing students’ understanding of an author’s use of:

A. Parody
B. figurative language
C. irony
D. literary allusion


B. figurative language


A 4th grade teacher wants to test a student’s English oral and conversation understanding. How can the teacher assess the student?

A. Have the students write an essay that assesses a topic and students write an essay for the teacher to use their oral and conversation skills
B. place students in a group to discuss
C. having students on the carpet or large group and ask them questions about a story and orally respond
D. teacher lead a discussion and test for conventional understanding


B. place students in a group to discuss


The teacher had a 6th grade science article with a more developed academic vocabulary and wanted the students to be exposed to a similar article but easier to read before they read the more challenging one. Why would the teacher do that?

A. Teacher is trying to achieve that words have meaning/ activate common prior knowledge and familiarize with content
B. grapheme maps
C. phonemes to smallest unit
D. students being exposed to similar language to familiarize


A. Teacher is trying to achieve that words have meaning/ activate common prior knowledge and familiarize with content


At the beginning of the school year, a fourth grade teacher decides to assess students’ knowledge of how to use basic English conventions. Which of the following initial strategies would be most appropriate for this purpose?

A. Students read a passage from a text that includes complex sentences and respond to comprehension questions
B. the teacher asks students to write a paragraph on a subject of their choice and evaluate their use of language
C. students complete a teacher made worksheet that requires them to match various grammatical terms
D. the teacher leads a class discussion about English language conventions and informally assesses students


B. the teacher asks students to write a paragraph on a subject of their choice and evaluate their use of language


Early in the school year a fifth grade teacher presents a lesson on signal words (therefore, because, since) that students are likely to use in their reading. This lesson is most likely to promote reading comprehension and memory by helping students?

A. Recognize common text structures
B. learn key content vocabulary
C. draw on prior content knowledge
D. use word morphology to determine meaning


A. Recognize common text structures


English learner students who struggle to understand reading
The teacher wants to help an English learner by meeting with them and suggesting different books.

A. They provide various text at their reading levels
B. Illustrations
C. sentence structure


A. They provide various text at their reading levels


A group of 4th graders are reading a book. They are overheard arguing about what the conflict in the story is. The teacher is overhearing students arguing about the plot or character. The teacher is happy that the students are interested in the reading enough to have this argument but she suggests they meet once every week to discuss each chapter or something and the students agree. Why would the teacher suggest this?

A. Students can come to a consensus and the author’s point
B. review setting and story elements
C. basic elements of the plot that support conflict, crisis, and resolution
D. to engage in authentic academic discussions


C. basic elements of the plot that support conflict, crisis, and resolution


A 6th grade student writes a passage about his weekend… he starts off by talking about his visit to his grandma’s house and a few sentences about what he did there. He mentions he went swimming and then says he had a lot of fun at his grandma’s house but he adds another sentence about how hot it was outside when he went for a swim.
Part 1:
Which of the following shows student’s need in the sentences?

A. Does he have a firm grasp of understand English syntax
B. did not use correct punctuation and too many run on sentences
C. the student was not following a logical sequence


C. the student was not following a logical sequence


A 6th grade student writes a passage about his weekend… he starts off by talking about his visit to his grandma’s house and a few sentences about what he did there. He mentions he went swimming and then says he had a lot of fun at his grandma’s house but he adds another sentence about how hot it was outside when he went for a swim.
Part 2:
Which Of the following should the teacher suggest to provide a vivid and descriptive language in his writing?

A. Promoting to identify where he needs to change
B. asking the student to orally share more details about his weekend to incorporate into his writing
C. asking the student to retaliate similar experience and incorporate that into his writing
D. the teacher points out areas where he needs to add more details
E. look in a thesaurus to find more descriptive words


B. asking the student to orally share more details about his weekend to incorporate into his writing


Students in a 7th grade class are studying medieval society. The teacher periodically assesses students’ vocabulary. Then with pairs of related words (vassals and serfs) that have been used in readings and class discussions. For each word they must write a sentence that uses both words in a meaningful way. An important advantage of this assessment method is…

A. Allows students to demonstrate their understanding the words often have multiple meanings
B. tests students ability to decode unfamiliar vocabulary words by using context clues
C. allows students to demonstrate their conceptual understanding of the vocabulary words
D. test students ability to use structural analysis as a word identification strategy


A. Allows students to demonstrate their understanding the words often have multiple meanings


Teacher grouping students in a small group for content and language. English learners and flexible grouping and its benefits on their development of academic language

A. Routines/structure of the classroom
B. maximize their exposure to academic language
C. minimize the group size to monitor English learner students


B. maximize their exposure to academic language


A grade teacher does a multiple part lesson on three different types of lessons throughout the week to involve the word responsibility. Some of the activities are listed below:
- writing the word and its definition on the board and then having students generate a discussion morphological and/or semantically related words and phrases
- having students read and discuss a narrative essay entitled: the responsible thing to do
- having students write a short descriptive essay beginning with the phrase, “My biggest responsibility at school (or at home) is…”
The approach to vocabulary instruction best demonstrates the teacher’s understanding of the value of:

A. promoting students genuine interest in and enthusiasm for vocabulary study
B. teaching students independent strategies for building word knowledge
C. promoting integration of word knowledge through repeating and purposeful exposure
D. encouraging student wide reading of narrative and informational texts to promote word knowledge


C. promoting integration of word knowledge through repeating and purposeful exposure


Which of the following is an essential component of an effective vocabulary program for elementary and middle school students?

A. Explicit instructions in expressive oral language skills
B. frequent opportunities for students to be exposed to unusual words in the classroom environment
C. explicit instruction in generalizable word learning strategies
D. frequent opportunities for students to reread texts Britain at their independent reading levels


C. explicit instruction in generalizable word learning strategies


Questions showed a worksheet for 5th graders that had the students add suffixes to the words (-ly, -ed)

A. determine word meaning with morphology
B. grapheme
C. phoneme


A. determine word meaning with morphology


A 4th grade teacher is reading aloud a novel and come to the sentence the town Centennial celebration was coming up soon and the whole community was preparing for it. The teacher pauses briefly to analyze the possible meaning of the word Centennial by more familiar related words such as cent, century, and annual. The teacher quickly concludes that Centennial might mean 100 years and asks carefully as the teacher continues to read to see if the text confirms the hypothesis. This instructional practice is most clearly…

A. Includes the study of multiple many words in the upper elementary and middle grades
B. promotes development of morphological strategies as an essential component of the curriculum
C. teaches students new vocabulary only in the content of reading authentic passages
D. provides systematic and sequential treatment of targeted grade level words


B. promotes development of morphological strategies as an essential component of the curriculum


An 8th grade English learner moved to the US two years ago. This student reads English fluently and comprehends most of the texts but she’s having difficulty understanding a chapter on U.S. history in her social studies textbook. The teacher’s response in this situation would be too?

A. Advise the student to read the chapter more slowly and to look up unfamiliar terms in their glossary
B. talk with the student to determine the extent of her background knowledge about the topic
C. provide the student with a list of questions to answer as she reads the chapter
D. encourage the student to create an outline of the chapter as she reads it


B. talk with the student to determine the extent of her background knowledge about the topic


Having an understanding of the different tiers of vocabulary would best help a teacher determine

A. which strategies to determine the meaning of words to model for students
B. whether a particular word contains a Greek or Latin root
C. whether particular student is meeting grade level expectations and vocabulary knowledge
D. which vocabulary words from a reading passage to teach


D. which vocabulary words from a reading passage to teach


4th grade teacher is going to start reading a passage and ask students to make predictions about the text to activate prior knowledge. What should be the next step?

A. Right responses on board and erase and see what they remember
B. write responses on board and ask students to write sentences
C. put the responses into categories and students suggest ways to organize responses into logical categories
D. students came to the passage to see what stands out


C. put the responses into categories and students suggest ways to organize responses into logical categories


A 3 grader is taking a reading assessment and makes one mistake. They pause and self correct their mistake. The sentence was “Tea, is sweeter than honey. Or it was ‘honey is sweeter than jam” . After reading she corrects herself and reads it correctly, “Honey is sweeter than jam.” This shows that the student has an understanding of…

A. Understands complex phonics patterns
B. has assimilated the word sweet into her sight vocabulary
C. knows how to apply syllabic analysis to decode words
D. is able to recognize a common English grammatical convention


D. is able to recognize a common English grammatical convention


Which of the following study skills is likely to be most effective in helping students comprehend and recall information they read in a textbook?

A. Students read the chapters slowly and carefully, taking detailed notes as they read
B. working in small groups, students quiz one another on the definitions of keywords in the chapter after reading it
C. students locate the chapters headings and sub headings before reading and convert each heading into a question to be answered
D. working in small groups, students take turns reading the chapter aloud before they read it silently


B. working in small groups, students quiz one another on the definitions of keywords in the chapter after reading it


The teacher gives her students a chart after reading a chapter from a book. The chart looks something like this
main idea| Personal reflections| reflections

The 5th grade teacher models how to fill in the chart. Once the students understand, the teacher then passes out blank paper of the chart for the students to fill out on their own. They will need to fill out the chart from the reading, the chapter that was assigned to them from the novel.

Based on the chart, what is the teaching looking for

A. provide evidence from a literary text
B. describe and analyze story elements
C. comprehend and make connections from a literary text
D. identify recurring themes


C. comprehend and make connections from a literary text


How can teachers help students identify graphs

A. have students research resources cut out (magazines and newspapers) graphs and display on the walls as reference
B. lead a classroom discussion
C. help students create graphs using their favorite things like candy, food, pets, hobbies
D. pair students to work in groups to create graphs on their own


C. help students create graphs using their favorite things like candy, food, pets, hobbies


An upper elementary teacher would like to use student response journals add the method for assessing student comprehension and analyze towards text. Which of the following journal writing assignments would be most effective for this purpose?

A. Students are asked to free write about their reactions to and feelings about a text immediately after they read it
B. the teacher poses one or more open-ended questions about a text and students must include evidence from the text in their answer
C. students are prompted to relate in their journals a personal experience that came to mind as they were reading a given text
D. the teacher provides a short list of factual questions about events and characters in the text and students respond in their journals


B. the teacher poses one or more open-ended questions about a text and students must include evidence from the text in their answer

  1. The teacher writes a simple sentence on the board (The dog barked.) And reads it aloud
  2. The teacher then writes the sentence again with a blank (The ___ dog barked.) And students suggest a descriptive word (little)
  3. The teacher writes the sentence a third time with a second blank for the students to fill in (The little dog barked ___.) The students suggest another word (loudly)
  4. The teacher repeats steps 1-3 what another sentence suggested by students

For English learners, the activity described above is likely to be especially helpful in: A. facilitating their comprehension by activating and developing background knowledge
B. improving their ability to decode unfamiliar English words
C. reinforcing their understanding of English sentence structure
D. enhancing their phonemic awareness skills


C. reinforcing their understanding of English sentence structure


A 5th grade teacher plans to test a student’s understanding of a narrative text by having the student respond to questions posted by formulating questions for this purpose, it is most important for the teacher to make sure that questions…

A. Address different levels of comprehension
B. encourage the student to recall as many specific details from the text as possible
C. are sequential with respect to the events in the text
D. focus on the students’ the personal connections with the text


A. Address different levels of comprehension


Students in a second grade class are about to read a new book. Which of the following strategies would best take advantage of the oral language strengths of the English learners in the class to enhance their reading comprehension of the book?

A. Students discuss with their partner their predictions about the story based on its title and illustrations
B. students look up definitions of story vocabulary prior to reading
C. the teacher distributes worksheets listing questions for students to consider when reading
D. students are encouraged to read aloud to the class parts of the story they enjoyed


A. Students discuss with their partner their predictions about the story based on its title and illustrations


As teachers analyze oral and written responses, they should see their students do each of the following:

A. incorporate literary elements
B. make connections
C. provide evidence from text
D. have the students write a short paragraph


B. make connections


What mainly leads to the acquisition of vocabulary for students from grades 4th to 8th in that four year span?

A. Exposure to explicit classroom vocabulary instruction
B. content area specific vocabulary instruction
C. everyday knowledge from developed cognition
D. explicit with oral language


A. Exposure to explicit classroom vocabulary instruction


A 4th grade teacher writes the following two sentences on the board
-While you set the table, I will get the napkins.
-When riding her bike, Sally saw a rainbow.
The teacher asks, “what is the easiest way to divide the first sentence into two sentences?” After some discussion, the students agree removing the word while and replacing the comma with a period. The teacher then asks the same question for the second sentence, that in this case more words must be added to divide the sentence into two places. This instructional activity is likely to promote comprehension primarily by:

A. Enhancing students’ ability to analyze how punctuation affects the meaning of a text
B. helping students recognize the difference between nouns and verbs
C. enhancing students’ ability to use semantic and syntactic clues to identify unfamiliar words
D. helping students recognize and interpret sentences containing dependent clauses or phrases


D. helping students recognize and interpret sentences containing dependent clauses or phrases


At the beginning of the school year, a 6th grade teacher wants to give her students an initial informal assessment. What strategy should she use to do this?

A. Have them read and answer questions while she takes notes or annotations
B. have them write and assess their language and writing skills
C. have them read and then answer questions
D. have students match the skill to an example


D. have students match the skill to an example


Lately, when choosing a book to read, a 3 grader who reads at grade level always selects books from a series that is written in a very formulaic style that does little to extend his conceptual or language development. The teacher’s best response to this behavior would be to:

A. Avoid interfering with the student’s selection of books as long as he finds his choices enjoyable
B. provide the student with books with familiar themes or on similar topics that are more challenging for him
C. point out to the student some of the major limitations of the books he is choosing to read and ask him not to read those books at school
D. advise the student that he should choose books that will prepare him for the more difficult reading he will encounter in fourth grade


B. provide the student with books with familiar themes or on similar topics that are more challenging for him


A 2nd grade student has limited vocabulary knowledge, which hinders the students word recognition and reading comprehension. The student’s oral reading is slow and laborers, and the student typically spends the majority of independent reading time browsing through books, making little effort to read the actual words on the page. Research has shown that which of the following is most likely to happen if this student receives no instructional intervention.

A. The student will always be behind average performing peers but will achieve an adequate reading level to be academically successful
B. the student will naturally begin to show more interest and proficiency in reading as the student matures and will catch up with average performing peers in 3rd grade
C. the student will remain approximately at a second grade reading level and will not be able to progress beyond this level
D. the student will begin to fall behind peers in reading development and will continue to fall further behind in later grades as texts become increasingly difficult vocabulary


D. the student will begin to fall behind peers in reading development and will continue to fall further behind in later grades as texts become increasingly difficult vocabulary


You’re shown two separate sentences. (While you set the table, I will get the dishes) the second sentence was about (while out on a bike ride, Jill saw a rainbow)
The teacher asked the students how to combine each sentence into one sentence. For the first one of the students said to take out the comma and add a word. The second sentence took out the comma and the students stated more words were needed in order for the sentence to make sense. What is the teacher trying to teach?

A. Removing, and adding punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence
B. answer included something about nouns
C. restrictive or independent clauses
D. importance of grammar


A. Removing, and adding punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence


Use of a cloze technique provides information about a student’s ability

A. authors point of view
B. recall factual details
C. contextual cues/information
D. how to assess knowledge of language structures


C. contextual cues/information


Elementary students having word being on index cards for new words they encounter. What should the teacher do with them?

A. Quiz them on all words
B. alphabetize them
C. rewrite them altogether
D. put them into like categories


D. put them into like categories


A 6th grade teacher is preparing the lesson plans for upcoming school years for reading as well as math and science. Which of the following instructional reading plans does she need to consider?

A. Is the context vocabulary incorporated into daily instruction or across area related
B. using the same reading skills and other subjects or content area
C. graphic organizers for visual representation


A. Is the context vocabulary incorporated into daily instruction or across area related


A kindergarten teacher is collaborating with other teachers in the school to offer a series of family reading workshops for the parents or guardians of students in the primary grades. During the workshops, parents and guardians reflect on family reading, discuss children’s literature, and learn strategies for reading with their children.
The teachers who are leading the workshops recommend that parents and guardians encourage their children to make predictions while reading together. One parent asks why this strategy is beneficial. The teachers could respond the best by explaining that these techniques:
A. Increases vocabulary knowledge by helping students extend their understanding of unfamiliar words
B. facilitates reading comprehension by setting a purpose for reading and motivating students to focus on the text
C. improves decoding skills by strengthening students short term recall
D. promotes written language development by motivating


B. facilitates reading comprehension by setting a purpose for reading and motivating students to focus on the text


A 4th grade teacher has students write “juicy words” that they encounter while reading on a classroom list. The teacher uses the words in discussions and encourages students to use them when they write…

A. Morphemes
B. encourages students love for words
C. recognize words with interesting spelling and meaning
D. reading and understanding complex words


C. recognize words with interesting spelling and meaning


When introducing students to expository text such as an article from a periodical, a middle school teacher often begins by having students read information about the author that is provided in the preface or other parts of the text. The teacher then leads a brief discussion about… and credentials of the authors. This exercise is most likely to strengthen students’ reading skills in which of the following ways?

A. Encouraging students to clarify their understanding of expository text by drawing on prior knowledge and personal experience
B. enhancing students evaluative comprehension by raising there are awareness that text reflect authors experience and point of view
C. promoting students inferential comprehension by sensitizing them to cause and effect relationships are not explicit
D. helping students apply effective previewing techniques to improve fluency and concentration when reading expository text


B. enhancing students evaluative comprehension by raising there are awareness that text reflect authors experience and point of view


A 4th grade teacher ensures flexible grouping strategy that ensures that English learners are included in a variety of small groups or both and content area activities. With this instructional approach best demonstrates the teachers awareness that English learners development of academic English is enhanced by?

A. Modifying classroom routines to motivate the students to improve their academic language performances
B. challenging the students to monitor their own progress in achieving targeted English language goals
C. limiting group size to minimize distractions and help the students concentrate on their language development
D. involving the students in a range of situations that maximize their exposure to and use of academic language


D. involving the students in a range of situations that maximize their exposure to and use of academic language


A teachers substitutes blank spaces for several nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in appropriate level text and asks students to determine reasonable and logical words to complete each blank. This technique is useful as an informal assessment of students’ understanding of English language structures primarily because it requires them to:

A. Define various grammatical categories in their own words
B. Select appropriate words based on their grammatical function as well as on their meaning
C. group words into grammatical categories to clarify their meaning
D. draw on grammatical knowledge to identify the subjects and predicates of complex sentences


B. Select appropriate words based on their grammatical function as well as on their meaning


Which of the following best describes one important way in which this activity is likely to benefit English learners?

A. Arranging sentences in meaningful order helps English learners develop skills for locating and retrieving related information from content area texts
B. combining sentences into paragraphs encourages English learners to employ a variety of word identification strategies
C. discussing and writing about a content area topic support English learners’ reading related to the topic by reinforcing key concepts and academic language development
D. analyzing and editing individual sentences improve English learners’ reading fluency by helping them chunk text they read


C. discussing and writing about a content area topic support English learners’ reading related to the topic by reinforcing key concepts and academic language development


When Reading aloud ‘big books,’ a first grade teacher often pauses at predictable points and encourages students to suggest words or phrases that could come next. The teacher’s awareness of the importance of promoting beginning readers reading development by:

A. Encouraging them to use context clues to decode unfamiliar words in a text
B. reinforcing their phonemic awareness skills
C. promoting their comprehension at the word and sentence levels as well as their text level
D. enhancing their auditory discrimination skills


C. promoting their comprehension at the word and sentence levels as well as their text level


An 8th grade teacher wants to help students understand how in literary texts and Arthur’s cultural background, history, beliefs can affect the story

A. Students in small groups read narrative poems from both ancient and modern times, compare and contrast how the characters react to events
B. students do a library research project
C. offer reading materials that deals with multicultural stories around the classroom for independent reading


A. Students in small groups read narrative poems from both ancient and modern times, compare and contrast how the characters react to events


A 7th grade class was learning about feudalism. However, the class had a difficult time comprehending what feudalism is based on a text, even though the class showed strong understanding of medieval Europe through class discussions. What is the most likely reason why this happened?

A. The language of the passage is more complex/ sophisticated than the language used during discussions
B. The content of the topic was not taught consistently
C. the students are auditory and tactile learners
D. the students had a superficial understanding of the topic and content


A. The language of the passage is more complex/ sophisticated than the language used during discussions


A middle school teacher has a class discussion on open-ended questions that students had to answer using evidence from the text. The question asked how this activity improved students content area vocabulary.


A. Expanding the content area vocabulary