Substitution And Elimination Flashcards
What are the steps to an SN2 reaction in order?
- Loss of LG
- Nucleophilic Attack
What type of reagents are used in an SN2 reaction? Give 3 examples of each.
Strong Nucleophiles; strong nucleophiles/strong bases
Ex: Br-, Cl-, -SH
Ex: NaOEt, NaOMe, NaOH
What is important to note about SN2 reactions?
Do not occur on tertiary substrates
Inversion of configuration
SN2 products are _______ on primary substrates with strong nucleophile/strong base reagents.
SN2 products are ______ on secondary substrates with strong nucleophile/strong base reagents.
What is important to note about SN1 reactions?
Do not happen with primary substrates
Stepwise processes
SN1 products are ______ for primary substrates with nucleophile reagents.
SN1 products are ______ with tertiary products.
Only product
What kind of reagents are needed for an SN1 reaction?
Nucleophile only; weak nucleophile/weak base (primary reagent)
What are the steps of an E2 reaction in order?
- Loss of LG
- Proton Transfer
What is important to note about E2 reactions?
Antiperiplanar geometry
Trans/E isomers are favored
Zaitsev/Thermodynamic Products are more substituted
Hofmann/Kinetic Products are less substituted
What kind of reagents are needed for an E2 reaction? Give 3 examples of each.
Base only (H-, DBN)
Strong nucleophile/strong base (NaOH, NaOEt, NaOMe)
E2 products are the ______ products with primary substrates and strong nucleophile/strong base reagents.
E2 products are the _____ product with secondary substrates and strong base/strong nucleophile reagents.
E2 products are the _____ products with tertiary substrates and strong nucleophile/strong base reagents.