Substantive procedures Flashcards
Bank Cash balance
- obtain bank account reconciliation and check the additions to confirm arithmetical accuracy.
- obtain bank confirmation letter from bankers for all of its accounts
- agree the reconciliation balance per the cashbook to the year-end cashbook
- agree all balances listed on the bank confirmation letter to bank reconciliation or trial balance to ensure completeness of bank balance.
Trade payables
- compare to prior years and investigate significant differences
- obtain supplier statements and reconcile these to payable ledger balance and investigate any reconciling items
- select a sample of purchase invoices ascertain through reviewing GRN if goods were received pre or post Y/E confirm they have been excluded from ledger.
- select a sample of payable balances and perform a trade payable circularisation, follow up any none replies and reconciling items between the balance confirmed and trade payables balance.
Noncurrent liabilities
- obtain breakdown of all outstanding loan @ Y/E and cast to verify arithmetical accuracy agree to financial statement for completeness.
- agree the balance outstanding to bank confirmation letter accuracy, valuation, rights obligaiton
- recalculate split between CL and NCL inspect financial statement for disclosure of interest rates / Split of loan
- inspect confirmation letter for details of any security over assets and agree the disclosure to FS
research and development
- agree the closing balances to GL trial balance and draft FS
- Recalculate the amortisation charge for a sample of intangible assets which have commenced production and confirm in line with policy
- discuss with finance director rationale for X years useful life consider it reasonableness
- for those expensed as research, agree cost incurred to invoices and supporting documentation to profit loss.
- select sample of PPE and recalculate the Dep’n charge to ensure NCA register is correct and new dep’n rates have been appropriately applied
- review NCA register to assess revised rate has been applied.
- Review and recalculate P/L on disposal assets to assess reasonablness of revised DEp’n rates
- obtain the aged receivable listing and agree to balance on the receivable ledger control account + TB
- select a representative sample of trade receivables and review for any after date cash receipts ensure sample of slow-moving
- calculate the average receivable period and compare this to the prior year and investigate significant differences
- Review board minutes to identify whether there any balances which are in dispute or unlikely to be paid.
- Select a sample of GDN immediately before and after Y/E and follow to receivable ledger to ensure they are recorded in the correct period
Restructuring provision
- cast the breakdown of the restructuring provision to ensure it is correctly calculated and agree the total to the TB
- obtain a breakdown of the restructuring provision and confirm that only direct expenditure relating to the restructuring is included.
- review post year end payment/invoice relating to expenditure and compare to the actual costs incurred to the amounts provided to assess whether the amount of the provision is reasonable