Substance and Drug Abuse Flashcards
If you were sexually assaulted last night or you sexually assaulted as a result of taking ecstasy, how would you react?
Go get a physical for evidence before pressing charges and check for STI
What are inhalants and what can happen from them?
They are poisons and starves your brain of oxygen and causes the heart to go into cardiac arrest and causes brain cells to die.
What happens to the brain of someone who has been abusing drugs?
There are holes forming in the brain and blood doesn’t flow everywhere.
How could you make sure that negative consequences don’t happen to you or your friends?
Be aggressive or assertive. Choose friends with same interests and avoid activities incorporating drugs.
Drug use/abuse affects many people other than the user. Explain.
Families and friends could be hurt beyond impair if the user were to die because of drugs. Or if they knew that their relative(user) killed someone for drugs or the user killed their relative.
Non-physical negative effects of substance use and abuse: personal?
addiction, dependent on the drug, family turns you out (argument), against religious values and decreases self-esteem
Non-physical negative effects of substance use and abuse: social?
get involved in the wrong group, old friends shut you out, isolated, hang with people who do drugs to feel belonged and get involved in criminal activities.
Non-physical negative effects of substance use and abuse: performance @ school/work?
can’t concentrate/tired, don’t show up, performance hinders, mood swings, don’t care
Non-physical negative effects of substance use and abuse: financial?
costly, borrow, steal and lose job
Non-physical negative effects of substance use and abuse: legal?
criminal record/arrested, can’t travel, jeopardize options, lose children
Identify reasons why people smoke.
peer pressure, glamourous, to be cool, acceptance, feel mature, stress
Identify the effects of smoking.
age faster, smell bad, effect on children, cancer, lose sense of smell, taste, lose money, heart is twice as big, social rejection, pleasure, fear, mood enhances
What are the effects of chewing tobacco?
gum disease, throat cancer, mouth cancer, leukoplakia, hairy tongue, death
Why is to so difficult for teens and adults to make lifestyle choices that protect their health?
They don’t think it will happen to them, addictive, hard to quit and because to peer pressure and what people think of them if they quit
What is binge drinking?
consuming 5 or more alcoholic beverages in one night.
Non-physical effects of binge drinking
do stupid things, poor choices(sexuality), do things you regret and make a fool of yourself
physical effects of binge drinking
vomitting, black out, alcohol poisoning, hang over
What is alcohol poisoning?
When your body rejects anymore alcohol that you are drinking by either: black outs, vomiting, or passing out
What is a drug?
Any substance that changes the way the body or mind works. Ex. Illicit drugs like cocaine and LSD, and steroids and caffeine
What is drug use?
Act of taking drugs, may or may not interfere with ones daily activities
What is drug abuse?
Involves use of a drug to the extent that it interferes with ones life at school,work, with friends and family etc
What are stimulants (uppers)?
Drugs that speed up the central nervous system and make you feel more energetic, alert and help you stay awake for long time, decrease appetitite and make you feel euphoric
What are depressants? (downers)
Drugs that slow down the functions of the central nervous system and make you less aware of the events around you
What are hallucinogens (psychedelics)?
Drugs that distort the senses and ones awareness of perception of events. One might see or hear things that don’t actually exist.
What are club drugs?
Used as a category based on where they’re frequently encountered. Activities include taking different types of drugs such as ecstasy, ketamine, GHB, rohypnol
Stimulant examples
Ecstasy , cocaine, caffeine, tobacco, riddulin
Depressant examples
Marijuana, alcohol, sleeping pill and tranquilizer
Hallucinogen examples
LSD, PCP, magic mushrooms and angel dust